𝟛𝟛. 𝕁𝕂

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"Why even question me!? You already know our plan! We serve our vampire lords, they desire death and so we will help make it a reality...Death, it sounds so...peaceful. I am not scared of it! So come on! Fucking kill me, you cannot stop what is coming! We. Will. Win." The lone vampire surviver rambled on. They had attacked the poorest district since less vampires lived there, easy killings of humans.

Jungkook stared holes into the mad mans head, arms folded as he watched from the dark corner of the room. He preferred to observe rather than take centre stage.

"We would never let that happen." Namjoon's voice was annoyed, Jungkook could tell.

The hostage chuckled maniacally "it's already too late, you'll never save them." He replied, continuing his laughter. Namjoon clenched his jaw, without any knowledge on who serves the Blood Rose, they can't trust anyone.

The knight was about to press further but suddenly the laughter stopped, followed by a loud thump.

What happened you may ask?

That was Jungkook's patience running out, the loud thumb being the hostages head hitting the wall. The ugly vampire blood splattering everywhere, droplets landing on Jungkook's milky skin and suit. Namjoon hung his head, on standby for his kings orders after hearing the male heave a sigh.

"Useless fucker." Jungkook said under his breath while the body slowly burnt away. In a way he was sick of dealing with the lackeys, when will the real opponents show themselves? The vampire lords. The old ones. Death deprived monsters.

Jungkook had a way to kill them, if only they had asked politely. 

He straightened his posture "fetch me Yoongi, I will speak to him at the palace." The king ordered, turning to leave. "Yes your majesty." Namjoon replied before he left completely.

Jungkook fell deep in thought, what he was going to ask of Yoongi was dangerous, and he did care about the half blood. Having known him around two hundred years, he even knew that Yoongi was born from a rare blood human.

He always spotted the way Yoongi felt emotions much stronger than the usual vampire, sometimes it made Jungkook jealous. He always struggled to understand feelings but the one that fascinated him was tears. Sadness. Fear.

He sped into the cold palace, expecting the usual quietness as he listened into the activities going on. He physically flinched when he suddenly heard a muffled scream "what...?" He mumbled, focusing his hearing.

"Finally." The word echoed in his mind.

He immediately went speeding towards Taehyung's room, he's sure that is the fastest he has ever moved ever. He crashed through the door, throwing it to the side, immediately grabbing the vampire knight by the throat and pressing him the wall.

Jackson's eyes grew wide as he scratched and gripped at the kings arm, a weak attempt to escape.

Jungkook looked over at his blood maid and the sight made his anger grow twice as much as before. He had curled himself into a ball, gripping onto the small amount of fabric on his body. His eyes were puffy from crying, the tip of his nose red from sniffling and wiping his nose on his sleeve.

The constant whimpers and shrieks that left his mouth made Jungkook snap his head back to the knight. Jackson tried his best to break free from the harsh grip of the king, the roles were reversed now, he was the weak one. See how he likes it.

"You think you can have what is mine?" Jungkook's tone was deadly, fangs protruding from his mouth as he lost all control. Jackson couldn't answer, the restriction in his airway making him wheeze. "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM!" He shouted, grabbing his wrist and twisting it until the bone was snapping and grinding.

Jackson screamed in pain still trying to pull away, he was terrified.

Jungkook, pulled his hidden knife from his coat, slicing the hand clean off. Blood gushed out from the wound as Jackson dropped to floor in agony "i'm s-sorry...please n-no more." Jackson cried out, pulling the wound to his chest. Jungkook chuckled evilly, he would not let this man live after what he caught him doing.

The king glanced at his blood maid, noticing him completely spaced out, he had to deal with piece of shit that sat by his feet first.

He grabbed onto Jacksons hair tightly, yanking him out of the room so they were no longer in eye sight of the human. He dragged him all the way a special room that he hadn't really used in a while despite that fact that he used to be there all the time.

He tied the struggling vampire to the chair, a sinister grin on his lips as he began twirling the knife in his hand. "P-Please y-your majesty, just exhile m-me." Jackson's voice was small and vulnerable. Pathetic and pleading for his life.

"How dare you even look at Taehyung." Jungkook said with a flat tone. "I'm s-sorry."

Jungkook's laughter echoed around the room right as he jabbed the knife into vampires eye socket, gauging out the eye completely from its slot. Jackson scream of pain wouldn't be heard outside the sound proof room, nor Jungkook's laughter. The eye sat impaled at the end of the knife, Jungkook fed the eye into Jacksons open mouth.

He choked but Jungkook gripped his jaw, forcing his mouth shut, blood already smothering everywhere.

And Jungkook had only just begun.

He smirked after a couple of minutes and let go of the jaw, the eye ball falling sloppily onto Jacksons lap. Jackson was letting out small whimpers when Jungkook crouched in front of him "how long were you planning on raping my blood maid hmm?" He questioned, playing with the knife.

With no response, he chuckled and stood up, pacing around the male a few times.

"Say goodbye to your dick." Jungkook said with a scary smile.

At this Jackson perked up, letting out a loud sob in response, why did he have to want forbidden fruit? Jungkook didn't bother wasting time, slicing at Jacksons manhood, doing the same thing he did with the eye. Only this time, he shoved the severed member further down his throat, gripping his jaw closed so he couldn't open his mouth.


The king snapped his head to the open door, seeing Namjoon stood there. He had not noticed him enter.

"Yes?" Jungkook questioned, the evil smirk still playing at his lips. "I have Yoongi in the throne room waiting." Namjoon stated, eyes casting to the pained face of Jackson, he knew the knight.

"If I may ask—." He started before Jungkook could reply. "What crime has Jackson committed?" He asked watching the kings eyes darken. He lowered his head immediately "he attempted to rape Taehyung," he replied, using his other hand to reach over and grab something on a table.

Namjoon was shocked at this news, Jackson always seemed so eager to work and follow rules. Although, there was no way to know what went on in someone's mind.

"Let Yoongi know that i'll be there in 10 minutes, i'm just getting some sewing done." Jungkook said with and evil grin, poking a needle and thread at Jacksons lips. Namjoon bowed and exited the room, thoughts drifting to his knights, was he a bad judge of character?

Can he trust his knights?

Only time will tell...

Please inform me of any mistakes...I purple youu 💜

I purple youu 💜

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