𝟙𝟟. 𝕃𝕒𝕤𝕙 𝕆𝕦𝕥

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3 days.

It was like 3 days of freedom for Taehyung, since the king hadn't took much notice of his presence, not that he had time too. Jungkook would leave the house early and come back late, all while looking like a human. Taehyung couldn't do much but speculate but at the end of the day it would hurt his brain so he stopped.

He would distract himself with a book for most of the day or explore the house. He'd eat quite well and ignore Jungkook's room like the plague after the kings warning on the first night.

Other than that he could relax and sleep as much as he wanted but now he just felt lonely. He had no one to talk to, this place gave him slightly more freedom yet more loneliness. He felt like a sitting duck because he knew that Jungkook will eventually turn up wanting blood.

He was bored of this book now...he had been sat reading for two hours already. He chucked the book aside and climbed onto the bed, snuggling into the sheets. It wasn't as comfy as the one at the palace but it still topped the one he has at home.


Can he still call it that if he's never going back?

He sat himself up from the bed and huffed, the motion sounding loud since the house was horribly silent. And that's when he finally wanted to take a chance, Jungkook wouldn't notice if he went out for just an hour right?

All these other days, the vampire hadn't been around most of the time. So 20 minutes fresh air wouldn't hurt, right? Sitting by the window wasn't helping anymore, just fuelling him to go against the king and step outside this house. He stood from the bed, leaving it's comfort and walking down the stairs. He could hear his heart beat now, nerves creeping up as he got closer to the exit.

He hated feeling this weak, even when the king isn't around, he has control over the human.

"Don't be so weak..." he whispered to himself, taking a deep breath. With that in mind, he strode over to the front door and wrapped his palm around the handle. Taehyung groaned when he found it locked, feeling stupid because how could it be that easy?

He turned around with a huff and walked towards the kitchen, deciding that baking will be a good way to pass the time. Looking through what was supplied in the kitchen, he decided to make brownies. Again the sweet treat was related to his mother, teaching him the recipe from a young age.

He couldn't help but salivate at the thought of tasting those brownies again, it had been so long. Taehyung was too busy before to even think of baking them so generally the urge faded into the background.

He smiled as he found a good tray to put them in after making a mess in the kitchen. He would clean it up afterwards anyway, he was so eager making them that he was a little less careful when mixing. He shoved it in the oven and sat on the floor watching it bake, he had nothing else to do anyway.

The front door to the house opened yet he was more bothered about his brownie mix. It's not like Jungkook will pay him any attention anyway...

"What are you doing?" His deep voice echoed around the kitchen. Taehyung slightly flinched, not expecting the king to have spoken. "Made brownies." He plainly replied, gaze not taken off the nearly baked treat. The smell was mouth watering.

The oven finally dinged and he excitedly jumped up and threw the oven door open. His wrist was tightly gripped before he could reach the tray "are you stupid!? You'll burn yourself." Jungkook had a loud tone, ignoring the wince that Taehyung did.

Though, the human widened his eyes when he realised that Jungkook was right. In his excitement, he had forgotten to use the oven mitts, nearly burning his hand. Fuck.

"S-Sorry uhm, I forgot. Thanks Jungkook." He finished without his voice stuttering as much, surprising himself. Jungkook rolled his eyes and released his bruising grip on Taehyung's wrist. The blood maid quickly grabbed the mitts now, pulling the tray out and placing it on the side so it can cool.

Jungkook walked away a moment later, he had his own stuff to do, Taehyung was just a distraction. He wrote up what he had observed today, pretty normal except for another murder around the back alleys. This time it was an untagged human, they got lucky with the blood being okay to drink.

Jungkook wondered if these murders are in relation to the possibility of intruders. He had to find out.

These are his lands, his humans and they were just taking them like it was their own. The thought infuriated the king, wanting them tortured and killed for what they had done.

All his effort here is going to help, as well as the other spies placed in the other zones.

Meanwhile Taehyung was left confused in the kitchen, trying to make sense of why Jungkook would stop him from burning himself. He could imagine the male laughing at his pain as he pulled his hand away and ran it under cold water.

But that didn't happen.

He cut his brownies into slices, forgetting all his problems once he took a bite. He moaned from the taste, finishing it in just a few bites. It's a good job he made loads, he will eat them all himself and not even feel bad about it.

In the room next the kitchen, Jungkook heard the noises Taehyung made just from eating stupid human food. He stood from his chair and went to the kitchen, feeling annoyance build up. Why was he so easily annoyed by every little thing that the human did? Maybe he needed blood...

He walked right up to him, watching Taehyung slightly cower in his presence.

Taehyung was so done with this.

"What!? Can I not eat now!? What's your fucking problem!?" He shouted mindlessly, jabbing a finger into the vampires chest. Jungkook went from annoyed to angry in a second, glaring at the brave human that decided to raise his voice at him.

When he saw the tears in the small humans eyes though, his flame extinguished and he didn't know why. He took a step back and noticed how Taehyung suddenly realised he had just shouted at the king.

"O-Oh ah y-your majesty, i'm s-sorry. I shouldn't h-have s-shouted. P-Please d-don't hurt—." He sputtered out, fearing for his life.

"Shut up." Jungkook spat.

"Oh g-god, are you going to k-kill me...?" Taehyung asked he backed away into a corner while his body trembled uncontrollably.

"I said shut up human!" Jungkook raised his voice a little, earning a whimper from the other. Taehyung covered his mouth with his hand and waited for a hit or anything to come his way.

But it never came.

Taehyung had settled himself now, legs wrapped up in his bed sheets, eyes puffy from his crying. He was so overwhelmed with everything that he couldn't hold it in anymore. What made it worse is the fact he let it all out in front of the king.

Having shouted right in his face and then weakly apologised for it.

He was puzzled why the king didn't react in any way other than to tell him to shut up but he was grateful it didn't get physical. In fact, Taehyung was feeling guilt since Jungkook had stopped him from burning himself.

The blood maid let out a long sigh and shivered from the angered look that Jungkook had given him. He would definitely get punished for this, he was shocked that he was still breathing right now.

He buried his face in his pillow, deciding to fall into a deep slumber.

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