A Hunt For A Rabbit

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Mirko was struggling to keep her usual speedy pace due to the battle with the male villian which had left her with heavy damage to her bleeding arm leaving a blood trail for him however, that wasn't her main concern. Her main concern was her stiffled breathing due to cracked ribs courtesy to being smashed into a tree by deku's hammer blows.

Deku: where are you little rabbit! Hiding will only get you so far. The voice of the villian sent shivers down her spine making her truly feel like prey being chased by a hungry predator

Mirko: (this villian is toying with me. DAMMIT! If only I wasn't so blinded by my recklessness I would have had this villian in tarturs)

frustration stained both emotion and face as she fled but no matter how mad she got; shadows of fear plauged the pro heroines mind. What will this villian do if he catches her. Will he kill her, torture her, rape her. The thoughts terrified the pro heroines mind as she had no idea what this villian wanted.

Deku on the other hand had amused himself humming a song while following bloodied leaves and blood spots. Deku: oh little rabbit where are you, I grow bored of this game of cat and mouse, if your not going to come out then I'll make you come out.

Hearing this mirko had started to worry, what did that villian mean by "make me come out" mirko: (this villian has something up his sleeve) continuing to run mirko could only think what the villian meant although she didn't have to wait long as the smell of smoke hit her nose. Turning around; all she could see was the forest burning. Mirko:! SHIT.

Scrambling, mirko fled as fast as she could all be it stumbling occasionally followed by panicked breath and wide eyes. With the flames growing closer she was gripped by overwhelming terror of being burned or trapped in this flaming forest.

Not realising the root landscape change; she had tripped tumbling down a hillside sustaining cuts and bruises from thorn bushes until she had landed, her leg hit a rock breaking it from all her weight landing on her leg causing her to scream out in pain.

Deku: there you are little rabbit. Seeing her cry in pain and vulnerable made him feel powerful with the roles being reversed. Now he was the one in control, he's the one with power and at his mercy. All this had made him smile

Deku: oh how long have I waited for a moment such as this. Sliding down the hill making sure not to hurt himself in the process, deku walked over to her with an even wider smile. Seeing her shiver fueled the joy in his heart

Mirko tried to give off a confident aura however, pain mixed with seeing the villian so close made it hard as both her danger sense going crazy and fear of his intentions made it easy to see through.

Mirko: what d-do you want v-villian. Every ounce of her voice sounded defeated now that she was left in this pitiful state reminding her of just how weak she actually is compared to this villian.

Deku: oh don't worry I'm not going to kill you mirko. A sly smirk had emerged on his face. Your far more useful to me alive.. Now sleep tight my little rabbit. Standing up he brought his foot down on her head knocking her out before throwing her over his shoulder leaving the carnage of the colossal firestorm brewing in the smoldering forest .

Deku: mirko will make a great test subject to see the limits of a pro heroine. When I'm done with her I'll have one of many soon to be new toys. His laughter echoed throughout the burning forest tainting the silence with its wickedness.

?? Point of view~

?? Watched the forest being consumed by the firestorm as she tried to put it out using her water quirk along with others and firefighters.

??: who set this forest on fire this better be a accident because if this was intentional they'll have a lot of explaining to do. She gritted her teeth with annoyance knowing this will be a time consuming and long process not to mention exceptionally dangerous.

(authors note: alright then everyone this is it for this chapter hope you enjoyed it and stay tune for the next chapter. Any comments or suggestions will be very appreciated)

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