𝟛𝟙. 𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕗𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘

135 11 0

Sorry for late update, I have been ill.

"J-Jung—Jungkook." Taehyung stammered, fear flowing through his body like a river full of rapids. The vampire king clutched his throat but not too tightly, anger clearly shown on his face.

A knife suddenly pushed it's way through Jungkook's stomach yet the vampire didn't even flinch. He clicked his tongue, head turning to the side to see Jin's wide eyes staring back. Jin slowly backed away with his hands up as Jungkook released his hold on his blood maid.

He reached back and pulled the knife out, looking at it with a smirk.

Jungkook's gaze was dark, Jin felt dread overtaking his body and dropped to his knees in submission. "You're m-majesty, I—I." He stuttered, not entirely sure of what to say.

"Shut it!" Jungkook shouted, grabbing Jin's nape and pulling him back to his feet, pressing the knife against his throat.

"NO! JUNGKOOK PLEASE DON'T, please no no" Taehyung began screaming, voice breaking at the end. Jin sobbed as the knife pressed in slightly, drawing blood, the vampires eyes sparkled with redness.

Taehyung ran to Jungkook's side, falling to his knees and gripping on to his leg "punish me! It was me who ran away your majesty...please." Taehyung cried out, gripping to the fabric of the kings clothes.

The king looked down, his eyes emotionless.

"This human just committed the worse crime in Moon Hollow, you think I should forgive him?" Jungkook's scarily calm voice had Taehyung gulping while a layer of sweat began to form.

Jimin and Hoseok watched on with wide eyes, they both had found themselves on their knees in submission. Their hearts were thudding against their chests, Yoongi was right about how terrifying Jungkook can be.

"Please, h-he's my f-friend. My h-hyung. He thought you were g-going to hurt me." Taehyung's voice was small, a hopeless tone to it. The blood maid slowly rose to his feet, wrapping his arms around Jungkook in an attempt to calm him. Jungkook ignored Taehyung's touch despite the weird feeling of wanting to react, instead pulling the knife away and grabbing Jin's jaw.

He glared at Jin's terrified expression for a moment and then finally released his hold, stepping away.

Taehyung didn't let go, instead burying himself into the vampires chest. He inhaled Jungkook's cologne that he never really focused on before, liking the smell. He pouted a little when he didn't feel Jungkook hug back but didn't loosen his hold either way.

"T-Taehyung." Jimin's voice now invaded the thick atmosphere.

Taehyung went to pull away and look at Jimin but a grip on his hair had him looking upwards instead "You. Are. Mine. Kim Taehyung." Jungkook's tone was deep, eyes cloudy with an emotion.


It looked pretty on a vampire yet didn't manifest often.

"Yes, Jungkook. All yours." Taehyung mumbled, ignoring the need to cry. He could tell Jimin was upset, and when Jimin cried, he cried.

Jin was crouched down clutching his throat while Jimin and Hoseok had moved on over to check if he's okay.

Jungkook leaned in and nosed Taehyung's pretty neck, liking the soft skin and the smooth curve of it. It sent the familiar tingles shooting around Taehyung's body, he bit his tongue to hold in a gasp. "Your Majesty." Namjoon's deep voice cut through the silence. Jungkook just hummed in response, not moving away from the beautiful neck and scent of Taehyung.

Hoseok lowered his head in shame at the sight of Namjoon entering the room.

"We have killed all attacking vampires except for one and fetched vampire doctors to come and assess all wounded and deceased humans. I will interrogate the survivor your majesty" Namjoon said, only glancing at his blood maid before looking back to the king.

"Update me on any progress." Jungkook muttered against Taehyung's neck. Namjoon was shocked that any humans were alive in this room, Jungkook seemed so angry on the way there. "Yes, your majesty." Namjoon replied, taking one last look at Hoseok and speeding out of there.

The king finally pulled away, looking down at his beautiful blood maid. Taehyung's cheeks were flushed, his eyes were still glossy and he trembled slightly. "Taehyung, our p-parents." Jimin spoke, his voice small.

Being in the same room as the notorious king had his confidence shaking, fear crippling his spirit.

At this Taehyung's eyes widened and he tried pushing away from Jungkook's strong grip "shit! What if they're hurt!?" Taehyung replied feeling his chest tighten.

The whole reason he became a blood maid was to ensure his family live comfortably. Jungkook gazed at Taehyung's nervous expression and tightened his grip on his human. He wasn't about to let him go running off again...

"Please Jungkook, m-my family." Taehyung pleaded, staring into Jungkook's fierce eyes. The vampire clenched his jaw, his hold still tight on the human.

All Taehyung did was blink and all of a sudden he was outside of his home. He would have jumped with glee if it wasn't for his stomach twisting with motion sickness. He bent over and immediately released to contents of his stomach into a nearby bush, Jungkook just watching with his jaw still clenched.

"They are fine." The king stated after listening in on the Kim's gossiping about recent events. He could smell the cheap cigar that Mr Kim smoked and the dry shampoo that Mrs Kim used on her hair. "You could have warned me..." Taehyung spoke and spat some saliva onto the vomit.

"You could have stayed where I left you, but here we are darling." Jungkook replied, his tone bitter.

Taehyung ignored the remark and instead looked towards the front door, wanting more than anything to just run in there. But Jungkook would never let him and quite frankly, it was be painful to part ways with them again.

They fell into a silence until Jungkook broke it "do you know what the punishment for a rogue blood maids is?" He questioned, voice deep.

Taehyung snapped his gaze to the king, noticing his serious look and the way he was clearly holding back his anger.

He gulped nervously "no, w-what is the punishment, your majesty?" Taehyung questioned, now lowering his head in shame.

"They are either sent to the highest bidder or exiled from Moon Hollow." He paused "but I cannot do this to you." Jungkook's eyes softened, unnoticed by Taehyung. "You and Hoseok will be punished in a different way tomorrow, make this the last time you ever try something like that again!" Jungkook said, raising his voice a little at the end.

Before he could even answer, he felt himself lifted again and he was back in his room in the palace.

Alone and his stomach twisting again.

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