Ruined Reputation Drowed In Pain

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Within hours of the news being leaked out to the public. The term Outrage would be a gross understatement. Yet again 2 other students had been captured by one villain in U.A of all places. Not to mention the amount of deaths of Pro heroines killed in the attack. Public opinion of pro heroines were at an all time low with some parents even pulling their kids out of U.A fearing that they'll also end up dead or taken. This was felt most in the general course students. From the original 500, it had effectively almost been slashed by half all the way down to 267 students remaining. With the former amount having transfered to another school or pulled out by their parents. For the villains of the L.O.V, this news was like music to their ears none more so to the villain deku and his sister izumi. Seeing the reputation of U.A crumble into dust caused a great deal of satisfaction to the darkened hearts that pumped evil blood through deceitful veins. Compared to the bright mood the league of villains found themselves in; the complete opposite could be said at the staff of U.A. With the main pro heroines gathered round a emptier than usual table, the loss had hit hard. With the lack of so few pro heroines present, none were wanting to speak as they knew the reason that they weren't there was because they were dead. Unable to speak from the shock, they all just sat there in silence unable to speak as they didn't know what to say. No answers for the people could be given. However, they all knew that something had to be done about villain deku before he could bring them down. In quiet silence, the pro heroines thought on what to do.

Back at the bar~

Izumi was having the time of her life inside her head. Sitting before her was shoka in quirk cancelling cuffs. To say this was the best day of her life is saying it casually. No, right now she was ecstatic. On the other side of the table in shoka's mind was nothing but guilt, worry and the sense of defeat. Getting up and moving behind her, izumi wrapped 2 arms gently around the half ice, half fire quirk user. Izumi: you have no idea how happy I am to see you again shoka, now we can be family once my master dominates your mind. Flinching at the last phrase she said caused a steady nervousness to set in. Shoka: (dominate? Thar wasn't like him before, has he really changed this much?) w-what do you mean?. Pulling the chair she was in back a bit, izumi sat down in her lap. Izumi: isn't it obvious shoka he's going to break your will and make you his just like the others. Oh and before you ask you'll meet them eventually, fir now though your here we me and I'll warn you now. Please sint try escaping. It won't work especially here. Without warning she grabbed her head and crashed her lips onto shoka's enjoying the feeling of her soft lips. Unlike izumi who was enjoying herself very much, shoka was horrified of what was happening to her. Unable to pull away nor move, she just sat there enduring this.

Having sat there for 5 minutes, only then did the green haired girl part lips with her. Trailing a finger along her shirt. She suddenly tore the fabric and looking at her exposed breasts. Grinning with Amusement she was about to grab hold of them. However, just moments away from doing that, the heavy door slammed open making both jolt. Thankfully for shoka she thought the heroines came to save her, this illusion would soon be shattered from what came from her former friends mouth. Izumi: m-master? What are y-you doing here I thought you w-were...busy?...silence ensued, nobody dared made a sound making the room so quiet thst you could hear the faint clink of glasses from the bar still far away. Shoes walking towards them made shoka increasingly scared stiff while izumi found herself turning pale. Grabbing her neck with a gloved hand, deku forced her to look up at him, his skin covered in shadow like viens while his scars had what looked like shadow gloating out of them, his eyes pure black. Witnessing this, izumi shuddered and shakes. Izumi: (I'm so dead! He's only like this when mad) it was only his voice that made her snap out of thought. Deku: sister, I know you like having your way with your female victims but I don't think I need to remind you of the consequences of touching my victims without my permission. Am I understood sister? Gulping loudly at what he said she slowly nodded her head not daring to speak.

