Wife Problems And Intentions

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A clock hand clicked moving to 7. Without warning, a loud BEEP BEEP BEEP drummed on repeatedly as 7am dialed up onto the digital display of his alarm clock. Groaning in frustration deku hit the top of the clock knowing 2 things were about to happen. Deku: (that stupid alarm probably woke up my sleeping beautiful wives and no doubt they'll all be wanting attention. Not that I'm complaining but they can be scary sometimes when it came to competition of my attention. God I wish I had a quirk that would allow me to grow more limbs because I need it!) mentally cursing himself he hadn't noticed that all 3 of his wives were somehow still asleep. However mirko and mina tightened their grip ever so tightly on him as they had been disturbed a bit by the alarm clock but not enough to wake them. On the other hand, toga had no change due to being a deep sleeper. It had taken deku a few minutes of waiting to realise that they were still asleep leaving an issue for him. Deku: (well fuck, I'm awake but they're not and I don't particularly want to wake them as it spares me some more time) as if on que mirko had started to wake up making him curse every single foul word in the dictionary into his mind. Yawning as she started to open her eyes, mirko took his hand before placing it on her stomach.

Whispering into his ear as she does so, a small smile crept upon her face. Mirko: ma~st~er do you know what this is. Deku: (... Well fuck she's in that mood, is this her early mood swings?!) of course sweetheart it's our beautiful child. His choice of wording gained a big smile from the fallen bunny heroine. Mirko: that's right master you did this to me so you better take responsibility. Giving his first wife a stern look made her playful attitude come to a grinding hault being quick to take back her words. Mirko: r-right what a-am I saying of course y-y-you would master I'm sorry for ever doubting you. Softening his expression to one of a peaceful look he rubbed her ear gently gaining a positive reaction from her. Deku: you do quite enjoy when I rub your ears, why is that my dear? Sighing in satisfaction mirko took awhile to answer her masters questions on the account of enjoying the attention he was giving her. Mirko: it's a nice spot master, rabbits like the base of their ears touched. Well it's a neutral spot but to me it feels nice. But only you can do this just to clear this up got it master? Being her turn to give him a stern look unfortunately only gained a chuckle from him. Instead of intimidating her master she ended up amusing him with her look.

Mirko: (he's laughing?! Am I really no longer that scary?) pouting to herself, a important question just appeared in her mind. Mirko: master? What gender are you hoping the child will be and how will we deliver our child. I can't go to a hospital for obvious reasons on the account as labeled "missing". As if a lightning bolt had struck him, deku's face turned pale white when realization hit him. Deku: uhh that a good question I'll have to go get someone expierenced as a mid wife. Hitting the top of his head gently mirko hugged him. Mirko: your such an idiot sometimes you know that right? Rubbing the top of his head, deku gave a sly smirk to her. Deku: well then I guess I'll just fix this issue when I'm able to leave. Perplexed by this, mirko looked to see what he meant only to see toga and mina clinging to him. Mirko: oh right..mmm master who is your favorite? Almost if on que both toga and mina woke up. Toga & mina: FAVORITE?! WHO IS? A cold sweat dripped down deku's forehead. Deku: (crap, there is no right answer in this instance) Well uh.. All 3 of them stared deeply into his soul awaiting their answer making him unusually uncomfortable. Deku: heheh (I'm fucked, so this is why some say it's better to have 1 instead of 3 but I say screw it) I love all 3 of you equally. Your all my favorite.

Blinking a few times they all turned to face each other. Mina: seriously master? That's your answer. Calming his nerves to not show weakness to his 3 wives. He locked eyes with all three. Deku: what other answer would you have me say. I was trapped with whatever answer I gave you. Now off you 3 I need to get you two a midwife. Surprised by this toga was unable to keep her voice quiet. Toga: midwife!? But why master? I don't want anybody else but you see me in that way. Let alone touch me. Sighing in annoyance. Deku: look my sweet I understand you but I don't have any expierence in that neither does izumi or any of the L.O.V so we'll need someone with the expierence to help. You don't want our child hurt right? A saddened expression crossed togas face understanding the issue if they didn't have one along with the consequences of not having one as mentioned by her master beforehand. Toga:.. Alright master. Caressing her cheek gently with his hand he made her look at him with a reassuring smile. Deku: don't worry my sweet I'll make sure they're female and responsible. Her sad expression softened ever so slightly changing to a slight smile before she rested her head on his chest as well. Toga: (I feel so much safer with him. Unlike everyone else he treated me with kindness and makes me feel loved. Not many people cared about me unlike he does) sitting up he kissed all 3 of them on the forehead. Deku: alright I need to get you 3 a mid wife. I'll see you lot soon my beauties. Getting up out of bed he changed into fresh clothes before taking his leave.

