Plans In Motion With A Girls Day Out

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We start 30 minutes earlier where toga, izumi, mirko and mina were gathered around the bar. Each were talking to each other about their master but in different ways, for instance; toga and mirko were talking about the child they bore in their large round stomach's swollen with child that was going to be checked out with pony soon having been given the position as their new midwife. Mina was discussing about how she wanted to know what the kids gender was and that if they'd look more like master or their resoective mother. Compared to the others who discussed the unborn children, izumi was speaking about his skill in manipulation but more about his ruthless cold calculating nature. Jumping at the chance to easedrop, In the corner at the booth shigaraki listened with intent more so on his strengths that izumi was so casually spouting out. Simiarly, the new recruit dabi was also paying attention to get a better understanding what he's like. Naturally curious, who could blame her as he was the first male with a quirk. Dabi: (hm this guy sounds interesting. All captured and broken by him into loyal playthings. If there is one thing that won't happen is him doing the same thing to me) taking the glass of gin from the desk she gulped it down before filling it up again. It has been over an hour since they started this conversation. It was only now did mina suggested something out of the blue. Mina: hey girls?

Gaining the attention of everyone present in the room except for korugiri who was occupied reading her book having a vague idea what the party girl was going to suggest. Mina: why don't we all go shopping! Get some baby clothes and other things for the cute little ones when they're born. Or anything we like as well. Mirko entertained the idea but knew she couldn't. Mirko: well we can but we'd need disguises and me + toga can't because the checkup. Pointing but understanding looked to the others present in the room. Taking time to think the rest eventually made up their mind. Izumi was coming so was dabi as she had nothing better to do and wanted to grab a few items. Izumi decided to come due to wanting a few more clothes along with more ammunition for her weapons which were now running dangerously low on sniper rounds. Likewise, shigaraki was also intrigued on this. Not so much on the shopping although she would admit she at least wanted some food in the cafe she likes to go to. Taking the opportunity to annoy her dabi spoke up with a large grin on her face. Dabi: good to see your going you can finally get some chapstick for those crusty lips of yours. (that will defineatly set her off, she's so amusing when she gets mad)

Just as predicted shigaraki flew into a rage stomping her feet on the ground. Shigaraki: what did you just say! She was practically fuming at this point at the sly comment made on her. Laughter engulthed the room making the blue haired girl embarrassed. Having had enough of the humiliation she stormed put the room slamming the door shut which soon started decaying due to her using all 5 fingers. Unamused, korugiri made a note on needing to replace the door. Quickly brushing past that small incident, mina jumped to her feet out of the bar stool. Stammering with excitement she rushed to the open doorway. Mina: come to my room I have plenty of disguises. Rushing up the stairs, dabi was slowly regretting her discision to join having seen the energy mina is giving off. Reluctantly she followed. Unlike dabi, izumi merely rose to her feet and followed having gotten used to mina's energy ehrn they were in class 1-A. Izumi: (never changed even with masters influence, probably the only good thing I'm thankful for from the past) moments after they left, the T.V in the room flicked on gaining the portal villains attention. Placing a book mark in her page she closed the book and left it to the side, rising to her feet she bowed. Korugiri: master, what is thy bidding. A short pause in sued, the room being completely silent. AFO: korugiri I require tomora where is she?

