Awful Revelation

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It was just like any other day in class 1-A. Mina & kirishima were talking about dancing while shoka along with katsumi were still arguing how to save izumi from the cluches of deku, despite it having been a few months since the U.S.J incident. Katsumi demanded that they find his base and storm it whereas shoka wanted to wait for him to strike next and free her while he was busy. As for everyone else they were listening or taking cover just incase things got violent just like the previous 5 arguments this week. Katsumi: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! After months of arguing and fighting between the two both girls friendship has shattered turning into a fiercely overwhelming deep hatred towards each other. Popping explosions in her palms shoka was also getting fed up having constantly getting shouted, sworn and insulted at by katsumi. Shoka's fire side ignited from her patience finally running out. Shoka: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU USELESS, SELF CENTERED BITCH! Just before both could start fighting shota showed up and activated her quirk to force their quirks to stop while using her capture scarf; both katsumi and shoka were detained.

Shota: that's enough from you two. Now sit down and stop arguing before your both suspended. Once they were free of shota's capture gear, both reluctantly went to their seats. Everyone sighed in relief knowing that it was over for now. However, the atmosphere was about to be shattered in the most horrific way possible. Taking her place in front of the class shota finally gave them the news she had been dreading to tell. Shota: now that I have all your attention... The pro heroine green tornado has been murdered last night in a brutal manner... Complete silence gripped the usually loud classroom as the shock and horror of the #8th best pro heroine had been killed; this new revilation hit katsumi the hardest though shown when the stronger and most aggressive student in 1-A broke down into tears upon finding out that the woman she looked up to and called auntie was now dead. Finding her tears unbearable despite everything that had transpired only moments ago. Shoka went over and comforted her who surprisingly hugged her in response being consumed by overwhelming sadness and pain.

Mina was first to speak up but only after katsumi had somewhat managed to calm down. Mina: but miss how is that possible?! Green tornado was 1 of the top 10 or heroines. Shota remained uncomfortably quiet for a tense few seconds. Formulating on what to say. Shota: I.. Don't know, we don't know who could of done this as the killer was able to strike quickly and overpower her. No traces of quirk use has left. It's too early to kniw who it was so flstarting now any student that goes out must be in groups of 3 or more so you stand a chance against this killer. Am I understood? The class nodded simultaneously with a quick. Class: yes miss! Sighing in relief she moved over to the board and started the lesson.

Teachers lounge~

All mighty: I hate sitting around while my best friends killer is on the loose!smashing the coffee table to try get her frustration out all midnight and Mt. Lady could do was watch with concern knowing nobody besides principle Natalie and shota, gran torino and recovery girl are the only ones that can calm her down from the angered state she now finds herself in. Tapping her fingernails on her mug cautiously midnight leaned over and whispered to Mt. Lady. Midnight: despite us not getting along I think we both can agree that we're hoping that any of the 4 would walk in now and calm her down right? Mt. Lady nodded in agreement too worried to speak thinking that it'll anger all mighty even more. As if their prayers were answered recovery girl walked in, the sound of her cane tapping the floor as she walked over to all mighty giving her a Hardy wack on the head. All mighty immideatly stopped with the impact on her head making her clutch the sore spot with both hands before turning to face the short elderly cross looking woman. Recovery girl: you muscle head. Hits her again on the head repeatedly. How many times must I tell you to control that temper of yours. Look at what you've done, you've caused a scene. With each point she made another hit from her cane was delivered. You ruined the furniture, most likely disturbed classes and have scared the poor life out of midnight and Mt. Lady.

After a final hit from the cane she finally stopped her onslaught. Recovery girl: now sit down and stop acting like a big baby. Your the no. 1 pto heroine. Act like one! Finishing her chastising she left the room no doubt having been disturbed from her work. Not wanting recovery girl to come back all mighty sat down between the two other pro heroines rubbing her sore head from where the cane hit. All mighty: that woman is scary. Wincing in pain when she touched her head it was quickly replaced with a cold sensation because of the ice pack that had been placed on her head by midnight. Smiling at her midnight returned the gesture.

At the L.O.V headquarters~

The same mysterious blue haired girl with red eyes and a back dress lied down on the couch playing video games. That was until the door slammed open. Immideatly springing to her feet both her and the portal quirk girl that had been cleaning a mug. Now both stood in fighting stance ready to fight whoever came through the door. However, instead of a pro heroine or police it was none other than deku. Smirking as he entered all he did was walk past the two confused villians. Deku: pardon the intrusion but I have to discuss something with all for one. The blue haired villian was first to speak up. ??: I'm not sure if your stupid or bold but even though we're allies. You have a lot of balls to enter in such a manner and just say your going to speak to my master. Irritation laced her voice from the audacity of this man to come in here and act like he owns the place. All deku could do was laugh histericly at the threat. With a twitching eye the villian finally had enough and rushed him fully intenting to turn him to ash for his insubordination. What she was not expecting was him to grab both her wrists and stopping her right in her tracks. Chuckling evily he stared down the helpless woman. Deku: oh Shigaraki... I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to know your place. Steadily applying pressure to her wrists he watched as she tried breaking free of his grip but to no avail.

Shigaraki screamed in pain as she felt her wirsts being slowly crushed in his iron grip. Pushing and kicking in vain she tried to pull her wrists out. This only made him quickly clench his fist fast crushing her bones before dropping her. Deku's smirk grew before kneeling down in front of her. Deku: Mark my words shigaraki. I am not one to cross. Rising to his feet deku switched his attention to the purple mist woman. Deku: take me to all for one otherwise I'll crush your metal plate keeping you together. Gulping the woman opened a portal not wanting to suffer the pain of her metal plate being broken. Deku: good choice. Walking through the portal he came face to face with all for one.

(authors notes: hey everyone leaving it off on a cliffhanger here hope your all enjoying this story so far. Feel free to leave a comment for what you want to happen next. You never know i might just add it. Catch you all next time)

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