Rescue And New Base

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The building and tunnels had collapsed, it's creaking foundations unable to weather the impact of all mighty's texas smash that unleashed a powerful shockwave that rung the foundations like a bell which unintentionally caused the building and tunnels to collapse. It didn't take long for police and pro heroines to start moving rubble and looking through, the rubble clearing didn't take long due to Mt Lady being present who was busy grabbing large pieces of debrie and rubble in her giant form allowing search parties to start looking in as little as 10 minutes. It had only taken 5 minutes to find the distraction group, all but midnight was alright having a large amount of rubble trapping her left leg. It didn't take long to get them all out to safety. However, finding the arrest group wasn't as easy due to them being deep within the tunnels. Compared to the 5 minutes of looking to find the distraction group. It had taken an entire 2 hours to find them. All were in bad shape. All mighty's back was badly burned from protecting uraraka from the explosion, uraraka also had burns despite all mighty covering her leaving her legs wounded from where the fire of the explosion had passed all mighty. Kirishima had been covered in rubble suffering multiple fractured bones only being saved from worse due to her quirk being active. Shota was bleeding from a piece of rock that flew away from the explosion and sliced the right side of her waist open and nejire had suffered a moderate concussion and crushed hands from blocks of stone that had fallen on them.

The news team present were also on air. News reporter: our worst grate have been realised folks. In the mission to capture villain deku and any of his accomplices have ended in failure, the entire mission was a disaster, the symbol of peace and pro heroines shota & midnight were hurt, students from class 1-A uraraka & kirishima have been badly hurt but worst of all, the villain deku had escaped, all be it injured but still at large. As the reporter finished her words, the camera was panned over to the ambulances where the more critically injured were put in the back before driving away. Back in U.A the mood was bleak. But this was even more so present within class 1-A. Momo gasped as she heard the reporter speak as a churning feel sermented itself into her stomach. Momo: that's horrible! I hope they'll be alright. Toru came over to her from the couch to comfort her as the others were comforting eachone and another. Toru: hey momo I'm sure it'll be alright they're strong and will pull through. Momo sighed in defeat know she couldn't do anything but trust in the medical staff. Momo: I guess your right toru, thank you for your words of encouragement. Giving the invisible girl a smile, momo got up. Momo: I think I'm going to go to my room and sleep. Goodnight everyone. Taking her leave Iida was next to speak. Iida: alright everyone it's late and with this tenuous situation I believe we all require some sleep. Chopping the air quickly she bid everyone a goodnight and also left for her room. Toru: yawns. I think they're right, it is late afterall. Goodnight everybody. Following the same path as momo and Iida to her room everybody else soon bid their good night's and left for their room.

Inside principle Natalie's office, fear was in abundance. Cementos: principle, this isn't looking good. First this new villain turns up who ends up being the first male with a quirk, out of nowhere must I remind everyone at the USJ and captured ex student izumi midoriya who appears a few months later as an expierenced assassin who has killed multiple pro heroines, and now this. Sipping her tea Natalie looked up from the small cup filled with green tea. Principle Natalie: yes I am very aware how this is going for us cementos, if this keeps up the public will loose faith in us. This is worse than the time of AFO as the public has seen all mighty rushed off to hospital. We'll need to learn more about this villain deku before we make anymore rash decisions. All the pro heroines agreed, shockingly even endeavour did which had surprised most to see her quiet and actually agreeing with them. Cementos: wait hold on a minute! Endeavor?! You agree? Settling back in her seat endeavour looked over at everyone's but Natalie's surprised expression. Endeavour: this villain has proven to be more cunning and willing to do things others wouldn't. I can't face him as he is so I must swollow my pride and take a step back. To say everyone in the room was stunned would hsve been a gross understatment. Laughing in her usual crazy fashion principle Natalie spilt some of her tea. Principle Natalie: it seems she has come to her senses at last. A visual tick mark could be seen on her face before resting her head on the table grumbling.

