A Job Offered In Unusual Circumstances

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It was a usual morning for deku. Having woken up and managed to worm his way out from his wives clutches. He enjoyed a nice long hot shower to wake him up, mid way through scrubbing the soap into his long hair before rinsing it out under the shower head currently spewing out hot refreshing clean water, his thoughts were left to wonder on his current predicament. Deku: (if I grow this ever increasing harem of mine anymore I'll be digging my grave next. As much as I like the idea of multiple beautiful woman wanting me. It never hurts to have a limit. Hmm how about 6...yeah that's a good number. Plenty of attention but manageable) during his undisturbed peace, 2 slender but rough hands wrapped around from behind him and felt his abbs and chest. However, at the same time 2 large soft mounds pressed against his back. Deku: (shit. I know exactly who that is) his chain of thought came to a screeching hault by one word. Mirko: ma~st~er. Turning to face her. He could see a lustful look on the woman's face. Feeling bad for her due to her natural heat but pregnancy too far along he cupped her face. Deku: my little bunny you know i can't because of the risk of the baby you carry. The expression on her face turned from lustful to understanding then eventually sadness with both ears going down flat. Mirko: it's so unfair. Me and toga saw you ravage mina and we got so worked up knowing you can't do that to us because we're halfway into our pregnancy.

Pushing her chin up with his fingers, he embraced her lips in a passionate kiss. Taken off guard by the sudden action of her master left her momentarily surprised. Although, the shock wouldn't last long from a mixture of so much emotion encased within his kiss alongside the hot water from the shower made her melt into the kiss relatively quickly. Wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him a bit further down, she started kissing him back before sticking her tougne into his parted lips. Wrestling for dominance, both of them fought until deku eventually won; by the time gentle lips parted, a string of saliva connected the two who were both currently panting from the prolonged shared actions of love. Deku: this doesn't mean I can't enjoy you how I want. After you've had those kids you'll be right back to giving me another. Blushing at the comment she couldn't help but think of the idea. Mirko: have as many as you want with me darling I won't object. As long as it's you. A sly grin emerged onto his face where they proceeded to have a little make out session. During deku's make out session izumi was interrogating pony to free up a bit of her masters time already aware of the use he has for her as a Midwife/caretaker.

Sticking her dagger into the wood near her hand, she savored the frightful wince and expression the British girl made who currently struggled to speak in Japanese due to the state of her internal thoughts she had rageing inside of her mind. Izumi: so pony was it? Getting no response from the shaking girl half amused yet mostly irritated her seen from the scowl that formed on her face. Izumi: I said...slamming her fist on the table caused a loud bang to get her point across. Due to the extremely loud echoe it left bouncing off the walls of the small room shook the girl out of her thoughts. Izumi: is your name pony!? Yes! or no! Trying her best to get the words out of her mouth she had a stuttered but understandable speech. Pony: y-yes m-m-miss my names p-pony... P-please don't hurt me. Having gotten the answer she needed, izumi could finally got to work with getting the Midwife her brother needed; sitting down on the table in front of the girl with crossed legs brought great pride in her as she felt the power of having the say what happens. Izumi: oh no no no I won't hurt you precious. Tucking her fingers underneath the girls chin. She smirked when lifting her head up slowly to get the suspense. Izumi: I won't hurt a hair on your pretty little face as long as you do 3 things for me.
Gulping at the 3 requests she could possibly ask, pony was practically shaking in her seat from the chattering of her teeth to the tremors in her hands that constantly figited being unable to sit still.

Pony: (I hope I don't have to do something awful my parents would be so dissapointed in me) u-uh what are t-they? Having taken notice of the smirk set off alarm bells in her mind which screamed at her to run but the logical side of her was telling her stay so it wouldn't get worse if that was even physically possible. Izumi: oh they're really easy. 1. I want you to be my masters Midwife for his pregnant wives. 2. Your not to escape, call for help or disclose any information of what happens here and where here is. Finally 3. Your to take care of them like you mean it. If you deny any 3 of these requests I'll personally put you through hell and make your very soul regret saying no to this generous offer I'm giving you. So what will it be? Staying quiet, pony looked away. True she had knowledge in the subject and, taken an interest but she wasn't expecting to fully endorse it. Pony: (this isn't good! I know about midwifing but it's been a while since I last used it and if I say no I don't want to find out how serious she is. I'm sorry mother, father but I have no choice)... a-alright I'll do i-it. But I-I'll need mroe practice as I h-haven't done it for a while. Narrowing her eyes at the student izumi sighed as she took her knife away. Izumi: fine, you have 4 months to learn, don't fail if you fo you'll be another one to the pile of steadily growing corpses left behind me. You'll get 465,000 yen per year from what my master tells me if you do it right. Now out of my sight.

Rushing out of the door as fast as humanly possible. She picked a random direction and ran. Sighing in annoyance izumi licked her lips trailing her tougne carefully along her curved combat knife before taking her leave out the same door pony left prior seconds ago humming a tune to herself as she did so making her way to the bar. Izumi: Kurogiri can I get some juice. I need to calm my bloodlust. Apple will do considering I can't drink alcohol. Stopping her polishing, she slid the glass over to her and grabs a carton of apple juice, pouring some into the glass until half full. Kurogiri: there you go young miss, call me if you require a refill. Going back to her spot, she picked up a new glass to start polishing. Shrugging her shoulders, izumi was more then contempt to slowly sip her juice in the peaceful atmosphere of the bar in the early morning. Above the bar, the clock chimed 9am. Right now it was peaceful with the brewing storm to come later on in the day.

(hey everyone thst does it for this chapter, in the next we'll be looking at a timeskip followed with a monologue of the events that had happened in thst time period. Catch you all later cya all)

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