Chapter 62

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After Feng Ying was transferred back to Beijing, he found that his mother had given him a huge surprise.

    His mother's stomach has been almost five months old. After Feng Ying came back, his wife was only concerned about a few words, and almost completely forgot about him. Wu'anhou didn't even care for a word, and his family almost completely regarded him as a transparent person.

    Ah, not really. At least the second aunt had taken care of her. The second sister-in-law sneered while leaning on the back of the door while knocking the seeds.

    Feng Ying said coldly: "What are you laughing at."

    "Laughing at you for nothing."

    Feng Ying said: "You are not the same."

    Originally, Wu'an Houdu was planning to play on the emperor's hereditary succession by the third son, but he did not expect his mother to be pregnant with a child suddenly. This matter just ran aground. How could there be no resentment in my second aunt?

.The second sister-in-law dumped the melon seeds and laughed twice and said, "Then I am not the same as you. Our third child has not been spoiled since childhood, and Xiao has never thought about those things before. He has a well-known eldest brother, also Have……"

    The second sister-in-law said that this was just a meal, and then she continued to add.

    "There is also your favored second elder brother, in any case, it is not the turn of the three of us. Now it is his great luck to be the companion of the fourth prince. I am a mother, and I am satisfied. In the future, the third child may not be without a good career."

    The second sister-in-law said, stood up, twisted the willow waist and went into the yard. After a while, the second aunt taught the youngest to read.

    "San'er, you have to study hard and earn a reputation in the future, so that your mother will have a long face. Don't learn from you..."

.The sound from behind is no longer audible. Feng Ying couldn't hear if he was talking about it. But in any case, he was a little bit grumbling.

    Feng Ying squeezed his breath to greet his mother. As soon as I entered my mother's yard, I heard Wu Anhou coaxing his wife.

    "Oh, ma'am, just eat one more bite. Don't starve our dear son."

    "Master, do you know that it's a son? What if it's a girl..." Madam Steph asked tentatively.

    "It must be a son. The ancients said that sour children and women, you love to eat sour so much, this baby must be a male baby." Wu Anhou said categorically.

    Mrs. Following hid her face and curled her eyebrows. If this baby is a male baby, she will rely on this little son if she wants to fight. Otherwise, let the two bitches Er Yi Niang and San Yi Niang get cheap!

    "Master, if the concubine is to give the master a fat boy..."

."Naturally, the family business saved by this old man is for my little son." The old man always wants to be pampered. Although Mrs. Follower's child had not yet been born, she was already favored by Wu'anhou. "As soon as he is born, I will go to the memorial. This will be the son of the future."

    As for the previous sons, they all stood aside obediently.

    The boss hasn't been favored since he was a child. The second child was his favorite child, but now he feels that the second child is not growing up. As for the third and fourth eldest sons, they are not on the stage.

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