Next Course Of Action And Bringing Mina Into The Fold

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Humming to himself he couldn't help but ponder on this matter . Afterall, that was a good question as their base is compromised, well more accurately. Destroyed. It had taken him a full 3 minutes to decide having to factor everything in. And just like that, a mental light bulb lit up in his mind making him snap his fingers subconsciously. Deku: aha! I've got it! Alright sister listen up. We'll remain and help the league for now if deemed useful for our means while I have an underwater base built. That way we'll be safer from pro heroine attacks. I'll have an underground tunnel built and a purpose made escape route. What do you think. Awaiting her response, deku pre-ocupied himself with the layout, giving izumi time to think it over. Her reply took awhile due to her measuring up the pros and cons. In the midst of this an improtant question cropped up into her mind. Izumi: (it does sound like a scary yet useful and probably nice view but how would we possibly get the materials and workforce to build such a place including the wiring and people to maintain such a base) uhm master may I ask how we'll build a place and maintain it? With the question out into the open, deku was quick to respond. Deku: well you see dear sister, during the months we've been at large, I've secured a contract with a special construction company who are able to do this. I always plan ahead. The bank money from those pro heroines you've killed is enough to pay for it as well. As for the excuse, it'll be a science center.

Understanding her brothers plan she couldn't help but smile. Izumi: master your a genuine genius. Amused by his sisters comment he ever so slightly sat up a bit straighter before pulling her into his lap. Taken aback by this a small squeak came out from her mouth. Izumi: eep! M-master what are y-you doing? With a short hum he rested back. Deku: enjoying a sibling embrace. Wrapping an arm around her, she slowly calmed down returning the hug. Sighing deku looked down at his sister. Deku: sister, I need a favor and I will tell you now, I'm not lightly asking this. Concerned by this she shimmied herself towards him facing his direction. Izumi: what do you need master? You can tell me. Caressing his cheek, she gave him a hopeful smile. Clenching his fist tightly as he turned away, the internal battle scraped at his conscious. Deku: (danmit sister, why must you put me in this situation) turning back to face her; he grumbled in defeat. Deku: I need you to get shoka for me. A loud gasp escaped izumi's lips as she stated him down. Izumi:brother why would you want Her of all people. Not liking the insebordunation coming from her, deku slammed his fist onto the table making a loud. CRACK! As the wooden table had a large split form in the middle. The sound along with the large crack quickly made izumi shut up. Deku: you know better then most sister to not speak to me in such manner. Now as to why I want her is none of your concern for now. Get her and being her here, when you do then I shall tell you. Now out of my sight. Already feeling the tension and anger radiating from him, she decided now was not the best of times to back talk him.

Izumi: y-yes master of course. The stutter in her voice betrayed her emotions to him as she made a hasty exit. Izumi: (phew. I'm glad to be out of there, the only person that still scares me is my brother and I doubt I'll ever overcome that but at the same time, my heart aches whenever he does that) deciding it was more efficient to manage her time to think about catching shoka instead of what juat happened and bring it up later is the ideal thing to do at the present time. Izumi continued to make her way towards U.A school. Izumi: (alright izumi, time to get focused, get the brat and then bring them to brother and you get your answers, short and sweet) shouting a bid farewell through the ever so slightly open door. The only sound being a soft click as the door shut filled the silence of the room. A sympathetic look crossed deku's face as he looked at the door that izumi had just left through. Deku: (I'm sorry sister, I know you wanted to kill them but I want one of them as a sex toy. The other one I'll let you kill. This'll be the ultimate revenge and I can't lie, shoka looks good) a sly smirk quickly replaced his previous expression when his mind began to wonder. However, Changing his priorities and thoughts quickly. Deku forced himself to regain a calm expression. Deku: mina, I request your presence. A shirt while passed before a familiar pink skinned face with black eyes a round yellow pupil poked it's head out of the doorway. Mina: y-ys master? Her voice was still timid with her pupils a bit wider then usual.

Amused by her fear, he couldn't help but grin causing the pink skinned girl to duck a bit behind the doorframe as a child would when startled. Deku: come here. With a bit of hesitation and tremors in her body, she forced her body forwards. With every step she took, the battle in her mind was sped up. Mina: (do I love him? I know it's wrong but he hasn't done anything to hurt me, he's been kind all be it, he had me kidnapped and put in a cell but he's... Not that bad right?) before she knew it, she was standing in front of him, the sly grin on his face from earlier had grown into a full sized grin again. Without any warning, he pulled her down into his lap starling mina as she gasped unintentionally clinging onto him thinking she was going to fall. Chuckling darkly at this, deku patted her back. Deku: your alright mina. Stroking her hair gently with his free hand, mina whimpered a little both out of fear in asking him to stop but also because she felt a bit embarrassed knowing that she was clutching him tightly like a baby sloth would to it's parent. Mina: i-I'm sorry master. A hum came from deku as he pressed his hand to her chest feeling her heart beating rapidly. Perplexed by this, he quickly eyed her face seeing a purple blush across her face. Deku: well well, didn't think you'd fall so quickly for me mina. Upon hearing this, mina's blush increased ten fold as she stumbled with her words. Mina: HUH! N-NO NO MASTER Y-YOU'VE GOT IT A-ALL WRONG. As she continued to try defy her emotions, deku decided to try something to see if she would be 'that' kind of girl.

Mentally preparing himself and finding the correct tone to use deku stared her down before speaking. In a confident but also commanding tone that sounded in a way of demanding respect he spoke. Deku: mina. Startled by the sudden change of tone she quickly shit up and looked at him while mentally sweating bullets. Mina: (shit! I upset him what if he punishes me, I'm doomed!) y-yes master? Seeing the glare he was giving her made mina mentally shrink at seeing this glare. Deku: stop making excuses and be honest. Stuck between a rock and hard place, she decides to finally give away with her logical thinking. Mina: I g-guess I've b-beem falling for y-you master. Will you let m-me be a wife? Instead of giving her a verbal answer, he pulled her head in and kissed her passionately. So taken off guard by this, mina didn't know how to react, for a short few seconds she stood still before eventually melting into the kiss where she also returned the kiss.

(authors notes: hey everybody here is the next chapter, hope you all enjoyed it and I shall be looking at bringing a family chapter between deku and his wives along with his sister before looking at adding AFO to the harem so for all those waiting for that I ask that you be patient. Enjoy your day/night and I'll catch you all next time)

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