Regret U.A Entrance Exam

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Returning home after the villian attack izumi had a bitter taste in her mouth seeing the results of experementation on males.

Izumi: (if that man had experements done on him does that mean there are others? I should be careful.. Oh izuku even if you were a male and annoying you'd know what to do) she sighed in disatifaction knowing all to well what she did shouldn't have happened but now it was too late.

Izumi: I should sleep now the entrance exam is tomorrow, I'll get in for both of us brother. Guilt cut deep like a knife through butter remembering everything she had done as realization swept her mind. Izumi: (why did I act like that.. He was my brother and I treated him like nothing) being plauged by her thoughts she struggled to sleep but events she was able to finally get to sleep at 1 in the morning.

By the morning izumi had woken up to explosions that had quickly awoken her from her slumber mostly by falling out of the bed with an audible thumb announcing this to everyone downstairs. Grumbling to herself izumi rose to her feet; izumi: that hurt, it appears katsumi and shoks are here what time is it?

Glancing at the clock it read 8:45. Cursing to herself she quickly had gotten changed not wanting to be late to the exam. Having changed she ran down the stairs using her telepathic quirk to hoist her friends into the air just as she scrambled out of the house with her friends floating close behind.

Izumi: shit we're going to be late to the entrance exam and this is both of your faults! Her eyes flared with worry but also desperation to reach U.A.

Shoka: how is it our fault? reminiscing the fact that both of them were waiting 20 minutes until izumi finally got her act together while spending time to calm katsumi nearly needing to use ice in order to keep the hot tempered girl on place.

On the other hand; katsumi was raging inside but despite the firey temper possessed by the teen even she knew not to test their friend in this mood remembering all to well the complete ass kicking herself & shoka had recivied during their 6 months training together. Instead of spewing out profanity katsumi kept her mouth shut in order not to feel izumi's short temper that begrudgingly found herself agreeing with shoka that izumi's was far worse and not to be tested.

Izumi: you should have woken me up. Using her quirk on herself, she was able to zoom past. This carried on for a whole until she reached U.A. Finally here. With relief she exclaimed with a bright smile.

However, that smile quickly faded being replaced by a steeled look of determination. This look also appeared on shokas face and like usual katsumi her face was smug. All 3 walked into the entrance exam, their stride holding confidence.

On the TV two pairs of eyes watched the U.A sports festiveal with wicked plans being set in motion. One female. One male.

?? Scratched her neck with annoyance as anger painted the mystery woman's face while their eyes were fixated on the screen like a hawk stares at its prey just before striking.

??: urgh! More heroines! When will they stop they all annoying in throwing wrenches in my plans. Acting like a child the woman stomped the ground in anger just as a child would when finding out they couldn't play in the sand.

??: Patience my student you'll have your chance soon for now observe and watch. Plan your stratagy around the most competent ones.

Having heard the voice the mysterious woman calmed down heeding her teachers advice. She breathed heavily before settling down back on her stool to watch how everything was going.

On the other side deku was simply watching from his office via thr wall mounted TV. Despite everything he couldn't help but smile at how his sister was doing. He still hated her and plans to make her a servent but a small bit of his heart that unexpectedly still had a part of the old self that cares about her remains buried deep within the heart of hearts that made up a now pulsing black heart of evil.

The screen showed izumi crushing 1,2 and 3 pointers with both raw telephay or with boulders. Other tricks showed her ripping arms off to use against the robots.

Deku: clever sister, very clever but I know your holding back. An idea had cropped up into his mind bringing the iconic smirk he had to life. So sister as this clearly is childplay how about a challenge for you. Grabbing his laptop, deku hacked into security. When he finally had broken the code he saw that the 0 pointer was out. Taking the opportunity to mess with this he reprogrammed the bot to go crazy and not respond to, command. Successfully completing this the connection was cut then, sat back to watch.

Thanks to deku's meddling the 0 pointer malfunctioned going absolutely crazy smashing buildings, hurting and trapping people in the rubble.

Shota:! Natalie turn it off it'll kill students! Her voice was frantic staring at the white rat bear thing principle

Natalie: I'm trying! Pressing the button multiple times didn't do anything she looked at all mighty. Natalie: all mighty I need you to safe the students

All mighty: it'll take too long. Wait what is that girl doing!? Pointing at izumi rushing the 0 pointer all the pro heroines looked in shock and horror as izumi jumped.

Izumi: your not hurting her! Mustering her energy and consentration izumi managed to hold the 0 pointer for killing the trapped student before she focused all her energy on the arm connection being able to tear it free with difficulty before she had tossed the a back which hit the head completely destroying its core making it loose power and fall backwards. Her, herself started falling.

Izumi; (is this how I die? Brother I'm so sorry) a few tears weltered up accepting death but she suddenly stopped.

The sound of the 0 pointer crashing into a building as metal scraped on rock creating a terrible noise forcing izumi to cover her ears with what little strength remained in an attempt to block out the noise. Her attempt somewhat worked.

At this point she had been set safely on the ground. Looking to see who was it she saw the girl she just saved put her hands together say "release". Those were the final words she heard having then blacked out from lack of energy.

Deku clapped slowly. Bravo sister. Your becoming quite the strong telepathy user. But that's better for me as it'll build up your ego more. I can't wait to break it!

(authors notes: hey everyone this is it for the chapter, hope you liked it. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for the next part. Author out)

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