Out of The Cell And Into The Bag

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As mina was allowed to roam a uneasy wariness embedded into mina's mind, exploring the lair ended up with her walking down a set of stone stairs into what looked like a firing range. This thought was solidified into her mind soon after by the crack of a rifle causing her to unintentionally squeak. Quickly realising what she had done, she rushed to the stairs only to be grabbed by the collar and brought back into something warm yet rock solid. Mina: eep! With a tightened grip the mystery person sat down, at the same time spinning her around. To her horror she had disturbed izumi. The one person she was scared the most of besides... Him. Cracking a small smile izumi let go of mina however, just before she could leave izumi had already spoken up. Izumi: mina what are you doing down here? Gulping loudly with timid noticeable shakes coming from mina she quietly spoke. Mina: I'm sorry I-izumi I didn't know w-where this lead. Clicking her tougne for a moment izumi pondered on what to do. Izumi: (hm, she is new and she is another one of brothers pets so I can't hurt her unless I have a justified reason as to why. I guess I can let her off with a warning just this one) smirking at the thought, an idea sprung into her head. Izumi: I'll let you off the hook this one time mina but I'll warn you now our master isn't keen on people stepping out of line, he can be very scary at times and make my methods look like child's play. But if you disobey him I'll be the coming after you next capche? Widening her eyes in horror she rapidly nodded her head. Izumi: go on now out.

Not needing anymore insentive mina rushed up the stairs occasionally stumbling before reaching the top and slamming the door shut. Mina: t-that was so s-scary! Sliding down the door she placed her hand where her heart was feeling it pounding against her ribcage due to the terror that had insnared itself around her. Heavy pants soon broke into a calm breathing pattern as her heart slowed in time with the fear tendrils that before had so readily coiled around her heart before disapating. After having calmed down she looked both ways. Seeing empty corridors she stood up and hurriedly left. Taking the next corner she bumped into toga. Taken by surprise she quickly grabbed hold of a pillar to stop her fall. Toga: hey! Be careful new girl I can't be falling when pregnant. Completely shocked by this mina was left awe struck. Mina: your pregnant?! Feeling a streak of pride she proudly nodded her head with her hands on her stomach. Toga: yep I am, and even better it's with the masters baby I'm so happy to be bearing his child like I'm sure mirko is. Mina: (huh! Mirko! The number 5 Pro heroine gone missing!? Alright I should keep this to myself and becareful around these 2) uhm can I ask how far along you are? Raising an eyebrow to this toga remained sceptical. Toga: you like kids? Letting her normal personality take over mina suddenly became giddy. Mina: HECK YEAH! THEY'RE SO ADORABLE AND CUTE! Humming in response, toga gained a more serious look. Toga: even boys? Confused by this question it only took her a few seconds to realise what she was leading onto. Mina: yeah! I don't see the difference they're still adorable and their little smile is heart warming. Can I feel?

Moving her hands from her stomach she nodded. Toga: becareful, I don't want my baby hurt. Placing her hands gently onto toga's stomach she smiled at the small bump present. Mina: are you hoping for a girl or a boy? Taking time to think toga eventually made her mind up. Toga: I'm hoping a girl but I'll still love them with all my heart if they're a boy afterall they're masters child and that's what makes me so happy knowing that I'm carrying his child. Taking her hands away she stood up. Mina: well I wish you the best of luck with your child toga. Hugging her gently mina was taken aback by the action of the woman in front of her. Without knowing it she unknowingly returned the hug. Toga: you best go find master incase he's wondering where you are, he probably won't trust you on your own for a while. Upon hearing this mina's blood ran cold as realisation had started dawning on her that even if she tried to escape she most likely wouldn't get far with izumi present. Mina: y-yeah do you uh.. Know where he might be? Toga's expression quickly changed as she slightly raised herself up rather quickly before pointing to a set of large door. Toga: you'll find him through there. Thanking her, she slowly walked towards the set of doors, her heartbeat getting faster with each step she took closer to the door, with a tremering hand she cautiously grabbed the large metal door ring and knocked quietly on it. As she did this, her mind screamed to run and her breath quickened but for some reason her body had refused to leave it's spot. Was it out of fear? A sense of submission preventing her from leaving.. Or prehaps the thought that toga was watching. This indeed was true as she could feel a pair of eyes fixated in her that felt as if they bore holes straight into her back.

During her racing thoughts, a loud dominating voice responded to her knock. Deku: enter! His voice sent shivers down her spine that made her feel small and insignificant. Pushing the heavy doors open, a loud groan from the wood rang out consuming the silence of the corridor until they stopped with a loud. clunk! Before her sat in a plush traditional office chair behind a solid oak desk sat a man that she would have to call master. Even sitting down he looked like a giant, piercing red eyes stated at her making her mentally shrink. Setting his eyes on the pink girl, deku let his signiture smirk cross his lips. Deku: ah mina. His voice boomed, laced with darkness that dripped from his veminous tougne. Deku: what can I do for you? Quickly changing his tone to curiosity; he interlocked his fingers, setting his balled hands onto the desk giving her his full attention. shaking a bit, her mind was a pool of confusion, fear and terror. Mina: (WHY IS MY HEART POUNDING!? HE'S NOT EVEN CLOSE YET I'M FEELING LIKE A MOUSE STARING AT A CAT) u-uhm I j-just. Looking at her perplexed his grin grew more. Deku: just what mina? Snapping out of the cocktail that formed in her dread striken mind she hastily blurted out the last part. Mina: I just wanted to say I'm still here and didn't try escape. Watching him stand made her heart practically beat out of her chest due to the shear height different being well over a foot taller than her subconsciously moved her right foot back.

Deku: oh? What's this now. Walking over to her he grabbed her wrist. Deku: your shaking mina? What are you trying to hide. Almost instantly she tried to pull her arm away. Big mistake. Unamused by this he tightened his grip over her. Deku: mina. What. Are. You. Hiding. Now with a serious tone mina was half frightened to death that her barrier broke. Mina: I. I.. Planned to escape. Dipping her head down in shame all she could do was submit, he was stronger, faster and if she used her quirk on him there was no telling what would happen. Deku was now mad, really mad. Not only did she plan to escape she also would go back? These questions bounced in his mind which set him off. Deku:... YOU WHAT?! YOU PLANNED TO ESCAPE! AFTER EVERYTHING I SHOWED YOU! YOU WOULD LEAVE AND GO BACK TO THEM! YOUR JUST LIKE THEM AREN'T YOU?! raising her off the ground by her arm mina now was in a state of pure panic that she accidently unleashed her quirk, acid burned the left side of his cheek. Growling in pain he threw her into the chair as he gripped the left side of his face. Realisation struck her like a lightning bolt on what she had just done. Mina:! OMG! MASTER I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO PLEASE YOU Need TO BELIEVE ME. She had gotten to the point that she was on her knees begging for Forgiveness and mercy.

(authors notes: hey everyone sorry for not writing this author note message last time and for the the person that commented on my last chapter, no worries I didn't take it personally I just ask that you please reframe from using that type of language in future comments when not necessary. Here's your next chapter and I thank everyone for their patience. Don't worry mina will be still part of the harem you'll just have to wait for next chapter to see what happens if you have any ideas for the punishment mina should receive put it in the comments otherwise I'll decided catch you next time everyone and have fun)

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