Training The First Toy

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(authors notes: alright everyone sorry for not posting yesturday I got caught up with personal matters this chapter will include torture and next chapter a rape lemon so if anyone doesn't like it or underage don't read this or next chapter warning in advance.)

Mirko woke up shivering as she took in her surroundings, it quickly dawned on her that she was in chains with her back on a mattress. The room was dark and cold so it was hard for her to see anything besides the bare concrete walls, reinforced steel door most likely being locked and a... Chair?

Everything was strange to her being in this new situation but it made her afraid. Will anyone find her? Are they looking for her? What does... he.. Want. scrunching her face with disgust of the things he might do also rekindled the flames of fear that ate at her mind.

Mirko tucked her knees close to her body into a fetal position to try stay warm, breath cold and visible in the slightest bit of light present as icey breath escaped parched lips. (how did this happen to me? I failed as a pro heroine) tears run down her face, each whimper bounced off cold walls taunting her with her own weakness.

Mirko:.. I'm suppose to be a pro heroine, but here I am as a prisoner to a villian, a MALE! villian no doubt. Her tears that rolled down her face feeling like mental daggers stabbing at her pride and iron will that now was slightly dented.

Creaking metal made her ears twich quickly drawing her attention to the reinforced door with the familiar male form of deku walking in caused her eyes to widen. His iconic smirk was plastered on his face seeing the pro heroine in such distress due to his presences.

Deku: hello there little rabbit seems like you've finally woken up, I was starting to wonder if you'd ever wake up. It's been a day

Mirko: (A DAY!?) she started hyperventilating. How did she stay asleep thst long. Did he do something?

Deku: that face. His voice dragged her out of her thoughts but she dare not look at the villian. I use to wear that face but not anymore. From a frightens boy with no power to a man with power beyond your comprehension. I no longer wear.. THAT face!. Laughing with madness so deranged it would of kept angel at bay but..

Mirko: (that face is creeping me out is this guy insane!)

Deku: but now onto why your here. I need strong puppets to carry out my will and be my spies so I'm going to ask you this only once little rabbit. Will you be one of my puppets?

Deku's voice has turned to a dead tone seriousness so cold that it would put that half white and red girl that she had met sometime ago to shame

Mirko: (should I ta-.. WAIT WHY AM I EVEN CONSIDERING THIS!) no I won't be your puppet. Her bottom lip quivered as to what he'll do to her. The somewhat gentle face he had quickly tuned to a dissapointed frown that made her heart sank in fear now that he was mad.

Deku: is that so, well I hate to break it to you. He grabbed her throat tightly slowly choking the air out of her from his iron grip. You don't get a choice in this matter it's all about how much pain you will suffer. Seeing her starting to slip out of consciousness he begrudgingly let go of her throat allowing string gasps of air to be sucked in by the pro heroine.

Mirko: I'll n-never be y-your puppet. Her defiance helped to calm her down as she stared into his empty red eyes of darkened frustration

Deku smirked again at this act of resistance. So defiant. Huming the last words to amuse himself deku grabbed a wheel trolly full of equipment including but not limited to: pliars, hacksaws, hammers, drills and branding tools with a blowtorch. If that is the way you want to play little rabbit then. Kneeling down to her level deku had grabbed her rabbit ear yanking her head forward to whisper into her ear. I will break you many times over and promise you pain without end. Pushing her head back while laughing like a mad doctor; he'd had quickly stood back up before grabbing a knife before cutting into her arm

Mirko screamed violently as cold steel carved into her flesh making disgusting sounds keeping her on the verge of being sick. This had only been possible because she could see the villians glowing eyes piercing her soul in the darkness due to the intense stare he was giving her. Mirko: (this guy is a phycopath!)

Deku: don't start crying yet little rabbit we haven't even gotten started yet. The sound of the blowtorch starting up instantly caught her attention as a branding tool was heated up.

Mirko: N-no stay a-away. Pushing herself against the wall she thrashed with the chains in an attempt to escape but when the glowing hot red tool started slowly approaching a look of pure terror covered her face

Deku's smile had grown larger with each step glee and revenge was being drunken from the cup of dispair made up from mirko's situation. Should have complied while you had the chance little rabbit. Without another moment to waste he vigorously threw her onto her back before ripping the clothing and pressing the heated metal onto her back leading to cries and satisfying cooling sound as the letter N was branded on her back becoming visible when the branding tool was taken away.

Deku: now. Pulls her up onto her front letting him see the tears rolling down. Your mine little rabbit. No matter what you do, where you go. He grabbed one of her ears rolling it between his thumb and index finger. I'll always find you little rabbit you can't escape me.

Mirko still had her intransigent despite all the pain and verbal abuse suffered. I won't break n-not to you. N-not to any villian. A small smile had crept into the pro heroines face.

Deku had returned to his unamused face gripping tightly on her ear causing her to yelp and whimper due to her sensetive ears. This caught him off guard. Deku: (.. did she enjoy that?) confused and uncertain deku repeated it and got a soft moan from her.

Deku: so your enjoying this? Who would of guessed that pro heroine #13 was secretly a little slut. A toothy grin had marerialised on his face as a new idea to break her mind.

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