Chapter 61: Tying up loose ends

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[Ikeda's Pov]

Arriving at the Daikanzan Observation Deck, I parked the car and sighed as I turn off the engine and remain seated in my Nissan Fairlady Z version S, or what I call Z33. Okuyama's eagerness to face Ryo of Project P came with a consequence on our part. Our cars aren't tuned enough to our liking, making it unprepared for the battle. I mustn't worry, as my car's wheels are in good shape. It should last until my drive home. Then out of nowhere, someone knocked on my car door. I looked closely and it is Sakamoto, Junichi Sakamoto.

Junichi Sakamoto, the number two driver of our Team Spiral. A follower of my Zero theory. I stepped out of the car and greeted him, shaking his hand. "Junichi, good evening. I wonder how you got here first before me, because it seems it appears you've been here longer." I asked and he chuckled.

"I was already here this afternoon, observing the view before you even arrived this evening. Sightseeing here feels different from the ones I've been to. Let's just say it calms my mind to witness the beautiful view." Junichi stated and I nodded.

"I can agree. I've been to this place countless times, and I can confirm that it is calming here around afternoon. You do know the reason why we are here, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Tonight's the night when Team Spiral will be battling with the Project P. I honestly wasn't expecting the battle to be now. Why did you planned it to be today?"

I shook my head and sighed. "It was Okuyama's eagerness that put me into deciding the battle to be early. Speaking of Okuyama, where is he?"

[Ryo's Pov]

I can't believe my S15 broke down just when I was going to use it. I remember my trainer telling me last night on how one of the men who visited him was expecting me to use my S15 to battle them, and here I am unable to drive my Blue S15. Regardless, I have to get there and battle them with my AE86. I glanced at my rear view mirror, seeing Aki with his AE86 Levin on my tail. We are close to battling Project D, we just have to battle Team Spiral and Team Sidewinder.

[Yami's Pov]

Holding my phone on my paw, I dialed a friend of mine and waited for them to pick up. I'm inside my AE86, driving to the place where the Project P will be battling the Team Spiral. Soon my friend picked up the call, greeting me.

"Hello Yami. I have a present for you."

It's Oda, and it seems he's up to something so I wasn't able to contact him.

"What were you up to? Tonight's the night where Project P and Team Spiral will be battling. Get your bum over here, we're going to watch them battle at Nanamagari." I stated as I drive on the roads of Hakone.

"I'm one step ahead of you, Yami. I've been busy, and I thought of giving you something to compensate for my silence. If I'm correct, you are on your way to the Daikanzan Observation Deck. You'll see something peculiar there. This present will be waiting for you on the way there. I hope you will like it."

Something doesn't feel right. The way Oda phrased this gift of his sounds suspicious. Hopefully he's not into something.

[Ikeda's Pov]

It's been an hour and Okuyama still hasn't arrived. Something must've happened, and I should give him a call. Sitting inside my car, I took out my phone and gave Okuyama a call.

"The subscriber cannot be reached, please try again later."

I gave him another call, but to no avail. Something must've happened.

[Yami's Pov]

On the way to the Daikanzan Observation Deck, I noticed two AE86s and a Blue S15 on the side of the road. I pulled by the side of the road and looked around before noticing another car parked on the other end of the road. It's a black BNR32. I stepped out of my car and noticed a Lucario, Cinderace, and a person standing by the blue S15. Is this Ryo, Aki, and Okuyama? I approached them and they looked at me in surprise. Ryo and Aki were staring at me, their eyes widened.

Curious, I asked them what happened to see if it's related to Oda's gift for me. Ryo and Aki ignored me, but Okuyama approached me.

"A Pokemon might have popped my left rear tire using some kind of water type move." He stated and I nodded in response, I turned to the BNR32 and slowly approached it. This popping tires better not be the gift of Oda for me, or else...

Soon a Shiny Greninja stepped out of the car with a smirk on his face.

"Did you pop the tire of that car as a gift for me?"

The Shiny Greninja grinned at me before I instinctively punched him on the face. I have gotten sick of your motives.

"This isn't what I wanted! I just want to defeat Ryo! You're hurting other local racers that aren't even related to me. I recruited you in hopes of making a good team to battle against Ryo, but what are you doing?! From what I have heard, you almost killed my old friend by making him crash into the guardrail, and now this. You should turn yourself in." I stated, furious and losing my temper on this sick freak.

"Turn myself in? You clearly stated few days ago that I give Rai a warm welcome, and that I do what I do on that part." Oda stepped closer to me, glaring down at me.

"From this point onwards, you are on your own. I never asked for this. I am simply preparing for my battle against Ryo, not to order someone to murder an old friend of mine." I stepped back, growling at Oda with my fists clenched hard.

"Tch. It was fun bringing chaos with you." Oda turned around and stepped back into his BNR32, driving away. I sighed in relief, finally gotten rid of that disturbance. I turned around and noticed Ryo, Aki, and Okuyama standing by the S15, staring at me.

It's time to wrap this all up.

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