Letting go of her neck as she nodded, deku pulled her into a hug. Deku: leave us now. Grabbing her rifle quickly she power walked out of the room shutting the door behind her. Walking in front of her, he kneeled down. Deku: sorry about her shoka, but I'm the only one that'll be doing anything to you. Shaking a bit at what he said, she felt a deep emptiness in her stomach almost as if her gut was telling her that this was the end or worse, the starting of something far more unfortunate. Crouching down so he was at her eye level, he gently tilted her head up so her gaze met his. Deku: now I'm going to ask you a very improtant question shoka and I highly reccomened you think carefully before you answer this. Forced to look at him and unable to look away she sighed in defeat clutching at straws to try give off the illusion of a sense that she has some sort of control over the situation. Shoka: what's the choices? Grabbing a seat and popping it open, he sat down. Deku: option 1. You can submit to me right here and right now to make things easier for the both of us. Or option 2. You can resist and you'll pay consequences for not submitting. So what will it be? Gritting her teeth, she glared at him. Sighing deeply at the attitude she was giving him made deku kneel down. Deku: last chance. The only response he got from her was her spitting on his face.

Stepping back as he wiped his face, a tight clenching sound of leather was heard as he slapped her hard making her gasp. Grabbing her neck he squeezed tightly. Deku: even now I try to be nice to you but you still refuse. You hurt me badly shoka. Back then and now so I'm going to hurt you. Outside the room screams were heard. The noise was so loud, izumi along with the other members of deku's harem and a few L.O.V members such as dabi and compress could hear them easily enough like it was happening right next to them followed by laughter which sent chills down dabi's, mina, mirko, izumi and compresses spine. Dabi, mirko, izumi and compress: (is he/master a phycopath?!) the only one that seemed to enjoy the screams were toga. As for Kurogiri. She was blocking out the noise reading a book. Deciding it was a good time to retire to their masters bedroom. Mirko and mina left in a hurry in order to escape the cries of pain and pleads for mercy. A similar chain of thought soon entered izumi's mind. Izumi: uhm I'm going to go hunt. Night all. Practically sprinting out of the bar, she went out to hunt fake pro heroines to clear her mind of what had just previously happened. Soon after it was only Kurogiri and toga that remained. Proceeding to rest her head on the desk. Toga fell to sleep quickly smiling at the noise that her master had blessed her with being the perfect lullaby.

Twidling her thumbs, mina found herself looking at mirko hoping to strike up a conversation. To say mirko wasn't in the mood for talk was evident from the expression plastered onto her face. Although, mina soon found herself not caring. Afterall, sje wanted to try distract herself. And talking was the best thing she knew to distract her. Mina: u-uhm mirko. The fallen rabbit heroine slowly turned her head to face the pink girl. Mirko: mina you know you can just call me rumi, we aren't in U.A anymore and we are in the same situation so we are friends right? Smiling at the wider woman's words she nodded her head. Mina: RIGHT! then you can call me mina! The girl was practically bouncing with excitement which amused the older woman. Mirko: you certainly are one of a kind mina, we probably should get ready for bed. The master will be coming soon and will definitely want a warm bed. Mina: yeah he certainly will, especially after he's done with 'that' issue.humking in agreement, both got ready for bed. Not too long later toga also joined. Eventually after a few hours, a blood covered deku who was in the process removing said blood with a damp flannel saw his 3 beautiful girls in their bra's and pants keeping his bed warm. The sight practically made him stop.

Deku: (God danm, am I in heaven right now?) noticing him. Toga curled and finger towards the bed goading him to join. Toga: come join us master, the beds nice and warm but we're missing you. Putting the bloodied flannel into the dirty wash basket besides the door, he started to strip down to just his boxers. Deku: you minx's will be the end of me but I defienatly deny that offer. Getting onto the bed he laid down on the middle enjoying the loving embrace of the 3 women he loved. Deku: goodnight you three. All three: goodnight master. With little effort, all 4 soon entered the realm of peaceful slumber.

(authors notes: that's it all for this chapter, hoped you enjoyed it and thank you for reading. Enjoy the rest of the night/day and I'll catch you all in chapter 46. Bye)

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