A Great Surprise

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Deku walked up to the woman who was working on modifying some quirks and readjusting after finally being healed since her last fight 6 years ago with all mighty. Deku: it's a honor to meet you all for one. I've heard a lot about you and your exploits in making a crinimal empire across Japan. Turning her attention to the new voice she was shocked although did not show it to see the one boy that not only has a quirk but was also the cause for the recent concern in the pro heroine society. AFO: I suppose your Mr Midoriya I presume? Seeing the smirk from him face vanish she maintained her neutral face. (even though he's young my danger sense is going crazy. Just what is this kid) sitting down she gestured him to sit with her hand. Huming he decided to humour her and took a seat opposite to her. Deku: please just call me deku. Mr midoriya sounds too formal for my liking. Taking aoment to contemplate this she eventually nodded to his request.

AFO: so deku may I enquire to why you came here? Regaining his smile deku rested his hands on the desk. Deku: an alliance between the l.o.v and me. Taken aback by this, she accidently blurted out AFO: w-what? Amused by her confusion he couldn't help but let out a small laugh clearly enjoying her baffled state of mind. Deku: allow me to explain, as we speak. Pro heroine numbers grow larger with each new generation becoming more stronger and more corrupt than the last. I wish to put a stop to this and build a new peaceful society where quirks don't matter so everyone is treated equal. The police are just as bad. So with mine and your power. We both will succeed where alone we both have/will fail. So what do you say AFO do you accept. Grimicing to herself she worried what he could be planning. AFO: and how can I tell your serious to go all the way and that you won't betray me.

Deku's smile only got more twisted almost looking unnatural which sent shivers down her spine as she could swear his face distorted for the briefest of seconds. Deku: that's the point... You. Don't and as for not going all the way. I have ripped mirko away from the pro heroine and turned her into my personal sex slave. And is this also proof enough. Throwing a case over AFO opened it only to see a severed finger. Deku: I broke my sisters will and transformed her into my assassin with her first victim being our mother. Is this proof enough. Impressed yet also slightly disturbed by this new knowledge, she had enough to make up her mind she locked eyes with him. AFO: I accept your offer deku. I hope this will be the start of a great friendship. Stretching his hand out both shook hands.

Deku: I believe we should attack 1-A when they go to their camp trip in 2 days time. I'll hope to see some of your members there (this time I won't be so generous 1-A now that I've got my sister it's time I dent your spirit by killing someone. Maybe tgst pervert that izumi told me about. Doubt anybody would care but it'll go a long way in my plan) warp girl send me home. Within a few seconds a warp portal opened which he proudly strode into with a devious grin on his face. AFO: (he's definitely someone to becareful around if he's able to cause my danger quirk to go haywire while also being able to instill an overwhelming sense of dread in me) coming out of the portal he was immideatly jumped by mirko who clinged tightly to him like a baby sloth.

Caught off guard by this unexpected behaviour he stumbled falling into his chair. Mirko: MASTER! Her tail wagged a bit. Recomposing himself quickly, deku quickly mentally exined the situation to know the best course of action which was to immideatly hug her and pet her ears gaining a cooing noise from his maid. Mirko looked up at him and smiled up at him. Despite being only 16 deku stood an impressive 6'5 feet tall with a muscular build, his mind was similar to his body in being more like the kind of a 25 year old making him a man in all but official age. Deku: yes my pet? He could see her face turn from cheerful to moody which quickly developed into a pouty face. Mirko: you haven't paid attention to me in the last day and now I'm mad. Deku: (fuck! that isn't good) I'm sorry my pet I was just very busy. But now that I'm here with you now, my full attention is on you. Did you want something?

Upon hearing this, she acted quickly by grabbing a blindfold. Mirko: master wear this I want it to be a surprise. Raising an eyebrow he decided to go along with this and put the blindfold on. Mirko: stay here master I'll be back in a minute. Hopping off his lap; she ran off quickly leaving him to the silence of his room for a few minutes before returning and putting something in his hand. Being noticeably nervous from her shaking hand deku got worried after picking up on her shaking hand that rushed his fingers when she was putting something in his hand. Deku: why are you shaking? A loud audible gulp was heard. Mirko: just promise when you take your blindfold off that you won't be mad master. The comment left impatient questions to drift in his mind. Deku: (mad? Why would I be mad at her?) I promise. Mirko mustered up her courage to stay in his office to see his reaction. Mirko: o-ok master y-you can t-take it off. If he wasn't concerned beforehand, that feeling had just been hammered into his brain.

Deku: (ok why is she stuttering? This is unlike her) grabbing the blindfold and pulling it off with his freehand in one swift movement, deku looked down seeing a positive pregnancy test. His mouth dropped open deciding to slap himself to make sure this is real and once again when he checked it said positive. Deku: are you pregnant? A million questions and worries suddenly shattered his peaceful mind like someone throwing a rock at a window. Fidgeting on the spot mirko could only nod as terror gripped her heart with every passing moment feeling like eternity as she awaited his response.

(Authors notes: hey everyone, that's it for this chapter. I hope your all enjoying my story so far. Stay tuned for the next chapter coming out soon. Catch you all next time)

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