Villian Attack And The Birth Of A Nightmare

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He had finally stopped running after what seemed like hours, breath heavy with sweat dripping down his face that stung when the salty tears glanced over a few small cuts from his injuries. Taking in his surrounding and realising he had stumbled into an alleyway.

Deku: (huh? Why did I run into an alleyway of all places but more importantly why does it smell like blood) dozens of thoughts crossed his mind but instead of listening to his mind screaming at him to get out of there; he let curiosity get the better of him.

Deku: uh hello is anyone here?(wait.. WHY DID I SAY THAT?!)

A faint noise of a giggle returned his question sending chills dancing along his spine causing the boy to shudder.

??: hi there! You look cute but you'd look better.. BLEEDING!* the voice was of a girls that sounded every bit deranged as it was playful.

The mysterious girl had lunged at him with a large kitchen knife but thankfully he was able to dodge it but that didn't stop the fear growing in his eyes as he examined the girl. She had: blonde hair in two small hair buns, piercing gold eyes that he swear were glowing, those eyes were fixated on him like a hungry predator staring at its prey. As for clothing it was a school uniform covered in blood whole on her side was a canteen.

Deku: who are you and what do you want!* a blur of words full of panic came out of his mouth as he tried to run away from the villian that ran after him with laughter only best described as pure insanity.

??: my names himiko toga and what I want is your blood* the villian now known as toga replied with glee in her voice.

To the dismay of deku he had tripped on a loose cobblestone making him roll around scraping his knees as his back and head hit the wall making his vision blurred as blood slowly dripped out of scrapes.

Toga: oh no looks like you've fallen* her amusement clearly displayed by voice which only grew more as she saw his panic return (he is so cute!) a slight blush appeared on her crazed face as she stabbed him in the shoulder.

Deku: Screaming loudly his eyes watered as yoga tasted his blood before quickly starting go fill her canteen with his blood* (is this how I die?)

As if on cue he could see 2 police officers walk by. Deku: HELP ME PLEASE!* the police saw what was going on but because he was a male they ignored him and walked off making any sort of hope of surviving to be instantly shattered.


Toga: oh you poor thing they aren't coming back now let me see you bleed* she cut his chest, arms and face as blood leaked out noly to be collected and drunken by her

After 20 minutes he felt weak with his eyes struggling to stay open his last breaths were only accompanied by misery and dispear.

Deku: urgh* clutching his head and opening his eyes all he saw was darkness* w-where am I? I thought I was dead* his voice was dry and found it hard to speak; rubbing his neck he felt his fingers go in through a large cut* H-HUH! Did she c-cut my throat as w-well?

??: she did indeed* a echoe voice answered his question but the scourse of where it came from couldn't be pinpointed

The voice made him jump frantically looking around* deku: a-who are you please s-show yourself* still looking around into the void of darkness a man approached.

??: my name is garu I am a dark spirit, your negatively attracted me to you and after seeing what happened I have an offer for you

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??: my name is garu I am a dark spirit, your negatively attracted me to you and after seeing what happened I have an offer for you.

deku: (an offer? His voice is scary but also.. Angry?) w-what offer mr g-garu?

Garu: I want to give you a second chance and my power, all I ask in return is that you live how you want to you'll become even more powerful than almighty so what do you say? do you accept?* his voice held genuine and happiness.

Deku: thinks about how everyone treated him and nods as he put his hand out to garu a new found confidence and hatred burned in his eyes.

Garu cackled evilly* then my power is your's* shakes his hand and transfers his power as he fades with deku being ejected out of the void.

Deku: groaning he got up cracking his neck as he opened his eyes before letting out a roar so powerful it shattered the windows of nearby houses and erupts with power sending a red beam into the sky which exploded violently releasing raw energy into the surroundings. All he could do was smirk* the nightmare begins watch out hero's and everyone who wrong me. I am coming..

(author notes: hey everyone this was part 3 sorry for no notes on the second chapter I am still getting use to this I hope you all enjoyed so far and stay tune for tomorrow as part 4 will be coming out)

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(author notes: hey everyone this was part 3 sorry for no notes on the second chapter I am still getting use to this I hope you all enjoyed so far and stay tune for tomorrow as part 4 will be coming out)

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