𝟙𝟜. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔹𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣

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"We're here." Namjoon said breaking through the tension in the car. He pulled up in the designated parking and stepped out, noticing all the knights lined up and bowing. Jungkook put a face mask on and stepped out afterwards. The chief knight stepped forward "your majesty, we feel honoured that you'd visit us." They said with a bow.

Taehyung was the last to clamber out the car, unconsciously getting as close to the king as possible. Around the presence of unknown vampires, the king suddenly became more of a safety net. He didn't even hesitate holding onto the hem of Jungkook's sleeve, hanging his head. The king noticed but ignored his blood maid clinging to him, for some reason getting a weird sensation in his stomach.

"We've prepared a comfortable seat for you on the lookout, I will lead the way, your majesty." The chief went on to say. With that, they followed him, Namjoon sticking close in case of any danger. With Taehyung sticking to the king like glue, it's surprising that they didn't trip over their feet. Eventually, after climbing a lot of stairs, they made it to the top of the tower. Taehyung made sure to look, he has never been outside these walls and for good reason.

All that he could see was the forest and grass, with a couple mountains in the distance. 'The sea must be on the other side' he thought.

"Bring the human some food." The king ordered the chief and took his seat on the chair. Taehyung was about to sit by his feet but the king stopped him "go sit at the table, Taehyung." He said lowly. Taehyung was confused for a second but realised that they are hiding that he's a blood maid. He nodded and sat at the table on the opposite side, leaning his head on his hand.

The walk up the stairs had tired him out, proving that he was still recovering from the blood loss. The chief came back after 15 minutes, placing a bowl of soup with bread in front of Taehyung.

Jungkook focused his attention on looking out into the lands, trying to find any blind spots. "Explain what your men saw." The king spoke to the chief. "Well there was a small group of vampires just at the tree-line, seemed to be writing notes as they looked at the city. Just this morning, a knight spotted smoke coming from the forest." He said, seeing how the king grew annoyed.

"Send your best men to go and fetch our little nosy guests and bring them to me." Jungkook ordered. "Right away, your majesty." The chief replied, scurrying to get it done. After a while of staring out into the distance, Jungkook looked over at his blood maid.

Taehyung sat there with a small pout with his head cast down, leg bouncing with anxiety and boredom. He had long finished the food now he had nothing to do but stare at the small crack in the table. He's been doing this for ages now and didn't even notice when the king had took notice of him rather than the intruders. Taehyung also had his pout due to the imperfection of the table, the marble effect being ruined.

He huffed and lifted his eyes, gasping when his eyes met with darker ones discovering that the king had been staring. He couldn't deny the slight blush on his face due to the fact that he wanted to be closer to the dangerous vampire. At least he knew that Jungkook limits himself yet these vampires here could devour him. He did not like strangers, at least the king is somewhat known to him...

Taehyung suddenly realised he was in a daze and staring back at the vampire king. He widened his eyes and looked away, telling himself that the crack on the table was more interesting than the vampire. Jungkook smirked upon seeing the blush on the humans face, he didn't care if he was caught staring. The chief arrived again "we seem to have missed them, your majesty" they said, keeping their head down. "Well if you had used your brains and gone earlier then I wouldn't be feeling this fucking annoyed right now." Jungkook spoke with a stern tone as his anger grew.

The chief dropped to his knee's in a more respectful bow "s-sorry, your majesty." He said with a scared tone.

Taehyung stayed sat at his seat watching them in front of him. He felt his legs turn shaky with fear as he saw the king show his authority and power, he couldn't understand the feeling he got from it. His usual anxiety was paired with something else and it was definitely new to him.

"Put some traps out there, ones they can't see. I expect you to do your job better this time. I'm leaving now." The king spoke, still stern but with a hint of calmness. Taehyung took that as his cue to step up from the table and follow the vampire to the car. 'Finally.' He thought as the car was opened for him while feeling the stares of many vampires.

It was boring and uncomfortable there but he never thought he'd be relieved to go back to the palace. The king joined the blood maid in the back a few moments later and sighed, leaning his head back. The vampire was annoyed that the possible spies were not captured, what if one had entered the city? He could rip their heads off in a heartbeat but he wanted to be in control of the situation. To do something that they wouldn't expect however he didn't actually know which group these vampires belong to.

Taehyung forced himself to look out the window rather than the king, the vampire was looking deep in thought. He had made the obvious guess that there is a threat somewhere to the king and city but he daren't ask. It wasn't his place to ask despite it possibly being a threat to himself too.

"I have an idea." The king spoke out to Namjoon with a slight smirk. "What is it kook?" The knight asked, completely forgetting the blood maids presence. "I'll discuss it with you later, I don't like the plan completely but I think it's for the best." The king replied, his voice unusually casual. Taehyung wanted to open his mouth agape from what he just witnessed but he ignored it.

The blood maid focused on the places outside the car, eyes widening once he saw Jin's restaurant in passing. Though he was sad to have not seen his friends stood outside there, to catch a little glimpse. It was probably for the best though, he would have longed to hug them or for any kind of comfort.

He wanted affection.

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