Planning To Striking The Heart Of Darkness

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When all mighty hung up she couldn't help but smile brightly. All mighty: we've got you now villain deku and we will bring you to justice and save young mina and anyone else you have taken. Jumping away she made her way to U.A knowing that this will have to be done carefully otherwise it could spell disaster for the pro heroine community. Within the hour she had arrived, making her way to Natalie's office all mighty couldn't help but let a few nervous drops of sweat run down her face. All mighty: (alright you can do this, put your fears aside. Your the number 1 Pro heroine of Japan!) after sufficiently pumping herself up she entered the door with her signiture grin. In the room laid a large table where multiple pro heroines sat all hsving been gathered. Noticeable Pro heroines were there. Midnight, Mt Lady, endeavor, 13, hawks, lady nighteye, bubble girl, the wild wild pussy cats, eraser head, Natalie, president mic and Makoto Tsukauchi. However, she didn't fail to notice some prominent pro heroines no longer here because of izumi's hand such as green tornado. Pushing the thoughts aside she took her seat besides shota where the meeting would now finally begin. Shota: your late, principle may we start the meeting now.

Clapping her paws together was the only answer given which signalled the beginning of the meeting. Principle Natalie: now as I'm sure your all aware of the villain deku and his minions. Murmers and nodding of heads followed in the wake of her words thst lasted for a few moments before a certain hot head spoke up. Endeavor: what about them! We shouldn't be sitting here gloating over the facts of what they've done. We should be searching for them! Raising up from her seat as she shouted to enphersise her point. Listening to endeavors rant, principle Natalie raised her paw which hushed the fire brand. Principle Natalie: now as much as I agree with you in this case endeavour... Sit. Her voice hinted a tad bit of frustration. The sudden change of the principles words was all it took for everyone's heart to start pounding. Grunting endeavor sat back down refusing to admit it but inside she was scared at the sudden change of her temperament. Principle Natalie wasn't known for loosing her temper. Feeling a cold sweat run down the side of midnight figured in her seat due to occasionally getting reprimanded by Natalie caused her to keep her head down not wanting to find out what would happen. Midnight: (that's not good for me, maybe I should keep my mouth shut this time round)

Principle Natalie: now Makoto, I believe you know the location of villain deku's base of oporations? Jumping slightly at the mention of her name; she calmy rose to her feet. Makoto: yes, of course principle. Pulling down a projection screen, she made her way over to the projector before slotting a few cases into the projector which she then turned on. Illuminating the screen was the picture of an alleyway with a ruined house at the end blended in with the slum area. Makoto: we are lead to believe his base is here as we've caught glimpses of izumi from what we can assume always going to this location. It is safe to assume that the basement has been repurposed. We aren't certain how large the place is so you'll be going in blind. This new revilation made concern ripe within the minds of every pro heroine present in the room. Being first to voice her concern was midnight. Midnight: are you certain it's wise to attack principle. There is too much left to chance and even if we do succeed the price might be high. Looking at her with a sympathetic look Natalie nodded her head. Principle Natalie: as much as I also don't wish to do this so early we are left with little choice. More pro heroines are dying than we can replace them because of izumi's hand and the public is starting to loose faith in us.

Dipping her head down in defeat midnight sighed heavily knowing that there was no way of this being cancelled but asked having hoped there might be a hour delay for better recon. Now with these hopes dashed all she could pray for, is not being picked. Principle Natalie: now we'll need 2 groups. People with good quirks and hand to hand combat. For choosing we've compiled who we believe is the most suitable for the task. For group 1 we have 5. Due to the recent losses some students from class 1-A will be joining us in this mission. Stunned at this new information; shota was quick to shoot down this idea. Shota: are you crazy! My students aren't ready to deal with someone like izumi and her brother. Setting her cup down, she made eye contact with her. Despite the neutral look that shota was giving her; Natalie knew that deep down, she was worried for her students safety. Principal Natalie: shota I know your worried but think of it like this, if we catch them, they'll have valuable experience and save them from the dangers of izumi. It's because of her that mina was captured and I'm sure they would want to help. grumbling to herself she reluctantly agreed however, that didn't mean she wasn't going to impose some restrictions. Shota: fine, they can go but I have some demands if they're going to attend this mission. Unsurprised by this, she gave her, her full attention. Principle Natalie: and what are those demands.

Shota sat up showing that she was serious about this. Shota: they are to always be with 2 pro heroines and if everything doesn't go well they are to immediately leave. Nodding in approval, shota slumped down into her chair before putting her hand on her head. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, shota looked over seeing president mic having her hand on her shoulder. President mic: we'll keep them safe. Taking a while to respond due to her worry she brushed her hand off her shoulder. Shota: thank you but don't touch me. Raising her hands in surrender presedent mic smiled. Clearing her throat to get everyone's attention all mighty decided to get back to business. All mighty: may we get back on track please. Principle Natalie: of course, now the first group will serve as the arrest group. All mighty, eraser, kirishima, nejire and ururaka. The second group will be the distraction group. Midnight, shoka, katsumi, Maria(female version of mirio) and lady nighteye will make up this group. Any questions? No questions were asked in return. Principle Natalie: this meeting is ajurned then you will meet outside U.A in 3 hours. Dismissed. Upon being dismissed all the pro heroines rose from their seats and tucked their seat in before all leaving.

(authors notes: alright everyone that'll do it for this chapter hope you all had fun reading it and I'll be seeing you all soon enjoy your day/night)

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