𝟚𝟠. 𝔾𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣

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Please let me know of any mistakes.

Taehyung paced uncontrollably, licking his lips every 30 seconds as his mind ran through so many possibilities. Surely he wasn't worried about a vampire?

He was in deep thought about the Blood Rose, his parents won't be safe and neither would his friends. His eyes widened when he heard his bedroom door being unlocked, he hid towards the en suite bathroom.

He gasped quietly at the footsteps in his room.

"Taehyung?" It was Hobi's voice.

Relief washed over him and he stepped out of the bathroom to see his blood maid friend. Hoseok raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything to question the younger guys scared expression. "Namjoon told me to wait in your room and gave me the keys, do you know what's going on?" He questioned instead.

Taehyung shrugged "only a little, the Blood Rose clan are planning to kill all humans." He said, making Hobi's eyes widen. "Well...shit." He replied, seating himself on Taehyung's bed.

The fell into a silence, both trying to understand the situation.

"We should run while we can." Hoseok broke the silence which made Taehyung's heart skip a beat. He did not expect Hoseok to ever say those words, having been a blood maid longer than him.

"W-What?" Taehyung stuttered, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach.

"We should run, I know a way out." Hobi continued. Being bitten so harshly by Namjoon had been a wake up call to him, a reminder that he's just food to the vampire.

Taehyung looked at the keys in Hobi's shaky hands, he was nervous too. "Did Namjoon really give you those keys?" Taehyung asked, beginning to pace the room again.

Hoseok now showed the fear he was hiding, eyes becoming glossy "n-no, I convinced h-him to feed from m-me before he rushed off somewhere t-then he p-passed out because I wiped ginger o-on my throat." His voice was cracky, clearly he was more terrified than Taehyung.

Namjoon would be pissed when he wakes up.

"Ginger?" Taehyung asked.

He did know of the ingredient, it was hard to find though, and only used partially in food. Hobi sniffled "vampires can't smell it but as soon as they inhale a fair amount, they drop to sleep." He explained, wiping away some tears.

Taehyung decided to push away the uneasy feeling, now thinking about the people that were outside the palace walls. His family. Jimin. Jin. He could die without ever seeing them again.

He nibbled his bottom lip, stepping forward and placing his hands on Hobi's shoulder. "How l-long do we have?" Taehyung nervously questioned.

He really was considering running away.

He knows that it is a horrible and selfish time to do it when they've left the palace to protect the humans. He was just thinking of Hoseok and the situation he had got himself into, he wanted to have his back.

Taehyung had grown to care for Hoseok, his hyung.

"Maybe a-around 20 minutes." Hobi answered, fiddling with his shirt.

Taehyung was terrified, he didn't want to see Hoseok punished for this, he couldn't bare it. "Shit, let's go." He mumbled, walking over to the door and throwing it open. Hobi stood up from from the bed a moment later "which way hyung?" Taehyung asked, suddenly feeling adrenaline shooting through his body.

Of course he would, he was running away from the king.

"Follow me Tae." Hobi instructed, taking the lead. Being here so long meant that he knew the place like the back of his hand.

The two blood maids broke into a jog which quickly turned into a fast paced walk, their bodies were weak from continuous blood loss. Soon they were reaching the back way out, not even coming across a single knight.

Taehyung heard Hobi use the keys had stolen from Namjoon to unlock a large oak door. It opened and the cold from the night had both of them shivering immediately. Taehyung looked at Hoseok, gulping in fear, their freedom was right there.

But was it really freedom?

Hobi wordlessly reached over and took Taehyung's hand in his and both began running into the darkness.

"Where are we?" Hoseok asked breathlessly, resting his hands on his knees. Taehyung squinted his eyes at their surroundings. This was definitely not his district, though he had travelled to other ones before.

"I think maybe this is Zone B, best not to linger here." Taehyung answered while Hobi tried to keep up with the fast paced walk. It was like he was walking into another world, Namjoon never let him out of the palace much.

They spotted two men, clearly vampires, walking towards them in a calm manner.

Hoseok felt his life flash before his eyes before he felt Taehyung link their arms. "Ignore them." Taehyung muttered as they continued on their path.

The vampires seemed to be talking and minding their own business but still turned their heads to see the two humans walking around in the dark. They did not see the bite marks that adorned both the humans skin.

However the tag on Hobi's ear was easily seen.

Hoseok let out a shaky breath as one of the vampires seem to sniff the air but relaxed when it seemed they weren't interested. "I think if we keep going this way..." Taehyung started saying while pointing towards an ally. "We should get to my zone, then I know people who will take us in." He finished.

Hoseok nodded, his breathing still uneven.

Taehyung seemed calm but he was anything but that, in fact his hands wouldn't stop shaking. His plan was to get to Jin, the older might know what to do."

"Let's go." Taehyung said and they continued waking in the silence of the night. They both hoped that they don't run into anymore vampires while they were out here. It was already taboo that they were out this late.

"So...why did you decide to do that to Namjoon?" Taehyung asked, not liking the silence. "I didn't think it through...I just felt betrayed." Hoseok answered with a sigh. Taehyung nodded "what did he do?" He asked, not knowing what happened.

"He broke his promise." Hoseok stated, sad eyes staring to the ground.

"Oh." Taehyung mumbled, deciding not to press on further.

"It hurts, please I don't want it please!" Hoseok sobbed, gripping on to the vampires boots. Namjoon stared down at the pitiful human that had a continuous flow of tears down his cheeks.

This human was young.

Just turned 18.

And Namjoon felt for the boy, he didn't know why but he hated to see him so upset, so...terrified. Namjoon didn't think of himself as a monster, he liked to behave better than the stereotypes.

He crouched down and stared into Hoseok's puffy eyes "I promise I won't let it hurt again." He said.

Taehyung's eyes widened with recognition as he spotted a familiar street "come on hyung! We're nearly there!" Taehyung enthusiastically said, dragging Hobi into a jog.

Hoseok had to blink a couple times, breaking away from the memory that played in his head. He was out of that palace now, putting his trust in Taehyung to take him somewhere safe.

In this world, is anywhere safe?

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