Chapter 54: Garage improvement once again

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[Ryo's Pov]

"I've heard from someone that you have an S15 similar to mine. It gives me this sudden burning passion to battle you."

I was awoken from my deep slumber by Aki patting my shoulder. I slowly got up, slowly realizing that I didn't sleep in my room nor in my house. After a few seconds, I finally realized that I fell asleep in the lounge of our garage.

"Hey Ryo! Why did you fall asleep? I was about to give you a cup of coffee last night to give you enough energy to get back home, but you're already asleep when I got back to you. Don't worry, Chase was looking after you while I was home asleep. Although when I got back here in the morning to fetch you right now, the area where we park in our cars just got bigger. It can accompany more vehicles. Plus there's more garage doors at the back of the main garage where we can store in some cars."

What? I yawned, still drowsy and wanting to sleep more from the amount of my energy used last night. "Can you... Bring me a cup of coffee?" I muttered, not even realizing the tone of my voice for how sleepy I still am.

Aki tilted his head and smiled, barely even hearing what I just blurted out. "You want coffee? Alright!" Aki immediately went over to our mini kitchen in our lounge and begins to prepare.

What did I even dream about last night? Again, it's about someone who owns an S15 and he claims that my S15 is similar to his. I have a feeling that this person will be someone that I will be meeting soon and having a battle with. Aki tapped my shoulder and handed me a warm cup of coffee. "Thanks." I grabbed the cup of coffee and took a sip, feeling relief that my remaining energy is slowly being restored. Right, Aki told me that the garage is somehow renovated last night while I was asleep. I got up from the couch, still holding my cup of coffee before heading outside of the room and downstairs.

I was met with the back walls of the main garage having four garage doors, and I can see two of them opened with the S15 and the Black GNX being inside. Then out of nowhere, Chase appeared from the room upstairs and called us, heading down the stairs. I took a sip on my cup of coffee as he approaches us.

"Hey there. How's your sleep Ryo?" He asked and I shrugged. "It was alright. So this garage was renovated last night while I was asleep? How did you do that?" I asked, curious as to how he renovated the garage without generating noise.

"It's simple. The renovation isn't really silent. The lounge was made to be sound proof so we can relax inside while some Pokemon downstairs fix their cars or renovate something within the building. Also, you may be wondering how it was done so quick last night. That's because I hired a few Gurdurr and Conkeldurr, as well as a few Machamp to renovate the back, and some Smeargle to paint the walls. Do you like it?" Chase explained and asked. Looking at the new garage doors and garage space, I can tell that they're a fine addition to the garage. Then I noticed something peculiar. How is Chase able to put my S15 there? Don't tell me he ordered the Machamp to carry the car into the garage space?!

"And no, your S15 wasn't pushed by a Machamp into the garage space. You left your car keys on the table in the lounge for me to conveniently use and park your S15 somewhere safer. Also, I was thinking about your S15 and my Black GNX to be the role model of our garage. I know it's dumb, but it's better than nothing." Chase chuckled before handing me back my car keys and turning around.

"I'll be heading back upstairs now. If you need anything, just call me." He stated and heading upstairs before someone steps inside our main garage. It's Rai, and it appears a little Pokemon is following him from behind. It's a Shiny Zorua. I wonder who this is. Rai and the Zorua approached us.

"This is our new student, and will be one of the first students to witness the success of Project P. I will be her... Only parent and will be teaching her about cars. Where is Chase?" Rai asked and I pointed at the room upstairs. Rai went up the stairs, leaving the Shiny Zorua staring at us.

"Hi! I'm Mint! I'm a Shiny Zorua who likes to see cars being drifted. I have a liking towards Mazda, particularly the Eunos Roadster, but I can drive any cars."

Mint huh. Well, this is an interesting meet up. I didn't know we were this popular now to have students. Something doesn't feel right though. Rai claimed himself to be the only parent of this Shiny Zorua. I wonder what he means.

[Yami's Pov]

I sighed as I tune my AE86 Trueno, trying to match the power of Ryo's AE86 Trueno so I can compete with him better. I was then approached by Oda who's holding two cups of warm tea. He handed me one and I grabbed it, taking a sip of warm tea.

"You lost to Aki's Levin and got your DC2 broken. If I'm correct, his car has a bit more of power than your DC2, and you tried to catch up, forgetting about throttle control, hence the result of the battle of your DC2 being severely damaged. Now that you lost, are you leaving Team 246 for us to initiate Red Heaven?" Oda asked and I immediately finished my warm cup of tea, handing him the empty cup.

"I already left Team 246 last night, and now I'm adding a few touches to my AE86 Trueno to be as powerful as Ryo's. After that, we initiate Red Heaven and hone our skills by battling the four line of defenses of Kanagawa Prefecture. Whether we win or lose, in the end we will have enough skills and experiences to defeat Project P."

"But what about the Project D?"

"I don't know about that yet."

[Ryo's Pov]

Here we are sitting on each of our sofa chairs as we all stare at Rai who's sitting on the couch with Mint beside him. Still can't believe that Rai will be taking care of a Pokemon.

"Hey Rai? When will be our next battle against the four line of defenses in Kanagawa?" Chase asked and Rai held a paw on his chin.

"Well, I still have to train Mint to drive and defend herself using simple basic Pokemon moves. Let's battle them next week."

Nice, a week of vacation for myself.

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