𝟙𝟛. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘'𝕤 𝕊𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖

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The great thing about half vampires is their ability to feed on human food and gain the same nourishment. They made the perfect messenger's, being able to travel without a blood maid and with great speed. If they lost their energy from using their speed, a simple meal will replenish them.

Yoongi stared over the city, having returned from yet another trip in a short amount of time. He was a very withdrawn and unsociable guy so he loved being a messenger, spending days by himself. He hadn't drank blood for quite a while and was craving something other than the turkey sandwiches he had been packing.

He'll just have to get some afterwards, his message for the king was more important...


Taehyung felt refreshed in the early morning, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around himself. Hobi was still sleeping, hair in disarray and cuddling to a pillow when Taehyung stepped out of the bathroom to grab some clothes. Taehyung kept his movements slow in order to not get dizzy and collapse.

After ruffling through the drawers, he finally found something he could wear. He turned on his heels, about to go back to the bathroom to get changed when his door was opened. In stepped Jungkook, making the young blood maids eyes widen, he was just stood in a towel. Taehyung gasped, dropping the clothes on the floor in surprise of the kings presence.

The king eyed the sleeping human on the bed and then the half naked Taehyung. At first he would presume they'd hooked up but the room didn't smell of sex at all. He watched Taehyung try and cover himself with his arms, hugging his body. It didn't stop the vampire from noticing the painful looking hand prints on his hips. He huffed and looked at the wall instead "go tell Namjoon's blood maid to get the fuck out." He ordered, ignoring the little whimper at his tone.

He heard Taehyung shuffle around followed by little whispers between the two blood maids; Jungkook heard them perfectly though. "Hobi, you have to go, i'll see you another time." Taehyung whispered. "Huh?" Hoseok replied. "The king is here, quick hyung." Taehyung whisper shouted. After that, the blood maid scuffled from the bed and nervously trudged past the king after muttering a "sorry, your majesty."

It was so early, so Taehyung wasn't expecting to see Jungkook. "Is t-there something y-you need your m-majesty?" He asked while gripping his towel, he felt so exposed.

Jungkook didn't know why he had turned up so early to the blood maids room. He knew for certain that he wasn't too happy to find another man in his bed despite knowing that the act was more innocent. This human belonged to him now, Taehyung is his.

His eyes were dark "don't question me, just get changed and don't make me tell you twice." The king ordered, anger clear in his voice. Jungkook walked out the room and closed the door knowing Taehyung will make a fuss about being watched.

Today he had already been to the throne room and received the message from Yoongi. He had barely slept, even for a vampire they needed little sleep but Jungkook barely got 30 minutes last night. But... duty calls...

Afterwards, he ordered the half vampire a few days of rest as he needs time to ponder on a response.

He had things to do today already, he was leaving the palace for the first time in a while. If he wasn't reading or attending meetings, he would go for horse rides or other things which he kept a secret...

He would not be leaving the city though, he would stay near the borders. During the meeting yesterday, where they were supposed to discuss the poverty problem, they moved on to a more pressing matter. The possibility of an attack had been mentioned because some knight had spotted scouters in the distance...


"Your majesty, we don't know what resources they have." A border knight spoke with concern. Jungkook rolled his eyes cockily "so? What chance have they got against us?" He replied, jaw clenched with annoyance. Namjoon decided to speak "if I may point out, there are still communities we haven't checked on for a couple hundred years, your majesty. I fear they may already be within our walls..." he said.

Jungkook listened this time, Namjoon was his hyung so he was more likely to listen to him. The king let out a sigh "so what do you suggest? We need a plan if we're going to sort this out." Jungkook replied, leaning back in his seat.

"Well...your safety is most important to us..."


They needed to come up with a way to protect the king after deciding that was who they were after. If there was an attack, the first place they would go is the palace to kill the king.

Soon the door to Taehyung's room slowly creaked open, the human shyly stepping out. His cheeks were slightly coated red and he kept his eyes down which gave him the chance the look at the king's clothing. So neat...so fitting. Taehyung held back a gasp after realising he had just checked out the vampire.

Jungkook wordlessly started walking and Taehyung immediately trailed behind him. Another long walk was the last thing Taehyung wanted but he couldn't really complain, he furrowed his eyebrows as the pair neared the entrance. "Your majesty." Namjoon greeted from the door with a bow. "We're ready to go, bring a scarf for Taehyung." Jungkook said.

Taehyung froze after hearing his name come from the king for the first time. He didn't even know the king knew his name. He thought the vampire might actually have a heart since he had gone out of his way to get a scarf for him...

The fabric was shoved into his hands a moment later "cover up those bites, you're untagged." The king ordered and began walking out to the car. Taehyung felt himself pout at that statement, he thought the king might have actually cared for a second. But no, he was still ruthless and cold.

Taehyung just followed mindlessly and felt himself pulled into the car "you take so fucking long." The king spoke lowly, having watched Taehyung go into deep thought making him walk slow. Namjoon climbed in the front and turned the engine on, driving them off as soon as possible. The king was impatient today...

"Do you not know how to wrap your scarf?" Jungkook then said with an annoyed tone. Not a gap was between the two as they sat in the back of the car, Taehyung was gripping the hand rest.

His face was flushed as the king undid the scarf and wrapped it again, the king's hand ghosting against the skin on his neck. It was gentle, like Jungkook saw him as a vase that would break any minute. Well... it was true that Jungkook could kill him with probably just a flick but Taehyung did his best to ignore that.

Taehyung bravely let his eyes move up to look at the king's focused face, eyes widening when he saw the slight curve of his lips. It lasted one second before it disappeared and the king suddenly made eye contact. His gaze turned dark but Jungkook was the first to look away.

Taehyung couldn't get it out of his head.

It's what he thought about for the rest of the ride.

The king's smile...

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