Chapter 43: Tofu Party

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[Ryo's Pov]

"Tofu Party!" Aki shouted before pointing at someone who looks familiar. It's Takumi and Keisuke, and it seems Takumi is carrying a plastic bag of Tofu. A day passed by, I can still remember the intense battle yesterday between me and Sakamoto. Look at us now, sitting on this table on a nearby tea shop by the Sadamine road we battled last night. It's morning, and everyone in the Northern Saitama Alliance are with us on this table, having a peaceful conversation about the goals we have achieved so far.

"Hello, everyone. Here's the Tofu. Who asked for this?" Takumi asked and Aki raised his paw before getting up and taking the bag of Tofu. "Hey Keisuke, what brings you here?" Wataru asked and Keisuke sighed.

"We're supposed to be heading to Yabitsu to have a practice run there, but Aki called for a Tofu last night, so we had to get here first in the morning." Keisuke stated before having a seat on our table. Takumi sat beside Aki and looked around the tea shop.

"Alright, Nobuhiko and Sakamoto, I'll be showing you something with Ryo's S15. Ryo, come with us." Rai and the others got up from their seats and went outside. I followed behind and Rai approached my S15 before peeling the blue sticker of my carbon hood, revealing the carbon hood underneath it.

Nobuhiko's and Sakamoto's eyes widened in surprise, and Nobuhiko looked at Rai. "When did the S15 hood got replaced?" He asked and Rai smirked. "Just yesterday before the battle."

[Sakamoto's Pov]

So that's why Ryo was able to overtake me easily on neck to neck despite his car looking a little bigger than mine. This reminds me of yesterday...

... With the S15 in front with us in Section two in downhill, I realized something was wrong. Entering the corner, the S15 in front suddenly slipped on the wet road, slowing down.

[Ryo's Pov]

Crap! Too fast! I tried to counter steer on the corner, then my vision turned blue again, giving me a good amount of perception to straighten my rear wheels. I immediately straightened my wheels, letting the EA11R overtake me but not pull away from me. Tch! Just when I needed the boost, it gave me late. Forget it! I need to win against Sakamoto! I pressed hard on the gas, chasing the EA11R from behind. Approaching a hairpin, my vision suddenly turned blue once again. With the increased perception, I noticed the weird entry of the hairpin, presumably the exit will be a bit different and difficult to maintain constantly acceleration after drifting.

I frowned as my vision returns to normal and the EA11R braked and drifted into the hairpin. Let's settle this here! I braked a bit and turned into the inner lane of the hairpin. I noticed the EA11R slipping to the outside lane of the hairpin because of the wet roads, and this is where I'll overtake you!

[Sakamoto's Pov]

Nani?! Did his brakes fail? He's entering the hairpin way too fast! Then I realized something I haven't seen before happen on this hairpin on a rain battle with the wet roads. He pulled on the handbrake late into the hairpin and drifted into the hairpin at the apex, straightening through the exit. We both left the hairpin neck to neck once again, making me tensed and sweat through the cold intense battle. There's another hairpin approaching, but we can't do this with us in both lanes! Crap! Let's do this then! We both braked on the entry and drifted into the hairpin. Crap, I'm losing on the outer lane. This is bad!

[Ryo's Pov]

Leaving the hairpin, I quickly pressed hard on the gas to pull away from the EA11R. I glanced at my rear view mirror and noticed the EA11R now behind me. Alright! Now I need to outrun him! Approaching a sharp corner, I braked a bit and turned into the corner. I was planning for this race to be normal by not using the driver's eye, but it seems that the driver's eye is activating on it's own. I really have to tell this to my trainer.

[Sakamoto's Pov]

Turning into the hairpin, I watch the S15 in front of me pull away. I pressed hard on the gas, but the S15 appeared to be faster now. This S15... Reminds me of Takumi's AE86...

Thinking about it now in front of Ryo's S15 with the carbon hood is scary. I turned to look at Ryo who's standing by Rai's CP9A. He waved his paw at me and I waved back. I turned and looked at Rai, and he's there brushing the carbon hood of the S15 with his paw.

[Rai's Pov]

My phone began to rang and I pulled it from my jacket's pocket, answering the call. "Hello? Who's this?"

"Rai, I can't contact Ryo. Can you please tell him that his AE86 Trueno is finally fixed. I also installed a carbon hood on it." It's Mr. Joshima, Ryo's trainer, and I can't believe that his AE86 is finally fixed. Now this made me think, which would he choose and prefer to use now? The S15 or the AE86?

"Alright sir. I'll go tell him immediately." I replied and Mr. Joshima hung up the call. I returned my phone back to the pocket of my jacket and approached Ryo who's standing by my CP9A.

[Ryo's Pov]

"Ryo, I had news from your trainer that your AE86 is finally fixed. It's a good news. You'll finally be able to use your AE86 to race on touge and battle against later opponents. He didn't tell me when you should come and pick the AE86 up."

I smiled in joy and quickly went back in the tea shop to approach Aki. Aki turned to look at me and titled his head. "Aki, my AE86 is finally fixed!"

"Really?! That's great!"

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