𝟚𝟟. 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 𝕍𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖 ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕖

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"Yep, looks abandoned Jiminie" Jin muttered as he looked at the house in question. "I know, I even climbed through a window to see if he was still stashing Taehyung here but there was no one." Jimin replied, scratching the top of his head.

Jin hummed, taking a step closer and putting his hands on the glass to see through. "I saw Taehyung on that t-table. He was s-so close Jin hyung, but that vampire..." Jimin's eyes darkened at the end.

He couldn't just run in there.

It would give the vampire the right to kill him, as this property was most definitely belonging to them.

"It's ok Jimin, we'll get to see him again...one day." Jin tried to remain optimistic, after all he was the older one. "But...what kind of vampire disguises himself as a human then up and leaves the next day? Where has he gone?" Jin asked, his face full of thought.

Jimin played with the hem of his sweater. "I don't know, he's a vampire and probably rich, more than one property?" Jimin replied, watching as a few other humans passed by to get to their evening jobs.

"True, so that just leaves the reason behind why he disguised himself..." Jin spoke after a moment.

Jimin felt his chest tighten at the thought that popped into his head, he didn't want to believe this idea. But it seems that Jin looked down at him with the same thought "Taehyung wouldn't do that." Jin confidently said.

"He'd never send a vampire to you Jimin or speak of you to one." Jin affirmed.

Jimin nodded his head slightly and looked to the ground, the image of Taehyung being so close to the vampire kept replaying in his head. He heard Jin sigh "he must be a vampire in charge of keeping order, why else would he let you know about there being none of that material left. He must care somewhat about working class humans." Jin put forward another idea.

Jimin shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. There were many thoughts running through his head right now, anger slowly building up.

He groaned with frustration.

"Ugh! That Jungkook guy can go rot in hell for all I care, how dare he be touching my best friend! Taehyungie must be under his spell!" Jimin shouted, his voice echoing loudly.

The outburst came from nowhere.

Jin widened his eyes at the enraged look in his usually cute and high spirited friend.

"He was enjoying it hyung! Taehyung...he was...while i'm out here worried sick for his wellbeing!" Jimin shouted some more, wiping away a stray tear. Jin pulled him into a hug and Jimin broke down on the males wide shoulders.

It was all getting too much.

Jimin saw those bite marks and the hickeys that painted Taehyung's tan skin. Of course he was mostly angry at the vampire but he had been ignoring the horrible feeling that Taehyung was enjoying his time with vampire. He wanted his best friend back, it may sound selfish but he didn't care.

The sad reality was, Taehyung was getting his blood taken whether he liked it or not.

Jimin sniffled as he felt the comforting rub on his back, Jin was always great at making him feel better. He stepped away from the hug, looking up at Jin with blurry eyes "i'm sorry Jimin." Jin muttered with sad eyes.

He hated seeing Jimin like this.

Jimin was known to be the strong one, he would be the one defending Taehyung from a vampire. He would die for his best friend and Taehyung would do the same in an instant.

"I want to find this Jungkook, and stab him straight through the heart—." Jimin started.

"I'd be careful saying that name out in the open." A voice cut in, Jin recognised it well.

Both of them whipped their head around to see Yoongi walking up to them with a serious facial expression. Jimin rolled his eyes, ignoring the flutter of his stomach at being closer to this guy.

Ok he may have a crush....

"A stupid vampire name doesn't scare me, he's the one hurting my best friend." Jimin's tone was bitter, rage hiding underneath. Jin tutted and matched Yoongi's serious look at them, he knew to take the half vampire seriously.

"Why Yoongs? Do you know that name?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Yoongi nodded after observing Jimin's attitude, he found it kinda cute. He looked around them "you guys should probably talk more privately, anybody could hear you out here." He explained, Jin taking it as a sign that the serious look he was wearing was justified.

"Let's walk to my restaurant Jimin, i'll cook us dinner." Jin stated, placing his arm on the younger males shoulder. The trio didn't have to walk far before they were walking into the empty restaurant, the sun beginning to set on the horizon.

"So Yoongi, how do you know that name?" Jin questioned straight away. Jimin stepped away, having gone silent, an uncomfortable feeling in his gut. He felt like he wasn't going to like what Yoongi was going to say...yet he listened on with a grim expression.

The half vampire sighed.

"That name belongs to the king." He revealed.

Jin's eyes widened while Jimin's face remained neutral, except for the tears beginning to pool.

Jimin just looked so broken.

"Did I hear right, you said king!?" Jin shouted the question as if he was trying to change the fact. "I'm afraid so." Yoongi answered anyway, he hated being the bearer of bad news.

"My best friend is gonna d-die." Jimin sobbed, pressing his small hands to his face. Jin walked over and pulled Jimin into yet another hug "if it makes you feel any better, I heard he is a rare blood, the king would not kill him so easily." Yoongi clarified yet Jimin just continued sobbing.

The half vampire sighed, scratching his head at the emotional atmosphere.

"It also looks like...the king helps relieve the pain of the bite." Yoongi mumbled, not sure if he should even mention that. He just spoke without thinking.

Jin looked up interested, the pain of the bite can be reduced?

"How does he do that?" The older human asked whilst rubbing comforting circles on Jimin's back. Yoongi looked away, mentally cursing at himself for even bringing it up, how was he supposed to explain that?

"Uhm." He muttered, looking towards Jin with an awkward look.

Jimin pushed away from the hug, anger evident on his face "he fucks him Jin, he fucks Taehyung and then drains him, fucking monster!" He shouted, eyes still puffy with tears.

Jin's eyes widened, he was rendered speechless.

Yoongi sighed at the sight of the two humans breaking down in front of him. Being half human allowed him to sympathise with them and being half vampire meant he didn't always show his feelings.

So he just stood there.

Despite the smaller human affecting him more than he should. Jimin clearly hated vampires and cared very deeply for the blood maid belonging to the king.

Yoongi felt a need to defend the kings character, having known Jungkook for over a hundred years. The king would not force himself onto anyone and from what he's heard, the vampire rarely gets sexually active. Which is why Yoongi was a little shocked to see the hickeys painting the blood maids neck.

'Taehyung must be special' he thought.


How would he explain this to Jimin?

I started finding things to read again and will be busy with work next week ugh.
I'll try and keep updates continuous ;)

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