𝟛𝟠. 𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕩

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Okay I saw the opportunity and just had to... ⬆️

Namjoon could smell Hoseok's scent in the blood maid wing of the palace, maybe he was alive. "Hoseok?" He began calling for him.

He pushed the creaky door open slightly, hearing the slight whimpers coming from the room. There had been a vampire in there but they hadn't stayed long, perhaps they were ordered to chase Taehyung.

Namjoon felt the slight worry in his chest, of course he cared for Hoseok but he could never feel this strongly. The cries were coming from a storage chest that was kept at the end of the bed, the human was clearly hiding inside. The Knight walked closely to it and opened it in one swift motion, daylight falling on the small figure hiding inside.

Hoseok let out a startled breath, blinking to focus his eyes and see who stood there. "It's safe now." Namjoon spoke softly, using a free hand to offer him help in climbing out.

However, the blood maid pushed himself up with his shaky legs and wrapped his arms around Namjoon's wide frame. Namjoon's arms almost instinctively wrapped around Hoseok's body in a comforting way. Over the years he had gotten used to dealing with the humans strong emotions, but he knew how to read Hoseok the best.

"They a-almost fucking got m-me." Hoseok muttered, clinging onto the vampire like a baby.

"Well they didn't so-." Namjoon was saying but was cut off. "I was h-hiding under the bed when they dragged me from underneath. H-He was about to feed from me but then..." Hoseok began explaining with a sad tone.

Namjoon just waited for him to continue, gently patting his back.

"Taehyung...his scream...it was terrifying, he was terrified." Hoseok finally said with tears rolling down his cheek. This reminded Namjoon that he should check on the blood maid, perhaps a body is already being moved.

"I will check on him but you must stay here." Namjoon whispered in the blood maids ear. Hoseok increased his grip, not wanting to be alone right now.

"Please, I can go with you!" Hoseok insisted.

"Stay here." Namjoon's tone was final as Hoseok's lip began to tremble with emotions. The blood maid cast his eyes down to the floor and stepped away from the emotionless vampire. "Okay." He replied in a small voice, seating himself at the end of his bed.

Namjoon didn't spare him another glance as he walked off, making sure to leave two knights to guard the room.

After a while of walking down empty hallways, the knight reached the kings chambers, knocking on the door. Taehyung's scent was strong here but Namjoon still had to remain respectful in the palace.

Jungkook opened his door, his appearance seeming more fresh and cleaned up, blood no longer coated his clothes. "Come in." Jungkook said, stepping aside so the knight could enter. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows since this wasn't usually what Jungkook would say or do. He bowed and reluctantly stepped into the room, immediately landing his eyes on the lifeless looking body on the bed.


Namjoon held back a sigh, it was yet another blood maid dead, a rare blood one at that. Before Jungkook could say a word, Namjoon spoke "what do you wish for me to do with him your majesty?"

"Nothing, he'll be fine." Jungkook said while walking up to his beautiful blood maid and seating himself beside him. He tucked a few lose strands of hair behind the humans ear while Namjoon watched on with confusion.

A few seconds passed and the Knight spoke up again "I can't hear his heartbeat your majesty." He said, noticing the unusual pale complexion of the human. The king hummed and stood up again to look at his friend "he died but I..." he began to explain but fell silent.

Namjoon listened and soon jumped to conclusions about what Jungkook had done, his eyes widened while trying to find and explanation. "You didn't...did you?" He questioned, noticing a weird emotion on Jungkook's face. Namjoon pressed his lips together "we have to kill him." He stated and watched Jungkook widen his eyes.

"You won't lay a hand on him, am I clear?" Jungkook's features turned dark in an instant, a deeper tone coming from his lips as he warned the Knight. Namjoon bowed his "yes your majesty." He answered, his eyes stuck to the floor.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung once again, a feeling of being conflicted, all this was confusing to him. He spun on his heels and left the room "follow, we have to secure Moon Hollow." Jungkook said, knowing Namjoon could hear him.

Instead of stressing about a mere blood maid, he should start being the ruthless king he was raised to be...

Jin stood restlessly tapping his foot, his arms securely folded and a cross look plastered upon his handsome features. He stared at Jimin's traumatised facial expression, the human had been staring at the wall for 10 minutes now. He'd clearly been crying due to the puffiness of his eyes, his hands also wouldn't stop shaking.

Jin looked over a Yoongi who seemed less effected but held a worried glance towards Jimin. The older human had asked what had happened three times already, receiving no answers so far.

And so, he seated himself next to Jimin and wrapped his arms around him in a comforting way. Moments later, Jin heard a sniffle, he was crying again...

When will all this emotional suffering end?

"I w-want him b-back." Jimin stuttered out with a raspy tone. Jin already knew who Jimin was referring to since he shared the same wish, he wanted Taehyung back too.

"We'll get him back Jiminie, we'll see him again." Jin attempted some comforting words not knowing it was only making it worse. Jin caught sight of Yoongi nervously looking away from them, he definitely knew what hadn't been said yet.

Jin stood up abruptly and marched over to the half vampire "a private word please." Jin said, ready to lead him to the back where they can talk away from Jimin. Yoongi nodded and stood from the seat, following the human into the back, not knowing how best to tell Jin of what they know.

"Now tell me, what happened? Jimin can't handle much more of this shit." Jin shouted, not angry at Yoongi but angry at the whole situation. He was clearly frustrated, seeing Jimin so broken and yet unable to do anything to help.

Yoongi sighed, still being able to hear the sobs that Jimin was letting out since they had moved away.

"We went into the palace..."

Uhmmmmm King of Vampires Jungkook manifested WTFFFFFF 😍😍🥴🥴

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Uhmmmmm King of Vampires Jungkook manifested WTFFFFFF 😍😍🥴🥴

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