The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

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Having finally made it deep into the woods deku had given up running thinking he was safe from Mt. Lady; slowing down until coming to a steady walking pace gave him the chance to take in the surroundings which consisted of many trees, a large cliff in front and a cave where something glinting in it caught his attention.

Deku: now what may that be? Whatever it is.. It's certainly powerful.

Smirking to himself a wicked idea had surfaced in his mind as menacing laughter escapes sharp teeth that moments beforehand had shackled it from leaving his mouth. All across the forest carried by the wind the laughter was carried throughout the forest.

Deku; if whatever in there can give me more power then I shall take it, I won't be pushed around anymore! I will do whatever it takes I'll become so strong that the worldw will fear my name.

His voice boomed echoing throughout the forest before he made his way into the cave using fire to light the way towards the glinting object. After having reached the glinting object it was seen to be a glowing red cluster of crystals that shone an elegant light crimson red but at the same time let out powerful bursts of energy and a strong feeling of dread the closer deku got.

Deku: (what the hell is this thing, I'm struggling to get close to it, all I feel is my body trembling and those horrible screams... Wait... THOSE ARE MY SCREAMS!) pushing past the fear induced upon him thst made him crawl on his hands and knees through sheer anger of memories having to crawl around for his sisters amusement allowed him to force himself upright and touch the crystal.

Deku: ha h-ha I d-done it.

He was out of breath but instead of being able to rest all the crystals power latched onto the boys arm transferring it's power to him but to say it was painful would have been the understatement of the century; Ever fibre of his being felt like it was on fire making him scream out in agoney until the power was fully fused with him ending the pain.

Deku: that really. He tied getting up grunting in pain only to fall back down. Hurt was the last word to leave his lips before being taken by darkness.

?? Point of view~

?? Followed a set of tracks closely. I wonder what this villian will look like and what her quirk will be all Mt.lasy told me was to look out for a white coat and black hair. She made her way to the cave and sees him on the floor unconscious

??: A MALE!. Her voice was full of surprise seeing the boy on the floor while the crystal was gone. ??: were you the villian I was suppose to catch? Danm Mt. Lady wasting my time she probably let him go just to laugh at me so I chase him down to capture him as a joke to embarrass me while she deals with proper villains.

The pro heroine grit her teeth but soon her rabbit ears twitch and her danger sense went crazy as deku woke up and stood up and realised she was present

??: (the hell why is my danger senses going off) before she could turn around she was hit in the back sending her crashing into a tree. She grunts in pain as a voice dripping with venom snapped her into focus

Deku: mirko Pro heroine #13 I heard alot about you and your fighting style. You'll be a worthy opponent.

Walking out of the cave mirko could see the male from earlier facing her getting into a battle stance ready to fight her

Mirko: who the hell are you and how do you hit so hard! She had quickly gotten to her feet into a battle stance ready to fight this villian which she wasn't going to hold back or take lightly after that powerful punch from earlier

Deku's face was calm but he couldn't help but smirk looking the rabbit hero in the eyes before releasing his bloodlust that forced her to a kneeling position due to the pressure as a shocked face was plastered on her but just as quickly he had contained his bloodlust letting her get to her feet

Deku: my name isn't important but you can call me nightmare. Prepare yourself I will not be holding back and for your second question that's classified; prepare hero for this fight will end with one of us broken. A the smirk from earlier had changed to a serious face. Unless you choose to run like the prey you are

Hearing these words mirkos recklessness took over and she dashed at him to land a powerful kick but instead of impacting him deku merely caught her kick slamming her into the ground before trying to bring his foot down to her however she was able to recover and roll out the way with deku's foot hitting the ground causing a small hole to be made. Gulping at this mirko tried to cunfuse him by jumping in a zig zag pattern but this proved little effect as deku started launching fireballs at her. Mirko: YOU HAVE A QUIRK?! she dodged the fireballs trying to get close and unleashed multiple face yet powerful strikes forcing deku to jump away however, this is what mirko wanted as he was distracted she went for a drop kick that hit him in the chest making him move back a bit. Deku: not bad you've got quite the kick. Using the short space to his advantage deku grabbed her neck lifting her off the ground as he proceeded to choke her out; she thrashed and kicked getting a few hits on him but it was futile. Deku quickly grew impatient and tore a large hole in her arm enjoying the sweet screams that the heroine made. Deku: music to my ears. Throwing mirko into the Bush she heard his menacing laugh. Deku: RUN LITTLE RABBIT RUN! taking the chance she actually did run. Mirko: (this guy is too strong i'll need the help of the others if we're going to take him down)

Deku:.. Let the hunt BEGIN!

(authors note: this does it for part 5 everyone sorry if the fights not the best still getting use to writing anyway I hope you enjoyed leave any comments or suggestions down in the comment section to what you thought and if you want anything added in the next chapter)

a nightmare awakens Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