Chapter 50: Yabitsu, Team 246

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[Ryo's Pov]

So this unknown DC2 that almost got Aki hurt is none other than the same DC2 I defeated back at Happogahara, Yami. I can't believe that bastard would do something like this. He almost got someone hurt. I'll never forgive Yami for this.

Having my AE86 Trueno parked inside the garage, I stepped outside and saw Aki upstairs waving at me. I waved my paw back before heading up the stairs and entering the room of what appears to be a lounge with a mini kitchen. Rai, Chase, and Aki are sitting on sofa chairs as I enter the room, them discussing something before all looking at me. "Ryo, you arrived. We've been waiting for you. Have a seat." Rai stated and points over to a vacant sofa chair. I nodded and went over to the vacant sofa chair.

Not gonna lie, this sofa chair is very comfortable for a lounge area of a garage. This lounge shouldn't even exist in the first place, but having this here is impressive. I looked at Chase who's busy fiddling with his phone before calling him.

"Hey Chase, when did you set this lounge area?" I asked, wondering on when and how on Earth this beautiful lounge suddenly appear out of nowhere in this garage.

"This? Yesterday. I called a few people who works in interior decorating and decided to get this room fixed, and turned into a lounge with the money I got from my new trainer overseas." Chase stated before returning to fiddle with his phone some more.

I can't believe Chase has a new trainer from overseas. Wait, how did they become Chase's new trainer if they are from overseas? Did Chase meet them before Chase even met Toru? This is confusing me.

Rai clapped his paws, getting our attention before letting out a sigh. "Okay, I found out that Yami is the same driver of the DC2 that got Aki into an impromptu race which almost got him into an accident. Luckily, Yami let Aki go. Now that we found out that it was Yami, what are we going to do about him?" Rai asked and Chase raised his paw.

"We could report him to the police." Chase answered and Rai shook his head. "We can't do that as doing that will also get us in trouble. We don't know if Pokemon driving cars is legal. Our best move is to ignore that it even happened."

Ignore what Yami did to Aki? But that's unfair. "What if one of us have a battle with him? That way it's fair." I stated and Rai lowered his head, his paws in his jacket pocket, presumably thinking deeply about my suggestion.

"We can do that, but that would mean that we have to approach Team 246 as that is the street racing team that Yami is currently in. Do you all agree on this?" Rai asked and Chase nodded followed by Aki nodding as well. "Let's challenge Team 246 to a race." I stated before Chase suddenly intervenes.

[Rai's Pov]

"No, not yet. We need to get our cars tuned up first and then contact Team 246 to inform them about us challenging them. Wait, who's tuning up your cars?" Chase asked and I chuckled.

"I contact Ryo's trainer who works as a doctor and let's him know that we're going to need Ryo and Aki's car tuned up from use from previous battles. His trainer then lets us send the AE86 Trueno and AE86 Levin to the mechanic he told us to bring the cars in, and they tune the cars for us. They didn't ask us for money because Ryo's trainer already paid them to tune the cars." I explained and Chase's mouth was gaping in surprise from my explanation. I like this Shiny Cinderace. Despite being new to the team, he sure knows a lot about street racing already.

"That's... Cool! If you need some extra expenses, just go tell me what to do. For now, I'll be busy furnishing the garage." Chase stated before getting up from his seat and quickly rushing outside the room, heading downstairs.

Now it's time for me to contact Mr. Joshima.

[Yami's Pov]

Here I am standing by my newly bought AE86 Trueno with the hood lifted up, trying to tune the car myself before being approached by a Greninja with it's eyes glaring at me.

"So Rai decided to leave us after the incident in Tsukuba?" The Greninja asked and I nodded. "That is correct, Oda. Rai decided to leave us and focused on Aki and Ryo instead. He even teamed up with the two to launch his plans that could've been ours. This Project P of theirs is killing me, and it makes me want to destroy them by my own paws. Sadly, Rai taught me a lesson to not use violence physically, in this case I will be using it through street racing. How about you, Oda? What are your plans?" I asked as I tune the engine of my AE86 Trueno, readying it for the upcoming battle.

"I'm only following you around, Yami. I'll battle Project P with you, since I want revenge after all from Ryo. About this team name you mentioned on the phone while talking to Rai, what will be our street racing team?" Oda asked as he fiddles around with his car keys.

"We'll be calling it Red Heaven. We're forming the street racing team with the goal of learning something from the four line of defenses of Kanagawa Prefecture, and challenge Project D themselves. After gathering as much information as possible about the tricks and techniques we can use to our benefits, that's when we challenge and defeat Project P."

"But what about the Team 246?"

"I'm using it to train myself. I can sense an upcoming battle from Project P. Since I have defeated Kobayakawa and his CT9A, making me prove myself of my worth to the team, there is a high possibility that they will be voting me for the uphill section of the battle against Project P. If this does happen, I will be battling against Aki. Now either I win or lose against Aki, that's when I'll leave Team 246..."

"... Then we form Red Heaven."

[Joshima's Pov]

Ohh? Another retune? Looks like they've been busy a lot practicing. I'm glad that they were able to come up with a team name. "Sure, I'll tell the mechanic to ready up their equipments. Wait, you want the car mechanic to head over to your new garage? Alright, I'll tell them that." I hang up the call and turned around, staring through the window of my office. They sure are improving a lot than I was expecting.

[Omiya's Pov]

Sitting on my desk while holding a mug of coffee, I received a call from someone unknown and I decided to pick up the call.

"Is this Mr. Omiya of Team 246?"

My eyes widened in surprise. It's rare for me to get these sudden calls, and most of them are related to some street racing teams to which I decline their offer unless they're someone known.

"Yeah. How may I help you?"

"I'm from the street racing team named Project P, and we would like to challenge your team to a race on your home course there in Kanagawa."

Project P, huh. The new Pokemon member of Team 246 mentioned this about me recently, and it caught my attention for the amount of achievement this street racing team has achieved so far.

"We're accepting your challenge. Welcome to Kanagawa Prefecture."

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"The four line of defense"

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