Chapter 42: Sakamoto

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[Ryo's Pov]

I was standing by my S15 while talking to Rai as we wait for the race of Aki and Wataru finish when out of nowhere, the AE86 Levin of Aki arrived first before the AE86 Levin of Wataru. They pulled by the parking lot before stepping out of their vehicles. Aki approached us and sighed. "It was a mess back there. Wataru knows how to traverse this touge more than I do. I had to learn how to drift with the rain and wet roads just to catch up and overtake him. Never knew power over could be useful during rains." He stated before looking at Sakamoto who's approaching me.

"Ryo, this is going to be a rough and cold battle. The roads are wet because of the rain, and we both know that battling on the rain is dangerous. If anyone gets harmed, we'll help each other out. Now, shall we formally introduce ourselves?" Sakamoto asked and I nodded.

"I'm Ryo, driver of an S15. Downhill specialist."

"I'm Sakamoto, rally driver and new street racer, driver of Cappuccino EA11R."

[Joshima's Pov]

I shivered on my chair, focusing on more of my paper works and patient records on my computer. I yawned and turned my chair around, facing the window with blinds behind me before standing up and taking a peek between the blinds. It's raining in the cold dead of the night, and it's horrible that I can't return any time earlier. Then all of a sudden, my phone who's lying on my desk rang. I turned and picked it up, answering the call before hearing Rai's voice.

"Hello there sir. I forgot to tell you that Aki and Ryo are battling the Northern Saitama Alliance right now in the rain. Aki managed to defeat Wataru Akiyama, his trainer. The next battle is with Ryo and Sakamoto. Do you have anything to tell to me?" Rai asked and I turned around, opening the binds of the glass window of my office, looking outside.

"Tell Ryo to not use the driver's eye and keep on relying on his skills that I taught him. I don't want him to rely on his driver's eye. Here's a piece of advise for him, blind attack." I stated as I stare into the window, watching the cars drove in and out of the parking lot of the hospital I work in before hanging up the call and sighing.

[Rai's Pov]

Huh, he hung up. I put my phone away and approached Ryo who's sitting on the driver's seat of his S15. Sakamoto chose to be the lead which made the EA11R sit on front and the S15 being the chaser. Ryo lowered his car window and he titled his head. "I presume you talked to my trainer, correct? What did he tell me to do tonight?"

"He told me that you shouldn't use your driver's eye and rely on your skills. He also gave me a trick that you should do, which is blind attack." I stated and nodded before clearing my throat.

"Now for the advise in order to defeat Sakamoto. Since his car is lighter than yours, your turbo boost is your only bet to win this battle. But, since I'm a smart Zeraora myself, I have something special to lighten up your car as close to the weight of the EA11R. I replaced your hood to a carbon hood earlier, but I concealed it by having a big blue sticker covering it. Now to defeat Sakamoto, you'll have to tail him and copy his movements on section one. Try to keep up or catch up with him on the first section. Then try to overtake him on the section two before the hairpin. If you're unable to, there's a long straight road long enough for you to overtake him before the hairpin after section three and before section four. Maintain the lead by section four. Got it?"

[Ryo's Pov]

I nodded and Rai stepped in front before starting the countdown of the race.

"5!" I never knew that Rai replaced the hood with carbon fiber just for this race.

"4!" Let's do this.

"3!" I pressed hard on the gas, revving the engine.

[Sakamoto's Pov]




I pressed hard on the throttle and released the handbrake, shifting gears and accelerating on the lead. I glanced at the rear view mirror and noticed that the S15 is on my tail, not slowing down and not driving fast. It seems both of us are at balance. Hmph! If I keep up the pace like before in my battle against Takumi, I should be able to remain on the lead and not get him to overtake me.

[Ryo's Pov]

He's fast. He's taking the corners of the first section fast. I'll follow what Rai told me to do. I'll have to step it up soon after the first section, because that's the part where I have to overtake him. Approaching a hairpin, the EA11R braked and drifted into the hairpin. I did the same, braking before I realized something. Because of the rain, he's braking less and letting the weight of the car shift from the wet roads. I smirked as I drifted into the hairpin, losing a bit of distance from him. Let's do this! I pressed hard on the gas, copying the EA11R in front through the first section, occasionally braking through hairpins and corners.

[Sakamoto's Pov]

This is the second section which is the straight road before the hairpin at the end. Who's more powerful? This road will decide who will win at the end. I pressed hard on the gas before noticing a light on my rear view mirror. Wait, is he faster on straights?! Crap, I'm not expecting this. I'll win this round! I need to maintain on the lead no matter what! I glanced at my rear view mirror and realized that the S15 is gone. Wait, did I lose him?

[Ryo's Pov]

Now! I took the outer lane and turned on my headlights, revealing us to be neck to neck. I pressed hard on the gas as I slowly overtake the EA11R. This is it! Just a few more before the hairpin. Then all of a sudden, I noticed that my vision suddenly turned blue. What is going on? I haven't activated my driver's eye yet my vision is blue. Am I in the trance? I suddenly feel the boost in my perception. Tch! Whatever it is, I have to win this race no matter what! Approaching the hairpin, I braked just in time and began drifting into the hairpin perfectly thanks to the sudden boost of my driver's eye. I then realized that my vision returned normal.

I have to tell this to Rai or my trainer. I glanced at my rear view mirror and noticed the EA11R behind me. I smirked and pressed hard on the gas, pulling away from the EA11R.

[Sakamoto's Pov]

Nani?! He's faster than me! He has turbo! No!

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