Chapter 62: This is The End

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[Ryo's Pov]

I quickly awoken from a sudden bad dream. I was immediately met by the blinding warm rays of the sun shining through the window. I tried to cover my eyes using my right paw, but I only realized now that my paw is wrapped around some sort of medical cast. Am I in a hospital? I noticed the clock hanged on the wall. I can barely read it, but I presume it is 8 in the morning. I looked down and noticed Aki resting his head on my right leg, asleep. What happened last night? Did I get into an accident?

Everything feels a bit off. It's blurry. I tried to move my leg, waking Aki by accident. Aki got up and his eyes widened when he noticed me being awake. "Ryo! You're finally up! I was so worried. I gotta let the others know."

"Hey hey!" I called him as he was about to turn around and run for the door. "Not yet. Can you tell me what happened last night?" I asked him, confused on my current situation and curious as to how I ended up here.

"Well... It goes like this..."

[7 hours earlier]

[Ryo's Pov]

Standing beside Aki and Okuyama while thinking about how we can get Okuyama's S15 fixed, Yami approached us after the BNR32 with the driver being Oda drove off. Yami stood in front of me, his eyes glowing.

"I've been wanting to battle you, again, Ryo. All this time, our battle is being postponed by these sudden side objectives. I want to apologize for what has happened to you and your friends. My old friend almost died because of me. Many have been hurt and injured because of me wanting to have a revenge on you. Let us settle this once and for all. Right here. Right now."

He's apologizing for everything that had happened? For real? Everything went downhill just because of him wanting to battle me, huh.

"It's time to resolve this rivalry. I sense the fire burning in your heart. Are we going to follow the racing rules of Project D-? or rather, Project P?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Downhill on Hakone turnpike. There will only be one round. If you manage to get away, you win. But I won't let you."

I turned to look at Aki and Okuyama. Aki is looking at me with a concern on his face. "It's happening all over again. Are you sure about this Ryo? I mean, I know he looks dangerous and as fierce as before, but is this really necessary? The menacing feeling Yami gives off, it's a stronger and more deadlier aura than I have ever felt than before." Aki stated, a hint of worry painted on his face.

I held both his shoulders with my paws and looked at him. "I will be fine, Aki. I have to do this. This will be the last race to set aside what has been started from the very beginning. Don't worry about me, alright? If anything, you should be worried more on how we will be getting Okuyama's car fixed."

Aki chuckled and hugged me tight, before letting go and nodding at me. "Good luck!"

I smiled and turned to look at Yami before reaching out my paw to him. He grabbed my paw and gently shook it before letting go.

"Let's settle this."

We both went inside our cars and started our engines before driving to the peak of Hakone turnpike to start the race.

[Aki's Pov]

I know this will be their last battle against one another, but it's making me worried. Yami has grown stronger when we arrived at Kanagawa prefecture. I wish he just said no and we could've walked away to get Okuyama's car repaired. I hope he'll do just fine. I looked at Okuyama who just sighed. He looked troubled.

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