Chapter 41: Aki vs Wataru Akiyama, Uphill

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[Wataru's Pov]

He's bad at braking, or maybe he just doesn't know this touge. I glanced at my rear view mirror and noticed that the AE86 Levin behind me is doing a good job at following me from behind. He's not slowing down, and yet I'm unable to lose him. He's behind me throughout the downhill, and here's where the victory of the race will be decided! Approaching the finish line of the downhill, I braked and drifted my car, spinning it quickly to get back on the race to start the uphill section. I glanced at the rear view mirror and realized that he did the same. Looks like he's copying me. Let's see how long will you be able to follow me.

[Aki's Pov]

It would've been great if it's not raining. It would've been easier if the road isn't slippery. Wataru is using the rain on his advantage, and I should do so as well. However, when and where should I brake? How long and how hard should I brake? I need to be able to understand how this works. That's it! If I watch him closely from behind and study his tactics and the way he drives on the rain, I should be able to imitate how he drives! I pressed hard on the gas, trying to catch up on the straight. Approaching a corner, I noticed that Wataru didn't brake and instead entered the corner fast, letting the wheels slide with the wet roads because of the rain.

I followed what he did and turned into the corner, not braking to lose acceleration.

[Wataru's Pov]

Approaching a hairpin, I braked and drifted. Sliding the rear wheels of my AE86 into the hairpin. I glanced and noticed that Aki is still on my tail, doing a good job under the rain and copying me so far. Let's see how far you can copy me. Approaching another hairpin, I braked and drifted into the hairpin. I glanced at my rear view mirror again and noticed that the AE86 Levin behind me is closing in. Aki's doing great at this, but I'm not going to let him win on this one. Approaching another hairpin, I braked and drifted into the corner as good as possible, keeping the AE86 behind me at bay.

[Aki's Pov]

Crap, it's no use. I can't overtake him without using my driver's eye. I must copy the way he's drifting into the wet roads, and possibly learn something from it. I need to find his weaknesses, unless I make him do one. I followed him from behind on the corners of the first section, copying his every moves and turns with his car. I need to step it up and attack, otherwise I won't be able to overtake him. Time to loosen things up! Approaching a hairpin, the AE86 in front braked a little before sliding into the hairpin, drifting fast. That's when I realized something. The roads are wet enough to attempt a power over. I know it's dangerous, but it'd be worth it!

I turned hard into the hairpin, letting the rear wheels of my AE86 to slide on the wet roads, making me drift into the hairpin with enough throttle control.

[Wataru's Pov]

After this hairpin will be a straight and a few corners, I should maintain the lead as much as possible. I glanced at my rear view mirror while on the hairpin and noticed that the AE86 is apparently accelerating faster in the hairpin than I do. That's when I realized, the AE86 pressed against the rear of my car on the exit! It doesn't help the fact that the roads are also wet, and there's a big chance of over steering! My rear wheels began to slide a bit as I try to counter steer, letting the AE86 gain up on me as we both leave the hairpin. I managed to straighten the wheels just in time for both of us to be neck to neck on the straight.

[Aki's Pov]

Tch! I have to overtake him! I pressed hard on the gas, trying to outrun Wataru and his AE86. We both turned left, both of us pressed hard on the throttle as we battle for the lead, waiting for one of us to slow down. I must reach the goal first! Then suddenly, I noticed Wataru slowing down a bit, and the worst happened. The rear wheels of my car slid outside as we turn right. The car is too fast for the wet road! Crap! I braked hard in panic as I try to straighten the wheels, making the AE86 take the lead once again. I finally managed to straighten the wheel as the AE86 in front gained a bit of distance away from me.

[Wataru's Pov]

He went in way too fast, and look what happened. I must admit, it was nerve-wracking when we got into a neck to neck situation. Both cars occupying both lanes is the most suspense situation in street racing. Now I must outrun him before he manages to catch up again. I pressed hard on the gas, in hopes of gaining enough distance for the AE86 to disappear from my rear view mirror when I noticed something. There's a feint light glowing from the driver's seat. I wonder what that is.

[Aki's Pov]

I used my driver's eye, making my surroundings appear orange as I grip hard on the steering wheel. Let's do this! I pressed hard on the gas and entered every corners as fast as possible, occasionally letting go of the gas on entry corners so I won't lose traction and spin out. Eventually I caught up with the AE86, just in time before the next hairpin. The AE86 braked and drifted into the hairpin while I didn't braked and turned into the hairpin, letting the rear wheels slide on the wet roads. With enough throttle control with the help of my driver's eye, I managed to leave the hairpin neck to neck again with the AE86.

[Wataru's Pov]

Eh?! Again?! I panicked and pressed hard on the gas, trying to maintain the lead from the AE86 before the hairpin. This is when I realized that I'm at the worst position before the hairpin, because there's no room for two! I braked and let the AE86 overtake me before drifting into the hairpin. I ended up being on the chase, then all of a sudden the AE86 on the lead sped up into the wet roads. I tried catching up, but I was already too late.

He has improved a lot, and it's scary to battle against him.

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