In Search Of A Midwife And U.A Raid

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In the middle of U.A a purple warp gate appeared, all around alarms blared loudly through the P.A sound system to alert everyone of an unauthorised breach. Through the portal came a villain who had dark green hair, red eyes and a suit. Brushing off the dust with his gloved hands he ran his hand through his hair taking a deep breath before opening his eyes. Deku: thank you Kurogiri, I shall call you when I have completed my task. Walking away he heard the warp villain call out to him. Kurogiri: your welcome young sir, try not get hurt. Chuckling at her comment, deku walked amongst the hallways examining everything as his mind was left to wonder due to no heroines showing up just yet. Deku: (how I used to dream of coming here, to be the first male hero. Now here I am walking in these halls disgusted more than anything. How ironic) coming to a stop, two pro heroines blocked the way. Deku: ah eraserhead and vlad queen. We meet again. Locking eyes with both; an uneasy staring match ensued with the alarms being the only thing breaking the silence. Shota: (we must be cautious with him there is no room to be reckless with the small space we've got and all the students) villain deku you are under arrest come quietly and we won't have to escalate this.

Grinning widely he stepped forward raising his hands. Deku: I'm right here. Unsettled by this, shota activated her quirk and watched him before nodding at vlad Queen who approached cautiously. Waiting for her to get close he quickly grabbed vlad queen's arm slamming her down onto the ground before kicking her at shota. Seeing this, eraser had no choice but to jump to avoid her colleague making her momentarily look down. Using this to his advantage to keep his power secret and make her still believe he's using a "quirk" deku launched multiple black tendrils at her as one managed to wrap around her eye and trapping her. Deku: well isn't this a turn of events. I'll be honest I admire you eraserhead, your a true pro heroines so I'll make a proposal to you. Struggling at the shadows binding her she had little choice but hear him out. Shota: and why would I. Grunting as she tried to free herself from the bindings brought an annoyed expression to her face. Would I listen to someone like you. Stepping forward so he was nearly in front of her, he tilted her head up. Deku: because you have little choice. It's a good one though. Sighing on defeat she whipped her head away from his touch. Shota: and what would that be?

Walking around her as he though, a idea popped in her head. Deku: it's rather simple. I want a fair fight no quirks, no capture scarf. No tricks. If I win I continue with what I was doing. Feeling the tendrils fade letting her move again as her eyes were uncovered allowed her to rub her wrists and look at the villain face to face. Shota: and if I win? Stopping his circling in front of her. He extended his hand to her. Deku: then you get to arrest me and bring me to justice, sound fair? Reluctant to shake his hand, she contemplated whether or not to accept. After a minute of thought she reached forwards and shook his hand. The handshake was firm and short before both let go. Deku: most excellent decision. I do enjoy playing fair sometimes. Taking 8 steps back for a bit of distance, he got into a fighting position. Smirking as clenched his fists and lowering himself slightly for a better position deku nodded his head. At the other end, shota took her goggles and capture scarf before also getting into her position returning the nod moments later. Deku: may the best fighter win eraserhead. Rushing forwards and attempting to leg sweep her, shota jumped over her opponent delivering a kick to the back of the head ending up with him cracking his neck. Deku: fast, good. Both rushed each other hoping to get a swing in. Making a false punch, shota raised her ands to block only to receive a quick kick sending her back a little.

Shota regained her footing only to hsve an onslaught of punchs. Shota: (shit! He's strong, I need to keep my distance. He'll win just a straight up slugging match I need to wear him down) jumping over her opponent, she found herself getting thrown across the hallway as deku had managed to grab her ankle just before she cleared him. Deku: you'll have to do a bit better than that. Getting into a defensive stance, shota took the chance to attack trying to kick his leg and keep him off balance. To some extent it worked as a well timed kick from her managed to get him in his jewels. Grunting in pain, he buried the pain enough to get a clean hit to her head sending her crashing through a set of doors. Deku: that was a low blow. Taking the opportunity, he rushed forwards trying to get her when she was down only resulted in a powerful kick to thr abdomen. Raising to her feet shota head butted him to stun him before bringing him down into a headlock. Flinging himself back his head crashed into her lower jaw making her let go as he knee capped her. The blow sent her down to one knee. Deku: you fought well eraser. Delivering a powerful right hook to her head knocked the pro heroine out cold.

Carrying on with his quest he ended up beating many pro heroines until they were out cold killing any fake ones he came across or those who had wronged him. That was until he saw a pair of horns sticking out behind a desk. Deku: (hm I wonder who thst could be hiding) quietly approaching he grabbed one of the horns lifting up a student who was now was crying and begging for mercy in.. English?! Setting the student down deku started getting a bit annoyed at not understanding what she was saying or the fact her pleading when he wasn't going to kill her was slowly ticking him off. Deku: SILENCE! Having heard the villain shout; quickly made her shut up in fear of making him more mad. Forcing himself to calm his nerves, deku sighed rubbing his eyes. Deku: do you speak or understand Japanese? A quick series of head nodding came from the student. Deku: (urgh this one better be worth the trouble) do you know anything about being a Midwife or taking care of kids. Skeptical at why the villain would ask but not what to get on his bad side, pony was quick to respond. Pony: u-uh yes I d-do I studied it b-before coming here Mr. Her response gained a sigh of relief. Deku: (now I can rest easy after I tamed this one) seeing ice fly towards his, he was quick to raise a shadow barrier.

The ice breaking on contact with his shadows. Deku: move a muscle and I'll kill you where you stand understand? Dropping her, an audibly loud Gulp was heard from her due to the threat made against her. Taking this warning seriously pony sat down with her knees pulled up. Satisfied with her action, he turned his attention to the new arrival. Immediately Noticing the red and white hair his anger flared realising who it was. Deku: shoka... His voice was dark and sinister due to the speed & tone he said it. Turning to face her shoka's face turned from anger to shock then regret. Shoka: I-izuku? The words were caught in her throat. She knew he was a villain and alive but seeing him in person with blood all over him and the once shy personality been completely replaced by hatred and anger made her heart break. No longer was he the shy quiet boy she used to pick on. Now in front of her stood, a man with nothing left of the old deku. Frozen at what stood before her allowed him to approach. Kneeling down in front at her due to the height difference he stated her right in the eyes. You ruined my life because you could I used to look up to you. But no longer.

Unable to contemplate what was happening. Shoka mumbled something. Getting a bit closer deku grabbed her shoulder gaining no reaction from her. Deku: (never thought I'd see the day of this) what did you say. Looking up with a few tears in her eyes, she tightly hugged him completely shocking him. Shoka: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry! Unsure what to do he slowly hugged her back still confused on what the fuck is going on. Deku: (uhh this is unexpected, what the hell do I do now) clenching his fist a bit shoka prepared for any sort of beating. Deku: you know i should just kill you here and now for what you did. A uneasy silence engulthed the room. It took a full 2 minutes before anyone spoke. Shoka:... are you? Groaning as he lessened his grip on his fists. Deku: no, but I'm going to keep you and I won't hear anything else, this is my revenge and your punishment. Yanking her head up he crashed his lips on her's gaining a surprised muffle from her. Before long he had broken the kiss and swung her over his shoulder before doing the same to pony. Moisuring his vocal cords deku looked up and shouted. Deku: Kurogiri! Not too long a warp portal opened allowing him entrance which he gladly walked through. When the gate closed. Another 2 students had fallen to villain deku. Along with countless pro heroines.

(authors notes: that's it for hbis chapter everyone I hope you all enjoyed it because I've been writing this at 1 in the morning and tired as hell. Hope you had fun and enjoy the rest of your day/night catch you all later)

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