𝟚𝟙. 𝔾𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤

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The flowers smelled so nice, it was like he was breathing in the earth for the first time. Obviously weeks in that house had not helped Taehyung's mentality and now Jungkook was being so caring.

Taehyung was now allowed to roam the garden of the new house in Zone F. It was well kept and was blooming with life!

Bird feeders, ant hotels and what Taehyung was enjoying the most was obviously the many colourful flowers. He was crouched down and admiring the the beauty of it, so much so that he couldn't being himself to pick any of them.

He would ruin it if he did.

While Taehyung did this, he was oblivious to the stares he got through the window. Jungkook was admiring a different type of beauty all together...

The way his soft hair bounced with the subtle wind and the way his eyes would widen every time he spotted a different flower. Again, he couldn't deny the beauty of this human. Though he pondered on how he acquired the beauty on the same level to vampires.

Maybe it was because he carried the rare blood gene, meaning his blood is strong.

Don't misunderstand Jungkook, in his mind these were just passing glances. It's not like he had been staring for the past 20 minutes...

Taehyung hummed as he felt the wind and sun touch his skin, leaning back and relaxing on the soft grass. Oh how he took this for granted before, never again.

After Taehyung had snapped out of his shock, Jungkook had developed this routine for checking on the blood maid. Though Taehyung didn't understand why, he used it to his advantage, asking to go outside to improve his health. It was still shocking that it worked and the king agreed.

Finally the vampire king pulled his eyes away from the human and focused on his task. Namjoon had sent a letter advising him on the capture of a spy. The knight had noticed that there was one too many staff in the zone and he managed to pick out the suspicious one.

He had to go but that meant asking Taehyung to come back inside.

He paused.

Surely he wasn't growing soft on him, he had to be firm otherwise they'll think they can get away with something. Jungkook poked his tongue on the inside of his cheek and began heading towards the garden.

He opened the back door harshly, startling Taehyung up from the grass "get in, now." He ordered making Taehyung pout. But Taehyung did as he was told, quickly moving his legs and pushed into the warmth of the house. Standing aside from the king as he watched him lock the door after he entered.

Taehyung knew this meant the king was going out.

"Will you be back soon?" He asked shyly, not liking the thought of being alone. What if there was another attack?

Jungkook looked at the subtle fear behind those eyes, trying to hide his nerves. "Yes." Was all Jungkook answered with, acting as if those eyes did not bother him. After that, Jungkook left quickly so he wouldn't change his mind and stay for Taehyung's sake.

As a rare blood human, he was important anyway. But Jungkook could tell it was more than that now...

"Any news?" Jimin asked Mrs Kim as he got back from another unsuccessful day at work. She looked away as unshed tears began to form "nothing about our Tae bear, b-but..." she spoke but faltered at the end.

"But?" Jimin was eager but could tell that something was bothering the poor woman. She sighed "we got his pay today." She revealed making Jimin's heart sink. He knew what this meant... Taehyung was most definitely being fed from.

Jimin dreads to read the news because as another body is found, he fears the worse for his best friend. They could find him dead in a ditch, sucked dry...the thought angered Jimin.

"Theres money for you too." Taehyung's mother spoke a moment later, pulling Jimin away from his angry thoughts. He was now shocked instead "w-what?" He stuttered as he watched her pull out an envelope with his name on.

He couldn't stop the tears from spilling "it's b-blood m-money." He added, not liking the thought of how this money was acquired. Mrs Kim pressed her lips together, trying not to cry too.

"He wants you to have this." She pressed on, pushing the envelope his way. Jimin took it with shaky hands, already feeling the large sum inside of it. This was everything that would keep his family going, his sister and mother weren't coping well. They hadn't eaten in 2 days...

But despite this, Jimin pushed the envelope into his drawer once he got home.


"Have you thought about getting a different job?" Jimin scoffed at the question sent his way by the newbie. "You're definitely new around here." Jimin mumbled in response before landing his pick axe on the cave wall.

"What does that mean?" Jungkook asked, pretending to look offended. Jimin chuckled cynically "look, there are never any jobs available and when there is, they prioritise the vampire applications over the humans. I'm sorry, that's just how it is." Jimin said, annoyance laced in his tone.

It was obvious that he despised the system.

Jungkook nodded, Jimin had a fair point. He also admired the strong will that he hides away underneath his soft looks. The king knew he had to solve this, his humans were suffering.

The system was supposed to make it fair, the humans can earn a normal wage but being a blood maid can pay them a lot more. It was a choice.

Jungkook grabbed the pick axe from Jimin "What the!?" Jimin shouted, trying to grab it back. "There's none left." Jungkook said, easily holding him back. "You don't know that! Now give it back!" He continued to try and get his pick axe.

With a simple reddening of his eyes, it made Jimin jump away in shock and fear. "Oh god!" He shouted, covering his mouth with his small hand. Jimin was immediately shaken, it was unheard of for a vampire to speak so casually to an untagged human.

"You, y-you... what the hell!?" Jimin continued to shout, trying to make sense of this.

"I said there's none left, believe me human." Jungkook said with a smirk watching how Jimin began to cower. "Believe this also, I will resolve this job issue going on here." He added.

Jimin didn't process anything he was saying.

There was a fucking vampire in front of him, in an enclosed space and blocked the exit. The feeling of dread overtook him, replaced with confusion when the vampire wordlessly turned and started walking away.

Who knows why this vampire did this?

Jimin was stubborn and had a temper so he could not ignore his emotions. He took small steps at first, heart beat still erratic, and soon he was following the vampire.

(Just so you know, Jimin doesn't know that Taehyung was taken to the palace for the king.)

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