Questions & Forgiveness At A Cost

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Deku's words rang like a bell in izumi's mind; her face turning pale from what the villian said. Izumi: (it's good to see you again dear sister?!) everything made no sense. She thought he was dead but this villian that randomly appeared, killed something that had easily beaten shota sensei before leaving as quickly as he appeared and then capped it off by claiming to be her brother. (I-is he a-alive?) a cold chill ran down the girls spine because if that was her supposedly dead brother does that mean she would have to fight him. This realisation struck like a bullet terrifying her. Not only does he have a quirk but she didn't want to fight him already feeling torn emotionally bullying him for so long. T-that's got t-to be a s-sick joke r-right... RIGHT! With her shaky voice that was all she could get out of, her quivering lips desperately hoping someone would tell her that she's wrong. When no answer came a tidal wave of guilt came crashing down on her; now that her brother was no only alive but a villian shattered izumi's heart. Not wanting to stick around and going into a mental breakdown, she ran out crying.

Katsumi: izumi wait. She was about to chase after her only to get stopped by all mighty. Gazing at all mighty with a confused yet slightly aggravated stare. To say katsumi's stare didn't make her uncomfortable would be a lie due to being unfamiliar with this treatment by students. However, she understood why katsumi was acting like this, afterall izumi was her best friend. All mighty cleared her throat before speaking. All mighty: Young katsumi! I'm aware you want to comfort young izumi but you must give her some time to herself in order to process the information that's just be uncovered. A grumbled response answered her before katsumi turned to go find shoka. All mighty sighed understanding what she must be going through. Figuring out someone's family member was presumed dead only to just re-emerge a month later as a villain must be heart shattering even if this villain.

Meanwhile with izumi~

Izumi wept heavily in the woods rocking back and forth slowly. Her knees were tucked close to her body. I'm a-sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being such a failure! As if a broken record izumi could only cry and apologise being wrapped in painful memories and guilt remembering everything she did to him knowing full well that it's her fault. Occupied by grief she didn't hear footsteps approaching until a persons shadow casted overhead. Briefly snapping out of her own sorrow; what she saw almost made her heart shatter. Here standing above her was none other than the villian created by herself. Izumi: b-brother? Watery eyes made it hard to fully make him out but what could easily be seen was instead of green eyes were red eyes staring down at her. Not even caring if he killed her izumi quickly got to her feet rushing to him and hugging him tightly. Tears rolled down her cheek before turning into heavy water works. Izumi: I-I'm so sorry! I didn't realise just how stupid I was! Please brother... Even if it takes you to kill me please forgive me! Deku was stunned to say the very least. Here his sister was begging him for forgiveness. Going as far as to let him kill her to just be forgiven. Being completely at a loss for words, it took him a few moments to recompose himself. Fully expecting to be hit she was shocked by him returning the gesture. This became painfully obvious when izumi blurted out speech only best described as confused. Izumi: H-HUH! y-your not mad at me or going to hurt me?. Utterly shocked at this display of kindness baffled her. (why isn't he hitting me? After all the shit I've put him through he's just hugging me?) a heavy sigh rang through her ears. Deku: I'm not going to hurt you sister, yes I'm mad at you for doing all what you did but I'm not going to hurt you and I forgive you. But. Feeling a shiver dance up her spine a shaky voice left her lips. Izumi: b-but? Whimpering a bit when her brother gripped both of her hands. Deku: I'm not going to just let it slide. Your coming back with me and you'll serve me as a maid. You'll have some more benefits unlike my toy and pet maid. But you'll just be a normal maid. I'm not taking no for an answer. Now that I'm in control you'll follow my lead. Understood. His voice got harsher becoming more commanding than anything. Mentally shrinking down she nodded slowly realising this was the price of his forgiveness.

Smirking deku opened a rift. Izumi slowly walked in accepting her fate as a servent to her brother. Coming out of the rift and into a bedroom izumi could see the bedroom had: a bed, nightstand, wardrobe, radiator, small carpet on the floor along with a mirror and small bathroom to the right. Izumi gulped a little. Izumi: So this is where I'll be staying brother? Upon hearing this he stared down at her. His glare quickly made her shut up. Deku: call me master from now on. You can ask questions when you like but your not to leave my side unless told to when I'm home. Understood? Slowly nodding izumi sat down on the bed. Deku: get changed. Walking out the door he waited outside. A few minutes had passed and izumi came out wearing a maid dress. Izumi: h-how does it look... m-master. Spinning around upon seeing his hand gesture a satisfied smile crept onto his face. Deku: it looks great on you.

Deku: now let's go meet the others

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Deku: now let's go meet the others. Walking down the hall izumi followed in silence not wanting to get on his bad side so quickly. He promised not to hurt her but she didn't want to push it just incase.

(authors notes: alright everyone that's it for this chapter thank you for being patient in between each chapter and also for the support it means a lot to a small content creator like me. Stay tuned for the next chapter and I'll see you all next time)

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