A New Member To The Harem

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By morning mina awoke from her slumber. The light thst broke through a small gap in the curtains gleamed, casting it's warm glow onto her tired face causing her to move her head to the side. Letting a soft groan escape her lips, she rose from the bed taking the chance to rub her eyes allowing her focus in on the bedroom. What filled her vision was a lavaish room containing oak furniture such as wardrobes, Chesterdraws, a table with a mirror, chairs and a large carpet that covered 1/3 of the room. To the right of her was a door cracked open showing a bathroom but on the left was a fireplace having large bookshelves containing multiple volumes of historical, non fiction and scientific books. As for the bed she found herself in was a large king size held up by a decorated wooden frame possessing an art nouveau aspect. Silk bed sheets and quilted pillows. Moving about she could feel the mattress move hinting that it was a water mattress. Mina: where am I? This isn't the cell he put me in... Is this? His room? Opting to compose herself first, she tried to remember what had happened last. After considerable consentration her memories felt like a lightning had struck her with great force due to the intensity of remember what had happened and feeling after affects of the memory transfer.

Breaking down in tears she couldn't hold back the sudden onslaught of tears that suddenly broke out. Mina: i-it can't b-be true they wouldn't have d-d-did all that?... Right?... RIGHT!? Having her entire view on things being a false truth and the bubble that she had lived in finally popping was too much for her. However, before she could sob in peace any longer, a strong yet familiar pair of arms wrapped around her from behind pulling her back into something hard. Mina jolted at this sudden contact, but when she tried to turn to see who it was..his.. Voice broke the silence with a gentle softness just loud enough for her to hear. Deku: what's the matter mina? You were so peaceful earlier. What has brought upon these tears to such a fair and beautiful face such as yours. Shocked by this new turn in personality; she stumbled with her words coming out as a blend of confusion and fear. Mina: h-huh! Uh I-I'm fine, why? Are you fine? Seizing up from what she said she quickly turned and got to the end of the bed waving/shaking her head and hands in a no fashion. Mina: w-w-wait I didn't m-mean to say t-that why w-would I care about h-how a villain feels. Frowning at this new found set of words he growled quietly. Deku: mina... With a voice now practically bleeding authority instantly caught her attention as she brought her head up slowly to meet his stern look that almost immideatly made her go pale with goosebumps dancing along her arms. Gulping loudly her voice came out timid. Mina: y-yes?

Staring at her he smirked internally as he watched her shrink from the fear dipping her head quickly down after seeing his look. Deku:.. Come here.. Now. Exerting his dominance and authoritive tone he saw her gulping again. Slowly approaching him by shuffling, mina's thoughts screamed at her to get away and to run but her body kept moving forwards. That was until she had her wrist grabbed by him in a vise grip making her gasp before she was wrenched forwards into her lap with an arm wrapped tightly round her waist. Deku: (I've had enough of this disobedience. I should have broken her will like I did to toga and mirko, no more games) now your going to listen and you'll listen well UNDERSTAND? Shocked and beyond terrified mina nodded her head rapidly. Not being content deku increased his grip ever so slightly. Deku: I asked a question. Use. Your. Words. Not wanting to anger him anymore she almost instantly answer. Mina: yes! yes! I'm sorry! Fresh tears stained her face with his grip on her painful wrist lessening ever so slightly. Finally seeing that she was taking this seriously deku began to speak again, still in his authoritive tone. Deku: I'm tired of this behavior from you mina. From now on you will address me as master and follow every command I give you. You will treat me with respect and love. Do these things and I'll show you my side. Fail to comply and swift punishment will be administered. Am I absolutely clear?!

At this point mina was too scared to say no to him out of fear that he will hurt her again. Mina: y-yes... m-master I u-understand. Satisfied with her answer he embraced her in a gentle yet loving embrace.  mina hesitantly hugged him back in a shaky embrace. Mina: (please somebody... Save me)

In class 1/UA~

Everything had gone so wrong. Villain attacks, 2 students kidnapped with one becoming a lethal assassin that hunts Pro heroines. Aizawa saw this as a nightmare becoming paranoid. Her paranoia was reflected in the classroom with her teaching becoming very hands on and serious. Near non stop quirk and physical training was intense, classwork was more based on ambushes and how to immobilise a villain and how to fight in the dark or places where ambush was a good chance. Despite being very beneficial for the class it was also mentally but also physically detrimental from the lack of sleep and cramps the students suffered. It got to the point that principle Natalie had to force aizawa to come down on the training so they can rest and have some free time. However, these actions didn't go so well with aizawa voicing her complaints in the next meeting. Aizawa: principle Natalie I must heavily protest and demand that I resume my training for my class. I've already lost two students. And must I remind you that 1 has become a serious danger with her kill count of 23 Pro heroines. I don't need another student of mine becoming a pro heroine assassin! Sipping her tea quietly; Natalie listened to aizawa complain and make some valid points but she wasn't going to change her mind on the matter knowing the students need rest. However, she did agree something had to be find and that the student known as mina ashido is found and returned before she also follows in the footsteps of the fallen student/older sister izumi midoriya.

Principal Natalie: i an assure you shota we will find her soon, we've already started pin pointing the location to East of the city where pro heroines in groups of 2 accompanied by police is searching as we speak. As soon as we have located them we will mount a rescue oporation and arrest him along with his collaborators. Deciding now was the best time to chine in president mic chipped in. President mic: yeah don't worry shota we will save them and save your students. I'll even come along with you. Similarly to president mic hawks also said her input. Hawks: yeah have faith shota we'll save baby bird and get him behind bars. He won't escape. Sighing heavily in defeat shota sat back down in her seat. Shota: fine but I won't sit idle. Come on midnight we need to find them. Quickly getting to her feet she strided off, quickly followed by midnight who was also in a rush. Sipping her tea again principle Natalie thought of how they would rescue mina as it would have to be timed at the point that izumi was away in order to make what seemed a dangerous task a bit less lethal.

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