47. How Could You Do This?!

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Humans will lose.

Well...that's how it always ended. Weak, pathetic humans fighting and enemy far greater than themselves. Why even bother?

The hope that's been pumped into them is nothing but delusions from a revenge consumed individual using the methods of the old ways.

It failed once, why shouldn't it fail again?

"We have a problem." The words uttered at Jimin, making the joyous smile fade from his face. "What is it?" Jimin questioned with confusion. He was just about to go and welcome the newcomer and find somewhere comfy for them to stay.

"One of the guards just came to me dazed and confused, wondering where the new guy is." George explained in a hushed tone as other humans wandered the area.

Jimin became serious in an instance "find him." was all he ordered before rushing off himself to find the guard. After looking for a minute, Jimin found the guard leaning against the wall and rubbing his head. "Where was he last seen?" Jimin asked immediately, he cannot have some newcomer walking around freely.

Not until he fully trusts them and at this point, he hasn't made a good impression. Jimin assuming he'd knocked out his guard.

They shouldn't mistake their kindness for weakness.

"I was showing him to stay away from the off limits area, vampire harvest." The guard explained quickly. Jimin nodded and quickly set off, keeping his trusty knife in his hand.

Messing around with vampire harvest could mean life and death, Jimin couldn't let that happen or risk exposure of the hiding spot. It was a safe haven for them, even if they never beat the vampires.

He rushed as quick as his little legs could carry him, seeing the shocked fellow humans, wondering what was happening. He entered the dark area, the smell invading his nose in an instant, he usually doesn't spend much time there.

He had to check though.

At first glance, everything seemed fine but Jimin decided to check thoroughly just in case. Everything was locked up perfectly, vampires in the same position as they were before.

Maybe he was being paranoid and the newcomer hadn't gone down there.

He sighed and was about to leave when he noticed a certain someone not in their usual spot. A certain someone he hated with a passion...

He took a closer look, he definitely was no longer there.



They were in the middle of nowhere, Taehyung didn't think they should go back straight away. Not knowing Jungkook's state of mind or how he was going to react.

The king weakly gripped onto Taehyung's clothes, squinting his eyes at the sunset, his senses running rampant. He was definitely dazed, his mind trying to make sense of everything all at once.

The sound of the crickets, the birds, the cool breeze on his milky skin, the smell of wet grass and soil. It must have drizzled in this area.


The overwhelming smell of Taehyung, his blood, his cologne and his everything. He finally let his glossy eyes fall to the beauty in front of him, looking for his tan skin but never finding it.

Oh yeah, he is no longer just human. He forgot for a second.

All of his memories are flooding his brain like tsunami.

Blood Maid || taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora