Chapter 39: Sadamine

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[Joshima's Pov]

I sat here on my office chair, doing an overtime at the clinic I'm working in, typing on the keyboard of the computer when my phone rang. I brought it up and answered the call, it was Rai.

"Hello Mr. Joshima. I've did what you told me to do."

"Very good. What did Ichijo say?"

"He told me that he did it for his friend Aikawa who's mad at Aki for putting his friend to prison. It must've been a longing grudge against Aki."

"I see. Thank you, Rai. From now on, you'll be taking care of the racing team. I'll just be here advising you with your next move." I hang up the call and placed my phone on the desk before typing on my computer again, browsing through medical records of my patients.

[Ryo's Pov]

"That is a one beautiful S15, are you sure you didn't copy my design of my own S15? Because it sure does look similar, to the point that you're trying to copy my aero."


I was startled from my dream, awakening me from my slumber. I slowly got up, opening my eyes to Aki standing by the door of my room. I rubbed my eyes before tilting my head, confused at the sudden early morning call. "Why did you wake me up this early?" I asked before looking at the clock hanging on the wall of my room. It says 5:00 AM in the morning.

"Pack your things up, 'cause we're heading to Sadamine! My trainer Wataru Akiyama is inviting us to a vacation near Sadamine, he'll be covering up the expenses we will be paying for. He told me that there will be hotel, a restaurant, and a tea shop. Also, he wants us to bring our cars with them."

A vacation, huh. I guess a vacation for a day shouldn't be too bad. After all, Pokemon like us needed some break from stressful days of our lives. I quickly got up from my bed and packed my things up. Soon we left the house before noticing that Wataru's AE86 Levin is parked by the front of our house. The driver seat window of his car soon went down, revealing Wataru on the driver's seat. Aki approached Wataru. I can faintly hear Aki asking something from Wataru, and Wataru nodded. Aki then returned to me before we brought out our cars from our garage.

Aki approached me as I was driving the S15 out of the garage and knocked on my car door window. I pulled it down and Aki smiled at me. "Can you call Rai? I wanna bring him with us."

I thought this vacation was only for the two of us, but it seems Aki wants to bring Rai into the fun too. I nodded and stopped the car before pulling out my phone. I pressed a few numbers and began to dial in Rai. "Hello? Who is this?"

"It's Ryo. We're having a one day vacation at Sadamine with Aki's trainer, and Aki wants to tag you along with us on our journey. Are you available?" I asked and there was a minute of silence before he responded.

"Sure. I just finished tuning my CP9A, and this would be a good opportunity to test out my new modifications with my car. Anything I need to know before heading out?"

"There's gonna be a hotel, restaurant, and a tea shop. That's all."

"Alright." He hung up and I returned my phone somewhere safe before nodding at Aki. Aki returned to his AE86 Levin and we drove out for our vacation. We followed Wataru on the way to Sadamine. It was a peaceful ride in the early morning with less cars driving on the road. I remember what my dream was about earlier. There's someone mocking me for copying how their S15 looked. The person looks... Creepy, and arrogant. He owns a Blue S15 as well, the same one as mine, but his car is heavily modified. I wonder what this dream meant. It's probably a foreshadowing of my future battles, but it's rare to happen.

Soon we arrived at a hotel where we pulled close by. The hotel looks simple, but good enough. I stepped out of my S15 as the others do so as well. Wataru went by the cashier and had a talk with the person by the cashier with Aki standing close to him. I waited by my S15 as the two have a talk with the cashier, before signalling me to come with them. Wataru was only able to pay two rooms for us. One for Wataru, and one for Aki and I. We went into our rooms and began to unload the things we brought with us. Sadly, the room only consists of one bed for one person, or a Pokemon.

"Ain't it beautiful out here and away from home?" Aki said and I nodded as I lie on the bed of the room. "Indeed it is." I replied before hearing a knock on the door of our room. Aki quickly opened the door, revealing it was Wataru. "Don't slack off yet, we're going to a restaurant. I'm going to introduce you to my alliance."

His alliance? A team? What for? We left the hotel and drove to the restaurant at the Sadamine. We pulled by the restaurant before stepping out of our vehicles. The restaurant reminds me of the restaurant we dined in when I had a battle against the Sileighty of Usui. It was one of the races that brought me to this day. I wouldn't be here without it. We entered the restaurant and approached a table with some people before Wataru sat down on one of the empty seats. I took the empty seat and Aki sat by beside me. "I'll introduce you to my teammates in my alliance while we wait for Aki's friend. Let's start it by you introducing yourselves to us."

An introduction, huh. "I'm Aki, driver of an AE86 Levin. Uphill specialist, and a Pokemon of my trainer Wataru."

"I'm Ryo, driver of an AE86 Trueno and a Nissan S15. Downhill specialist."

"Nobuhiko Akiyama, driver of a Toyota Altezza RS200, chasis code SXE10. Cousin of Wataru."

"Wataru Akiyama, driver of an AE86 Levin."

"Kyoko Iwase, driver of Mazda RX-7 Type R, FD3S."

"Sakamoto, I currently drive a Suzuki Cappuccino, chasis code EA21R."

Then all of a sudden, Rai arrived and entered the restaurant before approaching us on our table. "I've arrived, and hello to everyone." He said and bowed his head before taking a seat on one of the empty seats.

"Now that he's here, Ryo, Aki. We're challenging you to a race on Sadamine."

A what now?

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