Chapter 59: Emergency meeting

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[Go Hojo's Pov]

Driving back home down the Hakone Turnpike with Shinji driving in his AE86 Sedan behind me, we came to a stop when we noticed a CP9A broken down by a guard rail. We pulled by the side of the road and I stepped out of my car. Shinji followed me as I approach the broken down CP9A. The bumper looks damaged, and one of the headlights are broken. I quickly looked into the car window and noticed a Zeraora on the driver's seat, unconscious from the crash. I quickly opened the car door and unstrapped the Zeraora from the driver's seat, pulling him out of the car and lying him on the side of the road.

"Shinji, call an ambulance." I stated and Shinji nodded before pulling out his phone.

[Shinji's Pov]

Wait, isn't that a Zeraora? Why are we calling an ambulance over a Pokemon?! Wouldn't it be better if we bring them to the Poke center, if there is one. Nevermind, I'll just dial an ambulance for the Zeraora.

[Chase's Pov]

Sitting on the couch with Mint beside me, staring at me as I wait for Rai to return home. Ryo and Aki are already asleep on their sofa chairs. We've been waiting for him to return home, and it seems he hasn't come back yet or given us a call, or a message. That's when I received a call and I left the lounge before picking up the call. "Hello? Who's this?" I asked and I heard a familiar voice. It's Ryosuke Takahashi!

"Hello, is this Chase?"

"Yeah, do you know where Rai is?"

"Actually, I brought him to a nearby hospital after receiving a call from Team Sidewinder's Shinji Inui. Rai was found injured from a car crash at the Hakone Turnpike. Go Hojo and Shinji Inui found him while they were driving home from Daikanzan Observation Deck. Shinji told me that he called a nearby hospital, but he's unable to reach them, and called me instead. I went to the scene and brought Rai to a nearby hospital while following what I learned so far from medical school. Go visit him in this hospital. I'll send you the location of the hospital. Rai might've fractured his leg."

My eyes widened in shock, hearing him state that Rai fractured his leg. I quickly entered the room and I shook Ryo from his slumber, waking him up.

[Ryo's Pov]

I was awoken from my deep slumber by Chase. I was having a good dream, and he ruined it! "Ryosuke Takahashi called me, and he told me that Rai is in a nearby hospital. He got into a car accident."

What? I immediately woke Aki up and let Chase explain to him what is going on while I leave the room and head downstairs. I went inside my AE86 Trueno and started the car before realizing that Mint somehow got in my car and is sitting on the passenger seat beside me. She waved at me and I smiled before driving away.

[Rai's Pov]

I slowly opened my eyes, waking up from my sleep when I noticed that I'm in a different room, and that a familiar boy is standing close to me. It's Shinji Inui, and it looks like he's surprised to see me awake. He quickly went outside of the room, leaving me alone inside. What even happened?

I was driving home last night when a Black R32 began to chase me from behind. I sped up, but the R32 was faster. The R32 hit the rear bumper of my car and I spun out. That's right. I crashed on the guard rail because an R32 bumped the rear of my car on the corner. I tried to get up from the hospital bed, but I can't move my right leg. I tried to move it, but I can't. I looked at my right leg to see a splint on it and bandages wrapped around it.

Soon the door of the room opened and Go Hojo went inside the room along with Shinji Inui. "Hey Rai. How are you feeling?" Go Hojo asked and I sighed.

"Not feeling any better. I was chased by a black R32 last night, and it bumped the rear of my car. I crashed because of it."

[Go Hojo's Pov]

A black R32? Could it be my brother? I quickly pulled my phone out and dialed Rin Hojo's number, trying to call him. Eventually, my old brother took the call. "Rin, where were you earlier?" I asked and there's a bit of silence before a reply from him was heard.

"I was with you at the Daikanzan Observation Deck. You're talking to a Zeraora that time. The Zeraora left and I was still with you until we parted ways to head back home. I remained behind to get some fresh air while you and Shinji left to Hakone Turnpike."

So it wasn't my brother. Could it be that Pokemon? My battle with him is nerve-wracking. He always does a side press similar to how my brother did to Ryosuke.

Then suddenly, the door opened and the rest of the Project P members entered the room.

[Ryo's Pov]

Chase who's holding Mint approached Rai. "Are you alright? We were worried about you." Chase asked and Rai nodded slowly.

"I'm alright. Let's focus on the car that got me into this accident. It's a Black R32, and it has more power than my car. The driver is as ferocious as Aki's previous opponent, Yami."

As ferocious as Yami? It reminds me of my battle with that Greninja. Oda drives a Black R32, and he always does a side press whenever possible to win the race.

Then out of nowhere, Ryosuke Takahashi entered the room while holding a receipt. "Can everyone leave beside Go Hojo and Chase? I need to discuss something with them in private."

Everyone nodded in agreement and left the room including myself. Aki was carrying Mint when we left the room. I wonder what they're going to talk about.

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