Alien Queen Joins The Harem Part 1

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Mina felt cold and uncomfortable with her back, shoulders and neck hurting. Slowly stiring, she finally started waking up but when her eyes opened all that she could see was darkness. Mina: (where am I, everything is a blur and my body hurts? Did I get into a fight? All I remember was iz-...!) just as realization struck her like a thunderbolt mina quickly sprang up only to feel her body protest due to her awkward laying position when passed out. Looking around all that could be seen was a concrete floor, concrete walls, a reinforced steel door as well as.. Handcuffs? Mina shuddered taking her time to thoroughly exam the handcuffs. To her dismay they were qurik cancelling cuffs. Mina: (shit! I can't use my quirk and I doubt I could break that door down, what could izumi want with me? Shouldn't she have killed me?) her mind was racing with questions; almost as if on schedule more of her memories flooded her brain which could only be compared at best as a waterfall or a tsunami forcing her to grab her head and cry in pain.


Izumi: I'm afraid I am left with little choice but as my master wishes for mina alive and unharmed.

She quickly firing multiple rounds, she remembered herself and jirou were unable to react as the 2 darts hit her making her feel drousy and her vision to blur.

Izumi: I won't be fighting you mina, your the prize for whoever wins. At this point her voice was sounding slow but sinister she holstered her pistol izumi stared daggers at jirou, that was so scary seeing just how evil she had become but watching as I struggled to stay standing let alone fight made me feel like I was prey.

Izumi: so jirou show me what your capable of and if you impress me you might live. After that everything went to black.

Flashback over~

With the pain subsiding slowly mina took her hands off her still pounding head before letting tears roll down her pink cheeks knowing that not only had she lost a friend but was also now a prisoner to what the reports on the news has been saying was a pro heroine killer. However, this wasn't the worst news for her. Mina shuddered and started crying profusely. Mina: (izumi was the phantom killing pro heroines and villianesses... Please jirou, momo, katsumi... Somebody save me) at this point mina was on her knees crying into her hands, the tendrils of dispair gripped her heart tight casting it's shadow over her. Although, She wasn't going to be left alone for long. In deku's throne room toga and mirko sat either side of the traditional office chair on the floor next to their master in which both girls were serving him food as he read his book occasionally taking a bite of his food to wash it down with whisky. Deku: you know you don't have to sit on the floor next to me my toy and pet. Toga quickly get respectfully responded quickly. Toga: I'm sorry master but I'm afraid we can't do that, we both want to stay close to you and we both can't fit in your lap so this is the next best thing. But it still has it's perks. Licking her lips she gingerly looked at the large bulge in her masters trousers; the comment annoyed mirko who glared at toga. Gritting her teeth toga gritted her teeth, staring back with a similar glare of her own.

Sensing the tension between the two thirsty woman who he hit pregnant deku stared down at both of them. Once seeing his glare they both quickly apologised and looked away from each other. Deku: (oh fuck this is definitely going to get worse later on as the pregnancy mood swings kick in) sighing mentally deku kept a calm deminer but on the inside he was racking his brain with ideas on how he'll handle this. Hearing footsteps, his attention quickly shift over to the door that soon answered his attention with 2 knocks. Deku had a good idea who it already was but just incase of anything, he clenched his fist. Deku: enter! Speaking in his usual confident and loud commanding voice which boomed in volume demanding respect. A smirk crossed his lips after seeing his not only best assassin but also favorite bloodthirsty sibling getting on one knee; dipping her head in submission deku felt satisfied after seeing his trusted assassin remain strongly loyal to him. Izumi: I've done as you requested master, mina ashido is captured and awaiting you in the cells.

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