Alien Queen Joins The Harem Part 2

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As if someone switched off the lights... Silence... The room was so quiet that if someone were to drop a pin; everyone would hear it multiple times due to how silent the room was. However, this silence would prove to be short lived. Mina, finally computing on what her capture had so bodly claimed made her baffled to where she almost immideatly retired back. Mina: they aren't using me, why would I belive the likes of you? Your a crinimal, a murderer. You turned my friend against me! Just like beforehand, utter stillness engulthed the room. Like earlier, the silence was broken by the sound of his voice, well low audible laughter. Fearing the worst, mina took the opportunity to move to the furthest corner away from him. Bad move as she would soon come to regret in the sign of him grabbing her throat and applies pressure. Deku: listen here mina, I may not be the best person here but your going to listen calmly otherwise I'll be forced to bring izumi here. And we don't want that do we? Gulping upon hearing her name she shook her head. Smirking deku let go of her throat hearing her breathe heavily to catch her breath back. Deku: now let's try this again, do you want the truth mina or would you prefer to live in a life of lies? Hesitant to answer, she paused as she tried to figure out if what he said was true or false. Eating away at her mind she relented. Mina:.. Fine

Grinning widly deku picked her up and put her onto the bed much to her surprise. Deku: let me tell you a story mina, I wasn't always like this. I was kind always wanting to try get some good praise. But do you know what I got? Neglect and pain. My sister got me in trouble leading to me getting beaten, police didn't give a fuck about me one even fucking tasered me when I accidently cling to her leg when slipping when I was 6. Fucking bitch I soon got her back after my change. While listening to what he was saying; a sickening feeling churned in her stomach as her mind told her no this couldn't be true but her gut was saying the opposite. However, during mina's internal battle on what to feel deku continued explaining his life story. Deku: that wasn't the worst parts of my early life mina, I was never allowed out to do what I want, I sometimes went with no food, people used their quirks on me at school as a punching bag and I was heavily discriminated by heroines that laughed at me wanting to be a hero. When I was Hunted and killed by a villian the police ignored me.

Starting to cry mina covered her face. Mina:..i-its not true, your l-lying you must be! Taking this opportunity deku moved closer to her. In response she shuffled back until her back was against the corner, boxing her into the corner he pushed her head up gently with his finger under her chin. Deku: I'm sorry mina but it was all true. The pro heroine community is wrote upon lies of freedom but more, another baton to beat men and quirkless people into submission to this cruel system that those who don't fit into this corrupted societies imagine and make slaves out of them. Using this opening when her mind was struggling to compute this image having grown up in a bubble made her vulnerable to his manipulation. Deku: aw I'm sorry this news has finally broken your bubble mina. Hugging her gently she became startled, thrashing about she tried to escape, that was until deku tightened the grip just enough for her to get the message. This quickly made her stop due to thst resurfacing paranoia. Feeling confident he sat her down on his lap. Deku: are you still doubtful on what I claim mina? His tone was a sickening blend of gentle wickedness that no doubt was masking his true intentions. Mina wasn't stupid she knew manipulation when she saw it but didn't want to say what she would have said due to the situation she had found herself in.

Weakly nodding in reply deku grabbed her cuffs and lead her through a portal to a park. Deku: we're not fully here. It is just a memory of a few days ago. Mina was baffled by how this was possible even going as far as to pinch herself to check if it were earning a chuckle from the villian besides her. Clearing his throat to get her attention he quickly pointed in a direction. Letting her eyes drift she saw a pro heroine beating a man holding up a bag and begging for mercy. However, it fell upon death ears. To say the sight was shocking for mina would be a gross understatement. Seeing this he turned his head over to her. Deku: this happens everyday to multiple people, mostly men and quirkless people resorting to petty thief to try get by. This society only cares about women with good/flashy quirks. It infuriates me but what annoys me most mina is that schools and parents promote this. Face the facts. Their just training you to be another weapon to beat the undesirables down and let this broken system continue. If you don't believe me how about I show you more. At a snap of his finger tips more memories and expierenced he's seen flooded her mind; assaulted by all sides of her mind she screamed loudly, gripping her head with her hands mina started breaking down into tears.

Taking this chance to finally get her as his, deku stopped the memories just before he embraced her giving her the chance to let out all of her sorrow. To this end he succeeded with mina passing out from crying so much. Deku clicked his tougne, decided to pick this up tomorrow; he took her to his room, setting her down in his bed. Deku: sleep, well mina, you will soon be mine whether or not those hero's like it or not. Kissing her forehead gently he side out the room. The soft click of the door behind his echoed in the room before silence settled within the room.

(authors notes: hey everyone sorry this update too a while I've been busy and quite tired but I will still be answering any questions on comments and continue writing chapters for this. As it's nearly 1 in the morning for me I'll be making this chapter a bit shorter than the previous ones. Catch you all later)

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