𝟚𝟘. ℝ𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪

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"I want to know who you told of my placement here." Jungkook asked as he paced the front room of his new house. Namjoon kneeled as he usually would in the throne room, still wanting to show his king respect. "The area manager, your majesty." Namjoon answered, bowing his head.

"I want him arrested and find out if he told anyone else." Jungkook ordered, finally taking a seat. Taehyung was resting upstairs, the events from before being too much for him causing him to go in shock. Jungkook had to help him bathe from the blood, the human refusing to release his grip on the king.

"Right away your majesty, i'll get my most trusted men on this and I will supervise them." The knight replied, standing from his kneeling position. He looked at his king, noticing the worried emotion on his face. He had not seen Jungkook like this for a long while, he hoped it was a good thing.

"I'll take my leave and make sure that no rumours are spread of this attack." The knight spoke a moment later, his work load had just doubled for the day. The king nodded "yes, thank you Joonie." He replied, standing up immediately and heading towards the stairs, deciding to check on Taehyung.

He entered the room, seeing his blood maid still asleep. Taehyung was curled up in a ball, hugging his blanket and pouting like a child, it amused the king but he'd never admit it. During the attack, he hadn't intended to leave Taehyung alone in his room for that long, the vampires kept attacking him relentlessly. Though he easily fought them, there were just so many of them that even one of his knights would have perished in that situation. All knights were well trained so the enemy knew to send lots of men to take one down.

Jungkook's eyes flashed unknowingly, anger spilling into them at the thought of them daring to even attack a knight. He thought there was just a few vampires against him but an attack of that size shows just how deep they've sunk their claws in. This is a rebellion, it has to be.

They're after his humans.

They're after his wealth.

They're after his throne.



He stared into the vastness of the wilderness, nothing but trees and soil and a silence. Don't worry it was normal for this part of the forest, no animals wanted to live here due to the old battle that took place. Yoongi's cat like eyes looked over the rusted blades and spears that stuck out from the soil and sighed. It was once so beautiful there.

His hand ruffled through his bag and pulled out his lunch for the day, he had a good friend who always prepares him food for his journeys. After eating his food, he continued using his speed to get there quicker. At this rate, he would arrive in a couple minutes...

He came speeding out of the usual opening of the woods, seeing the kingdom he is to deliver the message to. It wasn't as big as Moon Hollow's but it had a thriving community. It didn't have a royal blood king or queen, just a governing body to whom he would deliver the message to.

The gates were immediately opened for him like usual, having visited quite a lot. "Yoongi, took some time for you to come back." The gate keeper spoke, quite fond of the half blood. Yoongi gave him a small smile "King Jeon had to ponder over a response, I bring his letter." The messenger replied formally, putting his duty first. He would relax a little afterwards and fall into a casual conversation.

"I'll let Minho know you're here." The gate keeper said and wondered off further into the community. There were no stone roads, just trails followed by many huts where their humans lived and farmed. Yoongi thought it was quite cosy and nice but then he would remember the gruesome ritual that took place here and grimaced.

Every month they perform a ritual and Yoongi once had the unpleasant experience of walking into one. Nice people, fucked up mentality. And so he stood there and ruffled through his bag again, pulling out the letter that the king had given him. It had the Moon Hollow stamp on it so they knew it is not fake.

This place wasn't The Blood Rose, it was more of an ally of sorts who the king liked to keep up contact with. Yoongi would be making two trips, which wasn't unusual for him as he was the most trusted and quickest messenger. He sighed as he got slightly annoyed with waiting, tapping his foot and leaning on a post.

Although he had a cold personality, he was more human with his emotions sometimes. Impatience being one of them. Vampires had this ability to cope with time better and keep their emotions neutral. Yoongi has to adhere to his human side.

"They'll see you now." The vampire gate keeper stated after returning. "Great." Yoongi acknowledged and took off walking in the direction he knew all too well. He gained the usual stares as he walked up the cobble path, the humans were always nosy and influential. After all, it is them who persist with the rituals...

Yoongi knocked thrice on the large, hand crafted, oak door and waited for it to open. Eventually it did, revealing the head of the community with a wide smile. "Been a while Yoongi, please come in." The lady spoke, stepping aside so the half blood could enter.

Once inside, he noticed Minho stood near a table with a frustrated look on his face. Yoongi wanted to ask what was troubling him but opted against it since he was pressed for time and needed to deliver this message quickly. He cleared his throat, gaining his attention successfully "oh Yoongi, so nice to see you again. You bring a message?" He questioned while stepping away from the table.

"Yes, King Jeon has responded to your letter." Yoongi replied handing it over to him. "Thank you." Minho took the letter and opened it promptly, seeing if he will need to respond right away.

There was silence for a minute as Minho carefully read what Jungkook had said. Yoongi raised his eyebrow when a chuckle left Minho's mouth "must he always be so demanding?" He asked while placing the letter aside.

"He has a lot more people to look after, forgive him for being cautious in his endeavours." Yoongi replied, defending the character of his king. Minho nodded in understanding "tell him I will agree to the deal he has proposed and will send over what he asks for in the next month."

Yoongi nodded "yes sir. Now I must take my leave, I have another place to be..."

"Of course, see you next time Yoongi." Minho said waving the messenger goodbye.

He began walking back towards the gate tower that had let him in, thinking about the next journey he must take. It wasn't uncommon for messenger's to not take much rest especially since Yoongi was a half vampire. He would sleep only a few hours and replenish his energy on food, and that was what was coming for him now.

Now he had to face a vampire clan he really did not like...

The Blood Rose.

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