A Second Chance

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Deku: this new body is powerful but I'll definitely stick out like a sore thumb.. Hm* a grin had formed on his face as an idea crept into his mind (I believe it is time for a new face and body it would be wise to create a fake corpse so it's easier for me to train my new found powers)

Stretching an arm out a flash of green emerged where his body previously was making an identical copy of his old form that had all the wounds making it look authentic but in reality was just a small part of his newfound powers.

Deku: perfect, now I believe i can be left alone in peace for once not having to deal with my bitch of a sister izumi or abusive mother urgh.

the boy scoffed at the thought of them that only make his mood change from contempt to anger taking over. Using this situation as an opportunity, he proceeds to smash the alleyway apart punching holes in walls to let his anger out followed by screams of hatred allowing all the pent up years of abuse and frustration all out in a terrifying cocktail of pure uncontrollable hatred and violence upon the alleyway walls.

10 minute timeskip*

Deku breathed heavily, steam bellowed from sweaty hands after having completely obliterated the alleyway, when he turns to leave; all that was left was rubble and devistatation to such an extent one would be forgiven if they thought someone had blown it up.

Deku: that might of gotten out of hand* he had looked in a window noticing he was still in his new body  (fuck! I forgot to change I better change quickly and leave before any pro heroine shows up)* with a snap of his fingers bright lights engulthed him changing his current body to a human one.

Deku: hm( could do without the white jacket but at least it's better than looking like a demon right out of a anime) his new body stood at 6'2 with purple hair, golden eyes that slightly glowed in the darkness. For clothes he wore a blue shirt, white coat and jeans, he had a simple gold necklace for accessories. If anyone who knew him in his past life wouldn't be able to recognise him because of how different he now looked.

Deku: better leave before an-* he was cut off by the sound of loud footsteps approaching causing him to take a glance back, what he saw made his eyes widen*( fuck! Mt. Lady I'm probably stronger than her but I have no idea how my new powers work better scram before she catches me)

Getting up to running pace deku ran as fast as he could to the forest hoping that she doesn't spot him.

Mt. Lady: huh?* looks to her right she could see a man running towards the forest thinking he had robbed the place; (well of course he has he's a male and a villian afterall) HEY YOU VILLIAN GET BACK HERE AND FACE THE FULL JUSTICE OF THE Law.

having seen him at the last moment she quickly gave chase but he was too fast for her, already getting into the forest loosing sight of him. Mt. Lady: (how is he so fast males don't have quirks!) was the only thing she could think being left dumbfounded that she. a pro heroine! Let in what her view a useless common male villian escape her. 

Mt. Lady sighed heavily with dissapointed, shrinking down she pulled out her phone to make a call and waited for them to answer.

The phone was answered as someone in the other side began to spoke ??: hello Mt. Lady how come your calling at this hour? Biting her tounge Mt. Lady responded with a dissapointed voice. Mt. Lady: I bring bad new, a villian fled into the woods and my quirk is useless in terrain such as this I was calling you as your an expert in situations like these.

A smirk had slowly started forming on their face as they impatiently stare out the window ??: dont worry we'll find them* and just like that they ended the call.

(authors notes: that's all for today everyone stay tuned for tomorrow and post any ideas down in the comments or on my conversation message board.)

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