First Day At U.A And Meeting Class 1-A

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Today was the day. Since izumi received her letter of acceptance; a schedule arrived soon after telling her that she'll be in class 1-A alongside her classes, what she'll be doing and where she's seated with her locker number. Izumi: I can't believe it, I actually managed to get into 1-A! Jumping with joy she could barely contain the excitement shown by her upbeat mood in addition to the erratic movements created in the moment of success.

Inko had watched her daughters behaviour from the couch. Her happiness made the pro heroine happy seeing a small glimpse of herself in izumi when receiving the results. Inko: (it almost feels like I'm staring into a reflection of my younger self) as pleasent memories washed over the pro heroine she couldn't help but smile, seeing the same determination and pride reflected onto what some probably would consider a perfect reflection of personality.

As izumi was enthralled in emotions of success; deku watched on, casting his gaze on his oblivious sister he couldn't help but smile at her complete disregard due to how enticed she was in fruitless emotion. Afterall in the end it won't matter. The hero society will fall alongside the dark green haired pro heroine in training. Deku: such an obnoxious pain you are dear sister. You are still useful though. Count your blessing as I'm only sparing you. Not out kindness but only for you to see your once perfect world shatter. Laughing to himself deku couldn't help but raise one flvoed hand to cover up his face grinning like a phycopath looking like someone had finally lost their sanity.

Quickly composing himself. Realization had dawn on him that she was gone. Deku: danmit. Deciding to blow off some steam he called it quits for now and chose to go for lunch instead of trying to find her. Meanwhile izumi has already left home by running on the pavement. Wanting to cement herself into class 1-A izumi didn't want to be late rather she'd like to be early on the first day. Izumi: (if I'm early I'll make a good impression on my class & teacher. Making friends will be easier thereafter but I really want to know now what my other classmates will be like. Probably cool!) unbeknownst to izumi however, was both shoka and katsumi waiting to pounce on their best friend. Once izumi slowed down to catch her breath both of the girls pounced on izumi causing all 3 to fall down. Izumi: ! Girls what was that for!? Eying both of them with an ever changing facial expressions shoka decided to break the ice. Shoka: you scared both of us to death izumi, even katsumi was worried. Katsumi: no I wasn't I knew she'd pull through! Was the rebuttle heard by the 2. The response made shoka simply sigh and roll her eyes before getting up while in the process pulling the pair off the ground. Shoka: sometimes I believe I'm surrounded by kids. Ticking katsumil off she exploded in anger; popping small explosions in her palm in a vain attempt of intimidation shoka ignored this opting to carry on walking followed by izumi. Hearing katsumi grumble before stopping to catch up amused the two girls seeing katsumi relenting.

Upon arrival to U.A they all scanned their cards to get in. While entering large statues of the greatest students flanked both ends of the path with well known pro heroines such as all mighty, midnight, shota along with many others. Izumi: this place is as breathtaking on the videos as it is in person. While izumi fangirled shoka made sure she kept walking with katsumi close acting as the mother of the group knowing all too well what they can and will do unless supervised but she made sure not to overstep her boundaries still respecting and seeing izumi as the shot caller amongst the three. While they explored this school of dreams; a bell rang alerting the girls to class imminently starting. Without further push all three rushed about the school until finally finding 1-A. All were nervous as it has now been 20 minutes since class began. Katsumi: danmit we're 20 minutes late! With the usual booming voice they forced the set of giant doors open to come face to face with a tired but clearly irritated facial expression of their homeroom teacher.

Shota: your 20 minutes late this is unexceptional behavior. The rest of the class had already gone to get changed. Throwing all three their gym uniforms shota told them to essentially stop wasting time and to scram. Seeing shota's hair up with glowing red eyes intimidated the girls who bolted down the hallway with no questions nor hesitation. Shota: danm kids I don't get paid enough for this shit. Sighing in frustration shota grabbed a coffee then proceeded to the training area. Once she arrived all the students immideatly shut up. Only the sound of panting from the late comers could be heard accompanied by shallow breaths of her class that thought even shota hearing their breathing would bring out discipline or being chastised.

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