Chapter 57: Aki vs Hideo Minagawa

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[Eiji's Pov]

"The next battle will be the AE86 Levin against the Supra. The AE86 Levin will unlikely keep up with the JZA80, and that the AE86 Levin will only win if there's a sudden outside force interrupting them in their battle."

[Kai's Pov]

"You spun out again, just like your battle against Takumi. What did you observe with Ryo's driving?" Hideo asked and I scratched my head, frustrated from losing the battle.

"He was fast throughout the battle, but I was able to keep up and gain up on him from the first half, until his pace suddenly changed on the second half. He was pulling away at the exits of each corner. It may happen to you too with the AE86 Levin. They might share similar driving styles." I explained and he nodded before he was approached by Aki.

[Aki's Pov]

I reached my paw forward to shake Hideo's hand, and he shook my paw with his hand. "It's going to be a nice battle with you. I chose to be the chaser like usual. Don't hold back now." He stated and I nodded before heading back inside my AE86 Levin to prepare for the battle.

[Rai's Pov]

Standing by my CP9A with Mint standing beside me, Chase approached us and smiles. "I was thinking of buying my own RX-8 Type S, SE3P, so I can give Mint my NA6CE. It will be her early Christmas gift for the upcoming December. She really likes my car, so I decided that I will give it to her instead." Chase stated and Mint ran up to him before hugging his leg. I smiled, happy to see that Mint is also happy. Never knew that Chase is this friendly, and helpful. It was the right choice to recruit him into the team. It's time to start the race of Aki against Hideo, but first I have to tell Chase about a little favor.

I looked at Chase who's patting Mint's head, and he looks at me before tilting his head. "Is there something you want me to do?" He asked and I nodded. "Go take Mint home for me after the race. I need to head to the Tsubaki line to meet up with someone in regards of an old friend. I need help from them." I stated and Chase nodded in agreement before heading to the front of both cars, AE86 Levin and the JZA80. I stood close to Aki's car window before pulling it down.

[Aki's Pov]

"Based on my research, Hideo's JZA80 Supra has more horsepower than yours. A simple mistake can lead to him finding an opportunity to overtake you in the tight corners of Nagao. You have to protect the lead as much as possible, or else it will be a loss for you. Use your driver's eye on your advantage to pull away if he gets really close to you. That's all I can say, so good luck Aki." Rai stated and I nodded before bringing the car window back up and holding the steering wheel of my AE86 Levin. Chase stepped in front and started the countdown.

"5!" I glanced at my rear view mirror and saw the menacing JZA80 behind me.

"4!" I won't hold back for this battle.

"3! I know a Supra against an AE86 Levin sounds unfair, but I'll show how powerful I am this way.

"2!" AE86 Levin! Ikuzo!

"1!" I pressed on the gas, revving the engine of my car for the race.

"Go!" I released my handbrake and I pressed hard on the gas, accelerating fast on the lead as I shift gears. The race has started.

Glancing at my rear view mirror, I noticed the JZA80 tailing me behind with a pace greater than mine. It's only the start of the race, and he's already gaining up on me. Tch. This is going to be a difficult battle. I pressed hard on the gas, trying to pull away from the JZA80, entering the corners of Nagao fast.

[Hideo's Pov]

Look at this AE86 Levin. It's attacking the corners fast, just like what Kai just said earlier. The only question is how much can you keep that pace up. I pressed hard on the gas, keeping my pace with the AE86 Levin, braking when entering the corners. To keep my head clear off anything and focus on my driving skills. I can do this!

[Go Hojo's Pov]

"How can you say that, Kubo? The AE86 Levin winning only when a sudden outside force interrupts their race?" I asked, curious as to what Eiji Kubo is talking about.

"There's a chance that the JZA80 will be able to overtake the AE86 Levin, but there's also the possibilty that there's a disturbance on the road." Eiji replied and sighed. Ryuji then approached me, probably to ask about my plans against the Project P.

"Before you say that I'm going to ask you for your plans for the Project P, I wanna add up that I saw a cat on the road on the way here. It could cause an accident if it's still on the road while they're having a battle. I don't know where it is now. It could've moved up the hill, or remained on the same spot where I found it."

A cat?

[Aki's Pov]

I glanced at my rear view mirror while I sweat from the tension of the battle and noticed the JZA80 very close to my rear bumper. He's way too close on me now, and I think that the third section for the hill climb is close. That's when I noticed a peculiar uncovered gutter that has enough space to lift my wheels over to the grass. Driver's eye! Let's go! I activated my driver's eye, giving me an additional perception to be able to brake perfectly and drift into the hairpin, driving my left inner wheels over the ditch and onto the grass.

[Hideo's Pov]

Nani?! What are you doing?! You can't just do that! Drifting into the hairpin, we left the hairpin with the AE86 Levin slowly pulling away. Crap, I need to step it up! I pressed hard on the gas while I was sweating, trying to catch up on the straights. Then all of a sudden, I noticed the AE86 Levin in front slowing down. Hmph! Let's do this!

[Aki's Pov]

All of a sudden, my vision blacked out for a split second. I heard a voice in my ear, and they sound similar to Ryo's voice. I immediately gained my consciousness back and glanced at my rear view mirror, realizing that the JZA80 is approaching me from behind. I won't let you overtake me!

[Ikeda's Pov]

With the AE86 Levin and the JZA80 entering the hairpin, they both braked and began drifting. The AE86 Levin took the inner lane while the JZA80 took the outside lane, both of them drifting into the hairpin. This is impressive, and its cool to watch it this close. Both of them left the hairpin on neck to neck. I looked at Go Hojo who had his hand on his chin, his head lowered. "So that's how Aki drifts. I have a feeling that Hideo will lose this battle."

I'm still surprised on how he comes up with these techniques just from watching his opponents.

[Aki's Pov]

Sweating more, I pressed hard on the gas as we both are neck to neck. I'm trying to take lead away from him, but it seems that he's doing the same against me! Approaching a hairpin, we both braked and drifted. He's taking the inner lane this time, and I'm losing from drifting from the outside lane!

[Hideo's Pov]

Leaving the hairpin, both of us are still neck to neck, but the AE86 Levin is slowing falling behind. That's when I suddenly saw a cat lying on the road, grooming itself. I braked and pressed on the horn in panic, alerting the cat and moving away from the road.

[Aki's Pov]

Ike! I pressed hard on the gas, overtaking the JZA80 and gaining my lead once again. Now to pull away! I glanced at my rear view mirror and noticed the JZA80 falling behind.

[Hideo's Pov]

... What the hell is that? What is a cat doing in the middle of the road, specifically my lane? I lost because of a cat blocking my lane. Aki is fast though, and I definitely know he didn't held back against me.

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