The Others & Fear

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While walking izumi couldn't help but hold one of her arms being nervous what the others were like and if they already hated her for what she had done to her brother if he told them. The thought of what they may do caused her to ever so slightly slow down with small tremors ever so slightly being visible if one was paying attention. Noticing her footsteps getting a little further away; peaked deku's interested, he craned his neck backwards to see izumi having finally come to a stop while clutching her arm and shaking. Sighing at the miserable state his sister has become from what she use to be. Slightly irritating him at this new side of her. Deku: izumi! His eyes flared red in anger. Izumi; EEP! Falling back onto her ass she looked up trembling seeing onimus red glowing eyes staring down at her like an owl watching a mouse. Gluping loudly izumi's responsed quietly but still loud enough for him to hear. Izumi: y-yes m-master? Instead of the usual loud and cocky nature was a quiet whimper escaping quivering lips. Deku: why are you acting so fearful! Is it now because I have a quirk that you become a quivering mess!? With newfound anger unintentionally made his voice boom in hateful fury. The tone fed her fear now beginning to shake quite violently in fear as she tucked her knees in. Izumi: I-I'm sorry m-master. realising what he had done deku begrudgingly shook off his anger upon witnessing izumi slowly going into a breakdown. Crouching down he opened his arms out to her. Deku: come here before I change my mind. Creeping towards slowly she sat on her brothers lap, embracing him in the process helping her ever so slightly calm down despite what happened earlier. Deku: I'm sorry. Stroking her hair gently to try calm her down he continued. It's just when I saw you like that all I saw was the weak pathetic shell of what I use to be and it struck a nerve. Hugging her back the tension in her body subsided. Feel better now? A simple nod was all the response he received from his sister. Good so do you want to tell me why you stopped and acted the way you were. Ever so slightly izumi mustered up the courage to speak not because of being brave but more from earlier fears that drifted inside her mind. Izumi: w-well u-um is the o-othere mean and k-know what I did? This question took him off guard as he didn't take that into consideration as mirko knew about his childhood and not knowing how she'll react. Deku: (shit I forgot about this, hopefully mirko won't do anything stupid) I'm not sure with one but I know they'll listen that's why I keeping you close for the foreseeable future to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't get hurt. Hearing this news calmed her nerves allowing herself to stand up deku followed suit. Both walked alongside each other until a familiar pair of blonde hair puns could be seen. Deku smirked knowing exactly who it was. Deku: toy. His voice caused toga to perk her head up poking out the side to see him making her smile; rushing forwards she practically jumped on top of him as she wrapped her arms around him. Toga: master! How was it! Did you get any blood?! Seeing toga act like this brought a smile to his face thinking toga more of a child when in this state. Deku: (she's really childish when she wants to be but also adorable) no I didn't get any blood but It went well, this is my sister izumi, like you and mirko she'll be the 3rd and final maid I'm having. I'm not into large harems. Toga smiled brightly knowing she would only have to compete with mirko for his love; dropping down to the ground toga rushed over to izumi shaking her hand. Toga: HI! it's nice to meet you, my names toga and can I have some of your blood! Izumi stepped back ever so slightly. Izumi: oh uh it's nice to meet you as well.. I'm sorry but I'll have to pass on the blood. Pouting toga quickly shook off her temper tantrum upon witnessessing her masters disapproved face. Toga: sorry master. Taking the time to compose herself toga welcomed izumi before taking her leave. Deku: so what do you think of her? Taking a moment to think all she could do was shrug. Izumi: she's alright, a bit too energetic if I'm honest Master. Seeming contempt with her answer deku contemplated how to introduce mirko to izumi as she probably hates her. Sighing in defeat deku could only hope mirko will listen to him and not hurt her. Deku: now onto my pet you'll be lucky she doesn't kill you as she's aware of my childhood. Izumi gulped loudly with this new information worried how the other one will react to her. As if on coincidence mirko came just around the corner only to stop dead in her tracks; twitching ears could be seen as her eyes narrowed. Mirko: MASTER WHAT IS THAT BITCH DOING HERE! All they could hear was a voiced laced in absolute hatred. Izumi: eep. Cowering behind her brother as Mirko's angry stomping footsteps got close put the fear of God into izumi who at this point was trembling in fear. Not wanting things to escilate further deku put an arm out blocking Mirko. Deku: stand down my pet, I understand why you hate her, I still do, but she's useful to me uninjured while serving as a heart strike to a certain someone. So I'd kindly ask if you could reframe from hurting someone useful to me. Mirko: b-but? Her voice was now confused (why is master protecting her! Even if they are siblings that bitch has done so much) deku: I said that's final; his voice was a bit stricter dragging mirko instantly put of her thought and giving in. She didn't like being told off by her master and if it means toloraring her then so be it as long as she didn't do anything. Mirko:.. yes master. Deku's face returned to its usual soft look as he scratched her ear gently. Deku: I'm sorry for upsetting you pet but you should know I choose my actions carefully. Leave us please and rest up its been a long day and you must be tired. Taking the hint mirko bowed before excusing herself. Exhaling heavily in relief deku regained his composure before turning attention towards izumi. Deku: let's go there is much I need to teach you. Taking his leave izumi followed behind all be it still very fearful of the incident that has just past

(authors notes: hey everyone this is it for this chapter, trying out just full connected text let me know in the comment section if you have any ideas for the next chapter or if you prefer long paragraphs or just full text with no paragraph spaces, hope you enjoyed it and I'll catch you next time)

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