Being quick to answer she told her what happened a few minutes ago and that all of them would be leaving to the mall. Korugiri: they will be leaving as soon as their disguises are finished master, would you like me to hold her back for you. Thinking about it she eventually decided not to. AFO: no let them have their fun. For now I need you to bring me Dr. Garaki I have an important task for her. A sly grin formed as she spoke already seeing how much trouble these new nomus will cause the heroines when they attack hosu. Turning off the T.V she waited patiently using thoughts of what will happen to the pro heroines to occupy/amuse her during this time. Within a few minutes, a portal opened behind her where a short woman wearing a doctors clothing and large circular glasses stepped out. Dr. Garaki: you summoned for me ma'am? Gesturing her over to her, she walked over being just under half her height when standing besides her. Dr. Garaki: is everything alright ma'am? Are you having issues with your body again? Shaking her head she pulled up a drawing and a few models she made using one of her many quirks. Greedily eyeing up the drawings and models she noticed the changes in the form of armour and drills/metal claws and other forms of weapons replacing an arm. Dr Garaki: fascinating. Where did you get these ideas? Casting her gaze down towards the Dr made her quickly shut up. Dr Garaki: right sorry ma'am forgive me for overstepping my boundaries. Sighing she nodded slightly. AFO: i know we're friends Dr you've helped me a lot but in future just remember somethings are confidential. Can you make them? Grabbing one of the models to get a closer look she nodded eagerly. Dr Garaki: I believe I can I'll begin immediately. Taking her leave through the portal once again and adjusting her glasses. She got to work immideatly.

Midway through their discussion between AFO and Dr Garaki; mina had finished the disguises for everyone. Taking w step back to admire her work she couldn't help but give a sky smile with both eyes closed and her hand under her chin. Nodding her head in approval, mina patted her back as a self sense of accomplishment. Mina: alright now that we're all dressed up let's go! Without giving them time to respond she physically dragged them all out the room, much to dabi and shigaraki's dispair who both equally protested only to be shut up by izumi and in part from mina ignoring them. Having been forced out the door they all walked through the alleyway and onto their street walking to the mall. Izumi: (she certainly kept her energy, glad to know it's funny seeing her push those two out the door, don't know why they fuss it's not like she'll stop, mina is the definition of TEA, girls hangout and dancing) laughing quietly to herself soon gained the attention of dabi who shook it off. Dabi: (crazy bitch makes me uncomfortable when she laughs like that) dabi's view on the group isn't the best due to only recently joining and focusing on her own goals instead of socialising with the lot. Her opinion on deku was that he was interesting yet a manipulative phycotic menace, mina was that she was too full of energy, she found shigaraki amusing only because it was easy to get her to have a temper tantrum, toga she was neutral on as she hasn't had to deal with her much, izumi was crazy and she found korugiri alright as she was mostly quiet and respectful.

Having spent the next 30 minutes of walking they finally arrived at the mall. Squealing with delight mina rushed in. Mina: WE'RE HERE! COME ON! Stammering with excitement, she took the opportunity to catch a glimpse around. Izumi: I know what you two are going to do so I'll come along with you mina. Lead the way. Noticing a couple pro heroines and security on patrol she pushed her sunglasses close so they were hugging her face and keeping the head cap keeping her hair in secure with the wig covering it. However, she was blocking out mina talking only catching a glimpse of her leaving. Shaking her head she followed knowing she could easily loose her if not paying attention. While izumi kept close to mina; shigaraki went to the cafe and dabi headed straight for the hair dye area hsving run low on black hair dye. During the time out. Mina and izumi ended up buying a couple dozen bags worth of clothes with izumi buying one bag worth of ammunition. Shigaraki bought herself coffee with a pan o chocola. Dabi bought hair dye, a few nail care products and medical supplies. All eventually met up in a restaurant. Mina: this food is to die for! Taking another bite her face lit up with delight. Scoffing at the child nature mina was expressing annoyed shigaraki however, age didn't voice it not wanting to make a scene and get caught. Instead she angrily ate her food with occasional glares. Choosing to ignore the childish nature of both, dabi occupied herself with food and thought.

Dabi: (I don't know why she's getting irritated she's just as much as a child as she is) rolling her eyes at this she focused back to eating. In this while mix izumi payed attention to the time. Izumi: girls we've been here for more then an hour, let's finish our food and hurry back. Being the only thing all 4 could agree on. They quickly finished their food before making their way back.

(hey everyone this does it for this chapter, hope you enjoyed I'm not the best with these multiple people conversation, let me know what you thought and I'll catch you all next time catch you later)

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