𝟙𝟝. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕟

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"I may sound paranoid, but there's clearly something being planned under our noses." Namjoon was kneeled in front of the king in the throne room. They had been discussing all the recent events that can lead him to believe that there is something wrong.

"You're not paranoid Joonie, someone threatened to attack the city if we didn't provide humans. What made them so brave huh?" Jungkook replied with a scoff. "I'm glad you agree with me kook." The knight said.

"So this is my order...place your most trusted men in each zone in disguise. They are to observe and report only, unless they are told otherwise." The king said with a smirk.

Namjoon nodded, finding the idea good "what shall be their disguise?" He asked.

"Humans, they will pose as humans. Makeup, eye contacts and prohibited usage of powers." Jungkook explained making the knights eyes widen slightly. "I guess they could...I don't know how believable it will be..." he replied a little skeptical.

Jungkook sighed "they will be allowed their blood maid, so they can use them as guidance I suppose." He explained making the knight nod. Before Namjoon could put any word in, the king spoke again.

"I have Zone F." He said.

Namjoon shifted on his knees slightly "what?" He asked a little confused. "I'll observe zone F in disguise, those humans have never seen my face so I won't be recognised. If there is an attack on the palace, imagine their faces when they realise i'm not there." Jungkook explained and began laughing at the end.

Namjoon smirked slightly, liking the idea. "And if anything is to go wrong with your disguise, I will be on stand by, your majesty." The knight affirmed, feeling a little giddy at the idea. He liked being one step ahead of his enemies so he was completely for this plan.

"So it's settled, tomorrow I will leave the palace in secret. Prepare a space for me to reside with Taehyung, spread gossip that a new human has been found." The king finalised, feeling confident in this plan.

"Yes, your majesty." Namjoon replied with a bow, leaving the room to prepare the arrangements.

Now Jungkook wasn't looking forward to living amongst humans, especially the poorest district, but he was happy to do it for the safety of his kingdom. There was a possible threat and he was going to deal with it, he'll rain hell on their parade.

He just needed to make himself look human, surely a bit of makeup can do the trick right? His thoughts went to his blood maid, how his eyes only sparkled one colour. The skin surrounding it didn't sport a red shadow like his did, as well as his skin looking tanned rather than the milky white.

He let out a long sigh, stepping up from his throne and walking towards his chambers. A little practice wouldn't hurt...

Taehyung shuffled in his bed in his half asleep state, humming from the soft fabric and burying his face deeper into the pillows. He dreamt that he was at the park with Jimin, laughing and messing about the whole day. Despite their exhaustion from the day before, both of them pushed it aside, deciding that that afterwards they will cuddle and sleep.

Now he's mainly awake, having to submit to his reality.

The usual knocks on the door sounded and the blood maid grumbled, sitting up in his bed. His soft hair was pointing in all directions and a big pout sat on his lips. He hadn't even opened his eyes, wanting to relax his eyes for those extra precious seconds. "The king expects you soon, it's an important matter so the sooner the better." He heard through his door, it was Namjoon.

He threw his covers off himself, knowing that if he didn't he wouldn't move from his position. He sighed and ran to the shower, jumping in when it was cold just to save time. He showered quickly, even brushing his teeth at the same time.

He hated rushing but he had no choice.

Soon he was dressed in his clothes with 7 minutes to spare, pouting since he could have spent longer in bed. He opened his door to his bedroom and walked out to find the knight stood there, something foreign in his hands. Taehyung did not know what it was.

"This way." And just like most other days, he followed the knight wordlessly around the palace. Disliking the dark corners and the creepy paintings that seemed to stare back at him, ignoring all the shivers he felt.

He pressed on, mindlessly following vampires around all day, the ones at the top of the food chain. He would trace the outline of the bite mark on his wrist, now scabbing up after so many days of healing. He still remembers the pain he felt...the first bite.

It seems Namjoon had led them to a back entrance, the human standing there with furrowed eyebrows. The knight noticed his confused stare "We'll be taking a long walk today, the car being unavailable." He explained but it did not defer Taehyung from his confusion.

He handed over a scarf for Taehyung to hide his bite marks and continued on their secret exit of the palace. "Why ar—." Taehyung wanted to ask questions but the knight interrupted him. "It's best not to ask questions, just fulfil your duty as a blood maid." His voice was cold making Taehyung scoff.

"Fulfil your duty as blood maid blah blah mehhh." He mimicked the vampire in a high pitched voice, annoyed at his statement despite it being true. Namjoon ignored the humans sassy remarks like usual, leading Taehyung through back streets so they're less likely to be spotted.

"Hey this is my zone." Taehyung said after walking for ages, realising he recognised the street. "Be quiet." Namjoon hissed, now dragging the blood maid by his arm a little harshly. Taehyung whimpered, now actually feeling fear towards Namjoon.

He found himself pushed into a house, letting out a gasp, he hated the unknown. He didn't know why the knight was doing this although he had come up with scenarios earlier on while they were walking. Maybe they were testing him, seeing if he would take the opportunity to run. Or maybe they were exchanging him for a different vampire? He really didn't like the second option, a new vampire unknown to him sent dread racing through him.

So when he was pushed into a random house, he couldn't hold back a sob and fell to his knees.

"Why are you crying?" Came a voice, though it was not Namjoon's yet he recognised it to be the King's. Relief spread through him as he looked up and saw the king sat back in a chair, reading a book. Taehyung sniffled and wiped away the tears from his eyes "n-nothing. Just s-scared." He answered and climbed back to his feet.

Jungkook tutted and turned a page in his book, ignoring the blood maid for now.

Taehyung looked around, Namjoon wasn't there anymore seemingly left immediately. The interior was plain, confusing him as to why the king would even step foot in a place like this. He wasn't allowed to ask questions though, so ignored his mind screaming questions.

His eyes found the king again, free from the blurry tears from last time. He squinted his eyes a moment but then hung his mouth agape at what he was seeing.

He looked...human.


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