𝟚𝟜. 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤

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"Thanks for letting me use your shower." Taehyung said as he stepped out in his towel. Hobi had agreed to lead Taehyung to their rooms after they had eaten the food prepared by Miss Hawkins.

Taehyung didn't have access to his own room so he ended up having to use Hobi's shower and borrow his clothes. "I left some clothes over there." Hoseok said and pointed towards his dresser.

Taehyung happily walked over, picking up the soft jumper and looking at it. It was very similar...

His chest suddenly tightened as a memory came flooding back.

A tear formed at his eye "Jimin..." he whispered to himself.

"So we're making daisy chains? Isn't that what the girls do?" Taehyung asked as he sat next to his best friend on the grass. Jimin scoffed "it's for everybody, not just girls. Anyway i'm making you one to show our friendship will last for eternity." The smaller male replied.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

"I guess I will make you one too." He replied, picking at the daisy's.

Jimin happily giggled "and what will it signify?" He asked, believing it should be different from his own.

Taehyung began to hum in thought "oh I know." He spoke eventually after a moment of thinking. "It will signify us never leaving each others side!" He spoke with passion in his voice.

Jimin smiled, loving the thought of never being alone. His Taehyung will always be there, always have his back. "I love it! And we'll have matching clothes!" He added making the other laugh.

"We'll both have fluffy blue jumpers?" Taehyung asked, picking at Jimin's clothes. Jimin pouted "it's comfy, why not?" He asked.

"Hmm, maybe we will." .... ...

Hoseok heard the sniffle from across the room and walked over to him "what's wrong?" He asked the crying blood maid.

"I'm such a b-bad friend... I left h-him when I promised not to..." Taehyung stuttered, now letting his emotions out. It had hit him like a tonne of bricks.

Hobi pulled the male into a hug, letting him cry on his shoulder, he didn't need to question any further. He understood that Taehyung's life is outside this quiet palace.

Jin stared out into his empty restaurant and sighed, another slow day with no profit. The people were really struggling now, he was really questioning if he had better odds outside these walls.

The door at the back suddenly opened revealing Jimin, arriving at the usual time he visited. "Jin hyung, any customers?" Jimin asked politely, helping himself to some snacks on the table. Jin laughed "only a few today." He answered and sat at the table.

He leaned back and let out a sigh "have you managed to earn anything today?" The older male asked. Jimin ran his hand through his hair and sat himself down too "n-no, I can't work in the mines anymore." He replied, a crack in his voice to show his emotion.

Jin noticed and furrowed his eyebrows "why?" He asked curiously.

"There's nothing left there." Jimin mumbled, feeling upset. "Are you sure?" Jin questioned. Jimin huffed "it's what the vampire said..."

Jin widened his eyes "you've been talking to vampires? I thought you hated being within 5 metres of one." He said, leaning his elbows on the table now. "Yeah well I didn't know he was a vampire, he pretended to be human." Jimin explained.

Jin laughed "well that's new." He said between laughter.

"I followed him..." Jimin added, breaking Jin's laughter. "You can't follow vampires, it's impossible with their hearing and speed." Jin replied, confused.

"He let me follow him and he let me see. I saw Taehyung." Jimin said, now with tears forming in his eyes. Jin stood up suddenly "what?! You saw Taehyung? Is he okay? Where is he?!" He asked with a loud voice, feeling is chest tighten.

Jimin was sniffling now so Jin walked around the table and hugged him "Jiminie... what did you see?" He asked gently, hoping it would calm him.

Jimin took a deep breath.

"He was with the v-vampire...they were kissing." He muttered, wiping away his tears with his sleeves while Jin crouched there shocked. Taehyung was a vampire hater just like them, so it was impossible to find him locking lips with one.

"H-Hyung, his neck...it was littered with bite marks. I wanted to go in there but the vampire made eye contact with me as a warning. I went back there earlier but it seems they've left." Jimin added breaking Jin away from his deep thoughts.

"Where were they staying?" Jin finally asked. "A couple streets from here." He answered.

Jin was about to grab his coat so he can get Jimin to lead him there until the door to the restaurant jingled open. It had drawn both of their attention and they stepped away from the back to see who it is.

Technically the restaurant was still open.

Jin stepped out and his eyes lit up at the familiar figure but soon worried because Jimin had never met this friend of his.

"Yoongi, you returned quicker this time." He spoke and gave his friend a hug. Yoongi gave him a smile "the food was good, that's why I moved quicker so I could get some more." He explained, pulling empty tubs from his handy bag.

"I'm glad." He replied, taking the tubs to the kitchen. Jimin had watched the encounter from the side, he hadn't realised that Jin had secret friends. Yoongi made eye contact with Jimin and then back to Jin "is this a customer or friend?" The half vampire asked.

Jin looked at Jimin nervously "yes, a close friend, this is Jimin." Jin said.

Jimin suddenly blushed as he noticed the handsome strangers eyes on him, they looked so intense yet so soft. "Jimin, this is Yoongi." Jin added before leaving to make more food. "Nice to meet you." Yoongi spoke kindly, holding his hand out towards the blushing human.

Jimin timidly placed his small hand in Yoongi's and shook it "nice to m-meet you too." He replied and bit his lip.

Jin was speedy in the kitchen but when he came out, Jimin was giggling shyly at something Yoongi had said. He knew Jimin well enough to know that he liked Yoongi...if only he knew.

He came out with fresh tubs of food and handed them to Yoongi, pushing away the cash in his hand. "I don't charge my friends, you know this." He said.

Yoongi nodded and put it in his pocket, he would speed in afterwards and leave it in Jin's till. The chef had never noticed after so long that Yoongi knew the codes and had actually paid for every meal that Jin provided.

After being in the kitchen, Jin had time to think about the fake human that Jimin was talking about earlier. He turned to his smaller friend "so what was that fake humans name?" He asked while Yoongi began putting the tubs away in his bag.

"Hmm, Jungkook." He answered.

The half vampire froze, now interested in their conversation as he heard his kings name. Jin didn't recognise the name and didn't notice that Yoongi had. "I will show you where I saw him with Taehyung." Jimin said afterwards, almost reading Jin's mind.

"I will come see you tomorrow, I have somewhere I need to be." Yoongi spoke and bid farewell to the two humans.

He took off towards the palace.

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