A Monster Made Real

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(this is just a warning to anyone sensetive or don't like torture. Don't read this chapter. This is your fair warning)

Kneeling down in front of the white and red haired girl who was badly beaten and chained up with reinforced chains mixed with quirk cancelling cuffs he did not go easy on her visible from the many cuts, bruises and broken fingers left the usually stoic uncaring girl shaking not from fear but the unbearable pain which freely flowed through her like a hot knife going through butter. The position her hands were locked in were awkward and she had a iron collar on with a chain attached. Deku: you brought this pain on yourself shoka, I did like you. Now I despise you. It's one thing to break someone physically but to mentally break their heart is like you stuck in a mirror and someone takes a hammer and shatters it without anything that you can do about it. A soft mumble came from her swollen lips. Smirking he got close and put his hand behind his ear. Deku: what was that? A short pause ensued only for it to be broken by shoka using the last of her strength not consumed by pain she rested her head bsck before propelling her head forwards hitting him in a headbutt. Stumbling back ever so slightly he held his head and winced in pain. Deku: still want to fight? I was going light on you but now... Now you've pissed me off. As the door slowly closed blue flashes of electricity and screams erupted with the door slamming shut. He did all sorts of cruel torture.

From electrocution to drowning but moving onto beating with a hammer to break her bones, injection of super painful drugs that doesn't show any pain on the skin but badly hurts inside. Fire, boiling water and a vast variety of other methods he tortured her for hours from just after the girls left to when they finally were almost back an agonising 3 hours of constant pain. By the end of it shoka was left near death. That was until deku used his quirk to heal her back to full health before going right back to torturing her. For the next 10 days. He did this, torturing and slowly breaking her mental will to resist. By day 10 the pain, torment and over the past 9 days of slowly built up fear of just how crazy he was she was starting to break down into tears and tried to stay away from him. On the 10th day, shoka was nothing like her original self over the 12 day period she had been captured. She had turned into a PTSD driven wreck prone to panic attacks and nightmares. To her mind he was a demon, something birthed by the depth of hell. In dreams she sees herself walking about U.A nobody present. Getting close to the capture area the lights shatter and at the end of the corridor was a large shadow with sharp claws and looking like some sort of animal, it's head was a skull from a deer with antlers and black shadowy fur. Once spotted it would chase her eventually engulfing her. It was then would she wake up sweating.

Eventually after another, week she was absolutely terrified and broken. Anytime he raised his hand she flinched, his name caused her to have a panic attack and with so many scars she was mentally broken. An almost constant reminder. To him she was nothing more then a toy. Violent shakes and pain with PTSD attacks made up her daily life in solitude darkness. Staring at the steel door she could only hope he was in a good mood. Due to constant talking to others and food with frequent showers. Shoka didn't loose any of her social skills. Self esteem, courage and mental state however was at a complete low. One wouldn't be wrong to mistake her life had turned into paranoia and fear. Now we find ourselves in day 20 with deku making his way to shoka's cell it was time for him to finally make her his toy. Knocking on the door twice slowly caused a panic filled scream to escape slightly from the room. He knew that when she heart 2 slow knocks it was him and he relishes it everytime. Walking into the room and shutting the steel door he quickly noticed that shoka was hiding in the corner of the padded cell. Sitting down slowly he stared at her, with piercing green eyes reflecting in the darkness, he instantly picked up on her trembling in fear.

With a sickening grin deku spoke firmly to her. Deku: shoka, get out the corner and come here. Slowly tilting her head she could see him holding a button. Realising what it was she rushed over not wanting to get shocked. Grabbing the chain attached to her shock collar that had rubber in order to absorb the shock he stated her down with dissapointment. Deku: not coming the first time means I have to punish you now. Lighting up with terror shoka grabbed his arm with tears in her eye. Shoka:! No no no please! I'm sorry I'll never do it again! Wrenching his arm free made her fall. Deku: not calling me master too huh and touching without permission. Pressing the button activated the shock collar on her making the girl shreak in agony as she curled up into a ball begging for him to turn it off. Within moments after he turned it off. Deku: now will you listen? Or do I need to discipline you again. His voice was harsh being filled with venom and distaste. Upon hearing his words shoka was quick to shake her head frantically. Shoka: n-no master I-I'll be a g-good girl promise (why did this happen to me I'm stuck in a monsters lair... One I helped create) . Her voice was shaky and quiet due to the pain from the electric shock. Opening his gloved hand in front of her, she quickly placed the chain attached to her collar in his hand having learned the painful way of what each gesture meant.

Alternatively because of this she was also able to pick up on his tenancies, for instance if his gaze is soft he was in a good mood, if he was in a bad mood they were sharply fixated on her she could also swear his right eye had a slight red glow to it, other hints was that during a bad mood he'd occasionally mess with his gloves and tie. At the moment there was no faint red glow in his eyes. Deku: now what are you to me? Hesitating a few moments she weakly answered. Shoka:.. Your... Toy... Master. Despite being a bit slow it was major improvement from just 5 days before, yanking the chain so she was close, deku picked her up holding her close to his body making her shake a bit at the close proximity to him. Smirking with satisfaction he gently stroked her hair. Deku: that's right good job, now then I believe it's time for you to promise me something (if all goes right I'll have control over her) paying attention to her shoka felt as if the devil himself was holding her with a firey gaze pointed squarely at her. Shoka: w-what I-i-is it master? Grinning as he played with her hair twirling the strands of red between his finger he decided to cut to the chase. Deku: never run away or betray me. If you do either... Chuckling darky before he spoke made the tension rock sky high. Deku: the price will be far worse then this training. Understand? Without hesitation shoka instantly nodded her head accepting to give herself a little bit of respite from the pain. Happy with this answer, he set her back down. Deku: come with me. Taking his leave out the door, for the first time in 20 days, she could see the light of day once again.

(right for those wanting to read this I know it's quite fucked up but that was the goal, let me know what you thought and I'll leave anyone interested in answering this question. Is deku a monster? Catch you later everyone)

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