A Murder Revealed

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Shota had called inko for the 16th time and like the previous 15 times she didn't pick up. Shota: something must have happened to green tornado. She's never late to work and always answers her calls. Should we go check it out? Turning her head to face all mighty shota could see her pondering on the question for a few moments on what to do. All mighty: I believe it would be prudent to check on her to see if she's alright, this behaviour is unlike her. Changing into her buff form all mighty grabbed shots before jumping away gaining an angry protest in return from the pro heroine that clung to her tightly worried that she would fall. Shota: all mighty you bitch! You know I hate when you do these things. Choosing to ignore the comment she continued to maintain her air speed by jumping high from the occasional building rooftop.

Small timeskip~

When they had arrived; the scene was not what they were expecting. Instead of the clear road stood multiple police cars with barricades up. Fearing the worst both pro heroines rushed up to a certain inspector called Tsukauchi who was writing notes down in her journal getting testimonies from the neighbours and anyone else that came forward. All mighty was the first one to speak up. Her expression showed worry and fear. All mighty: inspector Tsukauchi! What has happened here? Sighing quietly she took her eyes off her notes giving them both a sympathetic look. Tsukauchi: all mighty, eraser I'm sorry to say this but the pro heroine green tornado has been found brutally murdered in her apartment. The struggle was brief due to the lack of damage. She has suffered 37 stab wounds to the chest and her 4th finger along with her ring appears to be missing. We suspect that the murderer had cut it off and took it.

This last bit of information enraged all mighty while shota was heart broken as inko was one of the few people she was close to and that had understood her complicated personality. Shota: (I'm so sorry inko If I had known I could have saved you) while shota was grieving in thought all mighty was a complete opposite. All mighty: (inko.. I'll find out who ever is responsible for this a being them to justice for you) a police officer came over to them. Police officer: inspector we need you to examine some evidence. Tsukauchi: alright I'm coming. I'm sorry for your loss all mighty, eraser head I knew you were close, but rest assured we will find out who this kill is. Taking her leave alongside the police officer.

Shota put her hand on all mighty's shoulder. Shota: lets go tell Natalie about this and ask for an emergency meeting, this is big. Not just anyone can easily sneak up on green tornado let alone kill her easily. Sighing in defeat she nodded knowing being angry won't help find the one responsible. All mighty: alright then let's go. Quickly getting into full sprint shota sighed in annoyance before following her. Unknown to everyone present a thin girl wearing a black dress with red eyes and blue hair was watching them with a sick smile on her face. ??: oh how unfortunate poor all mighty lost a close friend. How delightful. Seems like masters new ally is capable afterall. Retreating back into the alleyway; the mysterious girl took her leave.


Jumping down from the secret hatch, izumi got changed back into the maid dress she always wore any other time while putting her bloodied assassin clothing into the laundry basket. Izumi: now to take the case with "mothers" finger to master. Not wanting to waste anymore time having to be delayed due to lesser pro heroines which she easily dispatched; she rushed into her brothers throne room seeing him reading a book. Izumi: master I have a gift for you that I'm sure you'll like. Deku placed a bookmarker on the page before closing it and setting it down on the side before bringing his attention to his sister. Deku: and what would that gift be sister? Kneeling down izumi presented the small case to him, which he gladly accepted. Grasping it with two hands he flipped the lid open only to grow a smirk so frightening it would terrify angels because of how evil his face looked.

Deku: excellent work sister! His voice was full of glee and happiness seeing his most hated person in the world dead with her finger and ring now in his possession. Closing the case he set it down besides his book before patting his lap. Deku: come here sister and sit in masters lap. Walking over to him she sat in his lap relaxing when she felt his hands massage her aching back. This relief instantly made her completely lay back against him, enjoying the feeling of his hands getting rid of all the built up tension in her sore muscles. Deku: take this time to relax I'm sure this'll be adiquate reward. Izumi sighed in satisfaction enjoying the massage too much to speak. Deku: you must be tired get some rest. You more than earned the rest. Izumi got up from his lap. Izumi; alright master goodnight. Deku nodded in response before watching her take her leave behind the twin doors.

(authors notes: here you to everyone sorry for 5he lack of chapters I had to take a few days off to finish up other things I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hope everyone enjoy and I'll see you next time)

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