Setting His Eyes To AFO With A Plan

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Resting himself against the wall in the peaceful silence of undisturbed quiet, deku found himself setting his mind at ease for at least the briefest moments of time. Deku: (why do I hold back so much and let them believe they're superior to me when they're not. Maybe I should stop holding back and tear down the curtains of illusion so that I stop coming back hurt and worrying my beautiful girls of light hidden in the dark void that is my soul) sighing to himself, he couldn't help but notice the nearby T.V in the room was switched on causing the young villain to grin with such wickedness that it would make angels cry. On the T.V at the top right hand corner was the blinking digital text of "audio only" in white. Deku: oh AFO I don't remember giving you permission to try ease drop on me. So why are you listening to my thoughts. Is it by any chance you can't stop thinking about me? On the other side of the screen AFO was having her fair share of dread running through her mind. AFO: (shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck how did he know he doesn't have a mind reading or detection quirk does he?!) taking a few moments to regain her composure due to his bloodlust that hit her like a tidal wave crashing against the rocks despite being in 2 seperate places. AFO: yes..! I m-mean no of course not why would I!?

Swearing a little that she slipped up only caused deku to laugh darky, his voice coming out from the speakers made it sound darker then in person. To say she was unnerved would be putting it mildly. From the speakers came footsteps approaching closer. Each step felt like a little bit of her courage bring plucked away with every..single..noise. Making his voice as dark and sinister as possible, he rested both hands on the frame. Deku: oh all for one... Who said you had permission to lie to me I know your powers but do you know mine. Why not I come over for a demonstration . Shuddering a little at his voice sent a chill dancing down her spine; she could of sworn her pride was about to punch her in the gut. AFO: surrreee why not let me get kurogiri to br- she was quickly inturrupted by deku hushing her which caused her to get slightly irritated by this man's action. Deku: I can get there myself just send me your current location. Unsure what he meant by that she just decided to play along to amuse him. AFO: very well then my location is xxxxx. Locking onto her co-ordinates, he turned into a puddle of most before reforming in front of her slowly.

Alarmed by this, she suddenly used an ice quirk to seal the mist spilling out the ground. Relief washed over her but it soon turned to shock when the ice shattered and the mist formed as his body emerged. Deku: that was rather rude of you to try seal your allie in ice is it not? Staring down the well dressed woman, deku couldn't help but feel slightly underdressed. While she wore a well crafted dress, currently, he was wearing just a rolled up long sleeve shirt with black gloves and black shoes with his waistcoat and tie not being present giving him a more casual look more than anything. Doubling down on him, AFO walked towards him before stopping right before him and proceeded to give a counter stare as if trying to match his. Second, then minutes ticked by signalled by the gentle ticking noise from an old grandfather clock present in the room. After what felt like hours deku relented by blinking first. Deku: you certainly know how to match me stare for stare I'll give you that much. Now may we sit down like civilised people and discuss as to why I'm here. Escorted by her pride of winning over him she put her finger to her lips making a humming noise implying that she was thinking.

Tense moments went by as both stood perfectly still. Deku: (well this'll be worrysome. I believe I'm on par with her but with all those quirks it wouldn't be easy to take her down especially in this room. I'll have to take a different approach with AFO as unlike the others. I can't push her around easily but it would also prove very detrimental to any of my short term plans for the foreseeable future. Not to mention a waste of beauty) resting his hands behind his back in order to get into a more comfortable standing position; he couldn't do much but await an answer. During the same time, AFO was struggling to get into his head trying to figure out the reason as to why he was here. AFO: (what is this man thinking? He just casually strolled in here thinking he owns the place and then he has the gaul..THE GAUL! To scold me in such way, if he wasn't important I would kill him myself right here right now) very well then but this better be of importance! I am a very busy person and I can't waste my time on meaningless conversation or purpose that will slow my work down. Taking a seat she watched him trying to put up an impatient look to try portray the power level between the two however, unlike the pro heroines she knew he contained great amount of power and putting on an act of being weaker then he actually was. It was that or he didn't know how to control it yet.

Smirking at her bluff she was currently pulling on him, he took his seat and sat down opposite her. Deku: now as you claim to be so busy I will lay it out straight for you. It's all well and good having those nomu's of your's but I believe that they can be improved. Growing an annoyed expression she huffed in annoyance having to explain that there was others. AFO: is this what you came here for, I'll have you know that we've got high end nomu's which are stronger, faster, more intelligent and other confidential matters you don't need to know. If that's all you can leave. Raising his hand to stop her, deku's piercing green eyes shifted to a darkish red. Deku: I'm already aware of those and that is not what I'm talking about now if you'll allow me to speak we can get this done much faster. Being utterly confused on what he was suggesting she fixed her gaze on him before interlocking her fingers together. AFO: very well then speak your mind. Looking to match her stare, he took it one step further by leaning in so that they were now by definition in a close staring contest. Resting one hand on the other he couldn't help but smile a little. Deku: have you ever considered armouring them in vital areas. An exposed brain which if targeted kills them rather quickly is not really the most practical of weapons. Taking out a drawing of a Nomu he started scribbling some detail into the drawing. Deku: so if we put an armoured dome screwed into the nomu's head to protect the brain while at the same time also applying armour to the tendon in order to prevent it being easily cut and slowing them down for a brief moment it creates a much more effective monster. Furthermore we could replace one of the hands with a chunk of carved metal or maybe a drill can make it much more dangerous in close combat giving it the capacity to easily wound critical points of a enemy gives us an advantage.

Due to their incredible strength, their one hand will be more than enough to keep any opponent down, alternatively we could make the part interchangeable allowing the mounting of a melee focused weapon or prehaps some sort of mini gun. That way we can have dedicated nomu's. Melee focused ones back up with ranged varients. Even with a ranged Nomu they are still easily just as dangerous up close thanks to their genetic muscle mass and quirks (if any of you know about warhammer 2 rat ogres and bone breakers I'm sure you know where I got this idea from) . What do you think? Smirking at the prospect she couldn't help but admit that it was genius idea. AFO: (how come I didn't think of this. Although the ones capable of firing weapons will have to be further modified with increased intelligence, the trade off will be more than worth the cost) I see where your coming from and I will say it is a good plan. It'll take longer but if your certain it will work then I will trust you on this. Giving his gratitude to her he decided to be cheeky. Kissing her cheek gently he saw her face go from Amusement to shock. Deku: I knew you'd be smarter, see you later AFO you'll be seeing me more often prehaps. Taking the chance of her confusion he teleported away using his shadow powers leaving behind a broken AFO who still was trying to process exactly what the fuck had just happened. AFO:... DEEEEKKKKUUUUU!!! her scream of anger and flustered confusion shook the room she was in.

Emerging soon after back to his room hia face portrayed one of slyness but also partial fear. Deku: (yeah that woman is officially one of the few who can make me question my actions and give me a nasty scare. Good to know. She's probably going to be pissed off for the next couple hours, wonder if she'll come?) having nothing better to do at the moment he decided it was time to visit shoka again in order to kill some time as his girls were out with him not particully wanting to deal with pro heroines at the moment. Shocker I know. As he walked, the sound of footsteps once again filled the corridor of the bar.

(hey everyone this does it for this chapter, hope you all had fun reading this chapter, feel free to leave a comment. Catch you all next time my peeps cya!)

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