Back with deku~

Exiting the portal he fell straight into the arms of izumi that had an angry look on her face but also one of pain. Izumi: oh master what have they done to you? Setting him down onto the table, she quickly rushed to grab the first aid kit and started to patch him up. Sowing open wounds closed, wrapping bandages over large cuts present along his chest and arms. In the end his chest, arms, hands, legs and back all had either stitches, bandages or some sort of medical treatment applied to him. It didn't take long for him to wake up. Within the hour, deku had woken up again, this time in pain. Grunting at the pain, deku looked about seeing the familiar atmosphere of the bar. Deku: (the league of villains hideout?) checking his apparence on the nearby mirror he instantly noticed the bandages and a sleeping izumi besides him on a chair. Deku: (thank you sister, even though I might not show it much I still care about you. You've earned my forgiveness) letting his hand move freely in her hair, he couldn't help but remember the old days where things were better.

10 years ago told by deku's perspective~

Deku: at the time izumi was only six while I was 12.( Funny isn't it how ressurection with dark power changed me from a wimpy 16 year old to a powerful 25 year old with a strong build) anyway, back on track. Izumi was a much different person, she was bubbly, adorable and energetic. (Those were the good days where that bitch didn't interfere with her life or this broken society that is so divided). Little izumi: big brother! Big brother! Come play with me. Looking up from my notebook I saw her jumping with joy. Young deku: alright sis what game do you want to play? Humming slightly to herself, her expression instantly snapped to an excited one. Little izumi: HIDE AND SEEK! laughing at her enthusiasm, all it took was a simple nod. Little izumi: you seek and I'll hide. No peaking count to 10. Running off with the occasional skip was the best thing I enjoyed seeing her do. Happy, untainted by this unfair world. Turning around I counted. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 ready or not here I come.

End of memory~

Not noticing that he had been crying it was only when he felt the tears fall onto his hands to realise. Deku:! I was.. Crying? Snatching a paper towel from the counter, he quickly wiped the tears away before throwing it into the trash bin. Deku: I guess this'll serve as my new base with the league of villains for the time being until I find another more suitable one. Which the pro heroines can't easily access. Now where are my clothes. Sitting up was painful for him almost feeling like he had been hit with a sledgehammer to the abdomen making a grunt escape his lips occasionally. Deku: need to deal with this, my shadow powers don't aid with healing due to it being purely offensive. Next time I won't hold bsck with my power, I can't be reckless when I'm a father in waiting. Unknown to him, all the noise and grunts of pain that he's been making had just woken izumi up. Izumi: yawns. What happened? Looking around she could see her brother awake and moving but clearly could be seen in pain. Quickly jumping to her feet, she rushed over to him and gently put one hand on his chest and the other on his lower back. Izumi: master what were you thinking!? Your too injured to move, it's irresponsible. As she ranted deku became a little bit lost to thoughts. Deku: (since when did she become like this? Has she always been like this and I failed to notice?) confused to no end he was only snapped out when izumi came to her question. Izumi: master why did you move. Sighing he pointed at the medical cabinet. Deku: I needed pain killers.

Izumi: master you could have woken me up for this, hold on let me get them for you. Getting up from her seat, she went over and got a glass of water and two pain killer tablets before returning to him and handing them over. Deku wasted no time after getting them, popping both in his mouth he washed it down with the water. Deku: help me move to the chair, it's uncomfortable to lie here sister. Huffing a bit knowing he probably ignored most of her rant but glad that he was asking for help this time she used her quirk to lift him up and down onto the chair gently. Deku: thank you sister. Smiling a bit izumi went over and sat down next to him. Curious to know what was next she turned to face him. Izumi: master? What is our next move.

(authors notes: alright everyone leaving it off on another cliffhanger. Sorry for the long wait I had been bogged down in assignments and my new story, I'll be releasing the current harem and ones on progress for deku like AFO as she's not in the harem yet but will be. Feel free to post if you want anybody else added into the harem here in the comments or on the harem update. Catch you all later and I'll see you soon)

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