Mirko: and there that hunk of walking power goes again so devoted yet terrifying. The other two nodded their heads in agreement at mirkos statement as they all both loved yet also feared their master due to his power but loved him for his dedication to them. Overall all 3 of them were greatly satisfied with their partner. The same could be said for deku as he loved the fact that they were both beautiful but more that they accept him for who he is and don't judge him or be disgusted being a male. Well not anymore at least from the start with mirko and mina with the former trying to defeat him while the latter didn't like him being a villain but who was he to blame them as he had taken them against their will to become his wives. But for all intent and purposes he's happy having them as they are now. Walking to the bar area he was met by the de blue haired woman playing games while laying down on one of the couches, at the bar was a purple mist woman wearing a bar maidens clothing. She was currently polishing some glasses with a clean cloth. Walking over he sat down on the bar stool in front of the portal villain. Deku: whisky please Kurogiri was it? Stopping what she was doing, the portal villain looked up at him to check his age before placing the glass down in front of him pouring a flhealyhy portion of whisky into the cup before adding an ice ball to it. Kurogiri: here you go young one and yes you are correct.

Thanking her for the drink, he took a sip from his glass savoring the taste as a warmth from the drink heated the back of his mouth which gained a satisfied sigh from the villain.
Kurogiri I need a favor. Finishing the glass he handed it back to her. Picking up the glass and starting to clean it, she let her yellow glowing eyes meet his dark green. Kurogiri: and what would that be? Looking to match her stare he slightly leaned forward. Deku: i need you to send me to U.A so that I can find out a couple things. Also is there a way I can call you to give me a hand in getting to places. Humming in understandment she looked towards the screen seeing it on. Kurogiri: you'll hsve to ask my master. If she agrees then I shall aid you whenever you require my assistance in travelling. Turning on a dime to the screen a voice came from the black screen with the words. Audio only. Blinking in the top right hand corner. AFO: a new villain that already has made a dent. A male no doubt oh I can already see the people screaming for this being a joke. You have certainly made a name for yourself deku. Not just anyone has been able to take down a pro heroine on their own in a fair fight. But we both know that's only a small bit. Now as much as I can go on about your accomplishments I have a question for you. And that is what is your goal and intentions as of now and for the foreseeable future? Taken aback by who was talking, deku made his way to the screen. Deku: well well if it isn't the informes All For One.

Deku: my goals is to rid the world of fake heroines and change the world for a better. Quirks are becoming too dangerous and they do nothing but cause pain and suffering. Because of quirks men are treated at best slaves and at worst animals. It disgusts me. The world is sick and in choas. So to fix this and make the world a safer more equal place with less choas. I will do everything in my power to get rid of quirks globally. It makes a human without a face. Corrupted by power, fame and money. I don't fear you AFO I know what you can do. I know what you've done. You have 2 choices. Help me or stay out of my way. Without warning he let his power flare out allowing only her to feel the pressure of his aura. On the other side of the screen, AFO felt the enormity of his power being nothing like she had felt before. The result made a shudder dance along her spine and cause her to cover her mouth, a softoam escaping her lips. But due to her hand in the way didn't get picked up by the audio sensors. Taking a few seconds to calm herself down, she stared at the screen. AFO: we will help. I also see the flaws of quirks and agree. Kurogiri I give you permission to aid him in his endeavours. Turning the screen off before anything else happens, she sat down on her chair with a heavy blush. AFO: ( w-what was that. The raw power and feeling of it. Wait! Why am I thinking this!) slapping herself to get the thoughts out she sighed heavily before going back to figuring all this out and why she was acting this way

(authors notes: hey everyone that does it for this chapter, let me know if you'd also like one of the new harem members. Shoka todoroki, nemuri midnight or momo also to be taken. Answer with yes and who or no I'll catch you lot next time hope you had fun and I'll catch you all in the next chapter)

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